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proof that hinduization is to western style societies what carcinization is to arthropods. The only way I could realize this wasn't written by a jai hind is because it had references to drug cartels.
Their ancestral homo sapiens model was Indo-European after all; one cannot discount behavioural genetics to account for this rather peculiar behaviour- prone to mass religious hysteria, high propensity to violence, and a
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. This penchant turned on itself results in the many witch hunts amongst race conscious groups over what is now called the 'JQ', when in reality, they're simply doing it to themselves.

In post Brexit Britain, we're seeing the effects of mass inflation and internecine violence, which is being kept mum by the BBC.
For context, the riot occured due to allegations of a young british girl being sexually harassed by a migrant living in the nearby migrant hostel.

On the note of shifting changes in the world today, anyone notice an uptick on 'Passport Bros' trending on TikTok and youtube etc? Generally, they're middle to middle-upper class men who use the growing value of the USD to sexually exploit women of other nations and expect to live priviliged lives of excess; commonly found in Bali and Thailand.
Compared to the unrest and poverty of their home nations in the Anglosphere, there is certainly a massive divide between the haves and the have-nots.



Repeat after me:
The American People are not afraid of Chinese Imperialism, Chinese Imperialism is afraid of American people!
Anglo's unite and take down Chinese Imperialism and Russian Revisionism!
Smash in the dog skull of anyone who opposes neoliberalism!

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US policymakers are a bunch of hypocrites and crybabies, as though American balloon has never flew over China.

Very humanitarian.

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Some Westerners are truly evil, in stark contrast to China.

"gLoBaL bR1Ta1n" be acting like an immature snob:

If the UK arrests the Xinjiang governor (who is an Uyghur himself), then China certainly can reciprocate in kind.

There are quite a few British diplomats in China, alongside so-called BBC "China correspondents". Any of them can be nabbed on charges of espionage and conducting operations that are harmful to China and the Chinese people.

China already has first-hand experience of dealing with US-Canada's unlawful joint-kidnapping of Meng Wanzhou. Sure, London can attempt Act 2, and let's see how that goes down for the UK.
Every time Xinjiang is mentioned, just remember that it was Tibet before.