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More info about the balloon, actually a fleet of balloons for spying. May not be BS, if so, bad optics for China. The game of spying is to not get caught, even though everybody knows everybody does spying.
I will believe the opposite of what the country that gave us the Iraq WMD and Libya Army Viagra stories said. Oh, that country might have also blown up Nord Stream 2.

BTW, Wikipedia has become a tool of US PSYOP. According to it, the renowned investigative report that exposed the My Lai Massacre, Abu Ghraib torture scandal, and the Nord Stream 2 blow-up is also a "conspiracy theorist".

China's rescue team at work in the earthquake zone.

Taiwan's high school graduates can now apply for mainland universities by using the results of Taiwan's university entrance tests.
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Taiwan's high school graduates can now apply for mainland universities by using the results of Taiwan's university entrance tests.
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This is the way to win over the younger generations from Taiwan :D .

Parents will pay tuition to improve quality of mainland universities and students will make mainland college friends.


Registered Member
This is the way to win over the younger generations from Taiwan :D .

Parents will pay tuition to improve quality of mainland universities and students will make mainland college friends.
China has been quietly doing this for a while now, mostly with elites from African countries but also:
That's Roh Geon-ho, son of South Korean ex-president
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writing a thesis on international relations (focus on aviation industry) at Peking University right now.


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So this crusade is continuing but I wonder what China's policy response should be? If the US & vassals decide to restrict out-bound investment into China, should China respond by forcing the existing Western share holders in these sectors to divest on the cheap? It'd be a great opportunity to stop the flow of profits to Western investors and keep them in Chinese hands.

China could play the reverse CCP-corruption-capital-flight-to-US card: Maximise infighting between D and R by selectively revealing which D/R politicians and their families are making money hand over fist in China.


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Back to the Chinese balloon again guys. I'm a bit confused about the legality of US actions to shoot it down -- not that US cares about international law, unless it suits them.

What is sovereign airspace in terms of altitude? When does it become international space, like international waters according to UNCLOS? Is the 60,000ft the limit?