Miscellaneous News


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Their ancestral homo sapiens model was Indo-European after all; one cannot discount behavioural genetics to account for this rather peculiar behaviour- prone to mass religious hysteria, high propensity to violence, and a
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. This penchant turned on itself results in the many witch hunts amongst race conscious groups over what is now called the 'JQ', when in reality, they're simply doing it to themselves.

In post Brexit Britain, we're seeing the effects of mass inflation and internecine violence, which is being kept mum by the BBC.
For context, the riot occured due to allegations of a young british girl being sexually harassed by a migrant living in the nearby migrant hostel.

On the note of shifting changes in the world today, anyone notice an uptick on 'Passport Bros' trending on TikTok and youtube etc? Generally, they're middle to middle-upper class men who use the growing value of the USD to sexually exploit women of other nations and expect to live priviliged lives of excess; commonly found in Bali and Thailand.
Compared to the unrest and poverty of their home nations in the Anglosphere, there is certainly a massive divide between the haves and the have-nots.
V for Vendetta coming to the UK as full speed. I wonder why these crazy people are trying so hard to emulate Hollywood movies when they know it’s bad and it is going to cause some serious harm and they still cannot resist to urge to screw themselves up. It’s like the uk loves to do this to themselves nowadays. Am I bad when I find it strangely funny that the leadership in the UK has an easy way out yet the go out of their way to dig themselves an even bigger hole. And the leaders get rewarded for digging such a hole, it’s they are rewarded for destroying the UK and the people are cheering them on so blindly. For some reason, I reckon they secretly enjoy the pain like a Japanese SM gimp mask wearing lunatic


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Is this serious?

I am not even joking.

Although I must admit, I am having trouble typing this message with a straight face.

We just need confirmation, could be kill no. 2 for the Raptors.

Amerikkka has turned into a clown nation

25 years ago I was playing this F-22 sim by DiD a British defense sim company

Who would have thought back then that the first two kills of F22 were ballon, the second one perhaps even a self own...

DiD went under, now UK is going down under. Down under is going down under. US not far behind...

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Tongliao Rubber is responsible for like 70% of the world’s supply of condom rubber though. Way to go boosting the US population. Take note Seeseepee.

PS this may or may not be a poor attempt at shitposting.
Definitely trolling.
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The six companies were identified as Beijing Nanjiang Aerospace Technology Co., China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 48th Research Institute, Dongguan Lingkong Remote Sensing Technology Co., Eagles Men Aviation Science and Technology Group Co., Guangzhou Tian-Hai-Xiang Aviation Technology Co., and Shanxi Eagles Men Aviation Science and Technology Group Co.