I read it as EU and UK are trying 创造条件, trying to roll back the muh GeNoCiDe narrative. Europes reeks of desperation.
I read it as EU and UK are trying 创造条件, trying to roll back the muh GeNoCiDe narrative. Europes reeks of desperation.
It does feel a bit that way, if they're just going to invite him for mudslinging he wouldn't even go in the first place.I read it as EU and UK are trying 创造条件, trying to roll back the muh GeNoCiDe narrative. Europes reeks of desperation.
It does feel a bit that way, if they're just going to invite him for mudslinging he wouldn't even go in the first place.
If it goes down that way wouldn't this be Red Wedding level top 10 anime betrayal of all time?
I am also aware that many enemies of China are too stupid to get the message that China is not to be messed with. Some had to learn that the hard way: India in 1962, India again in 2020, Vietnam in 1979-1988.There have been plenty of warnings. Not bombastic nationalist rhetoric which is useless, but actions..
Shijian-21 hauling a GEO satellite out of orbit should be a warning that even their high orbit satellites, including GPS and early warning, aren't safe.
All the successful midcourse interceptor tests should be a warning that not everything they launch will get through.
100+ ballistic missiles test firings per year should be warning them that China doesn't run out of missiles and delivery vehicles aren't the bottleneck.
Orbital launches with solid fueled rockets launched from TELs like Kuaizhou-1A should be warning them that ICBMs are abundant to the degree where they can be burned on regular commercial launches.
Revealing higher HEU refining capability than the US should alert them that fissile material isn't a limiting factor either.
The problem is the other side isn't taking the warnings seriously or is too stupid to understand the significance. Show 24 DF-41 on parade as a warning and they take it as a sign of submission- HA, they only have 24 DF-41s! yet bombastic nationalist rhetoric is likely to be seen as a joke or belligerence.
So what do when opponent is too stupid or incompetent to understand warning signals through action and doesn't take you seriously enough where rhetoric works? Well, we found out once: 1962 India.
I agree with a formal warning, but not through words alone. Otherwise they'll dismiss it as "China is just a paper tiger going back to North Korea style rhetorical aggression". No, it has to be accompanied by physical escalation.I am also aware that many enemies of China are too stupid to get the message that China is not to be messed with. Some had to learn that the hard way: India in 1962, India again in 2020, Vietnam in 1979-1988.
The problem with the US right now, is that when they finally learn their lesson the hard way, it's through nuclear Armageddon. No one who survives it would be in any mood to be laughing at the stupidity of America.
The better way forward for now, is for China to give a formal warning to the US and friends. Do it in press conferences, get the highest ranking military official to issue that warning. That China is fully capable of giving back nuclear annihilation to any enemy who dares attacks China with nukes of any size. Hint that China already has plenty of warheads and delivery vehicles for the job. Then end the warning with: "This is not a bluff". It needs to be official, and it needs to be firm. If those idiot leaders in the US still don't believe it, at least their generals and intelligence people would have think about it, and attempt to stop the madness.
If you think moderating this forum was a thankless enough chore, trying to moderator those animals will turn you suicidal or homicidal, or maybe both. You couldn’t pay me enough to do for such a job.Capitol Hill be needing some moderators? Anyone wanna volunteer?
Doesn't China already challenge FON consistently? We don't know what goes down in most of these interactions. There's stories of PLA using EW on US and allies. See the following:I agree with a formal warning, but not through words alone. Otherwise they'll dismiss it as "China is just a paper tiger going back to North Korea style rhetorical aggression". No, it has to be accompanied by physical escalation.
Plenty of legal opportunities to do this like next time their destroyers do a "FON" exercise just shadow them closely (<1 km) with coast guard and naval ships, light them up with gun (but not missile) radar, spam them with comms telling them to gtfo. If they approach within 12 nm of a Chinese island, physically remove them by ramming. If they sink, they sink, their problem. This shows that China doesn't fuck around with the legal rights it is entitled to, yet keeps escalation level below a shooting war.
That, plus rhetoric, works. Rhetoric alone is easily dismissed or twisted.
PLA standoff with Australian, Japanese and US destroyers using EM capabilities in the Spratly Islands.
Based on this quote, wonder if the Western navies had some of their equipment jammed.
Back to the Chinese balloon again guys. I'm a bit confused about the legality of US actions to shoot it down -- not that US cares about international law, unless it suits them.
What is sovereign airspace in terms of altitude? When does it become international space, like international waters according to UNCLOS? Is the 60,000ft the limit?
I think we gotta change a leader or side if we want to start a cultural revolution in US. The cuckservatives are all about LARPing, we need a leader that will energize the Antifas.
Repeat after me:
The American People are not afraid of Chinese Imperialism, Chinese Imperialism is afraid of American people!
Anglo's unite and take down Chinese Imperialism and Russian Revisionism!
Smash in the dog skull of anyone who opposes neoliberalism!
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