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Based Biden, the guy never lies. US-China relations haven't taken a big hit because, simply enough, there were no relations to begin with.

How can you have non-zero relations with your enemy? Biden is on point once again


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Let's not be ignorant. The US has a nuclear war plan for China today. It is a first-strike-only plan involving primarily Trident submarines and bombers. The US has no real second-strike plan for China, because it knows that China has no nukes close enough to the US to threaten a first strike. All of the Cold War era declassified documents of various US nuclear war plans on China are first-strike only plans. Why is the US so enthusiastically reviving the idea of forward deploying nuclear weapons so close to China's shores? So that the US can regain the capability to hit Chinese cities within as short a flight time as possible. The US defense circles have floated many times the idea of a decapitation strike on China (and also Russia) in the hopium that that would halt or stall their 2nd strike response. Russia replied to this insane idea by saying that their Perimeter system is still intact for such eventuality. China had not yet declared any counter plan for this. That doesn't mean that China doesn't have it, but the US takes this silence as a sign of weakness.

There is something even worse. American defense circles today are bringing up the idea that they could somehow use low-yield nuclear weapons on China with impunity. They theorized that China could not reply US low-yield nuke strikes because China does not have equivalent tactical nukes, and that China won't use their strategic weapons in fear of a full-scale American strategic nuclear retaliation. Because America has a much larger strategic nuclear arsenal than China. This is the insane stuff being discussed in the US right now by people in the government, and the general public. And those low-yield nukes are real. There are W76-2 low yield warheads mounted in Trident missiles, and B-61 Mod 12 bombs (on low setting) in full production. Those brand new low-yield nukes have lowered the general threshold for America to use nukes. This is just not good for humanity.

My main issue is that, America is currently not taking the Chinese nuclear threat serious enough. There are still debates as to whether current Chinese nuclear stockpiles can deliver true MAD to America. This is not a good limbo to be in for China. The current declared stockpiles is not having the same deterrence effect that it had decades ago. Because right now, there are idiot Americans thinking that exchanging Los Angeles for Shanghai, to burn China down is somehow 'worth it'. You'll be surprised at how idiotic and gullible Americans think about nuclear war with China. The American elites just don't care. They have allowed more than 1 million of its citizens to die of Covid without batting an eye. They won't care about losing millions more to nuclear fire, as long as it's an 'acceptable' price for them. In the sick minds of the American jingoists, that in a general nuclear exchange, China will burn more than the US in the end. I am aware that China is not sitting on its laurels, but it is about time that they could come up with some serious statement to say that China can do MAD now, and that any nuclear attack, no matter how small will be replied with a full strategic retaliation. So don't try anything.
There have been plenty of warnings. Not bombastic nationalist rhetoric which is useless, but actions..

Shijian-21 hauling a GEO satellite out of orbit should be a warning that even their high orbit satellites, including GPS and early warning, aren't safe.

All the successful midcourse interceptor tests should be a warning that not everything they launch will get through.

100+ ballistic missiles test firings per year should be warning them that China doesn't run out of missiles and delivery vehicles aren't the bottleneck.

Orbital launches with solid fueled rockets launched from TELs like Kuaizhou-1A should be warning them that ICBMs are abundant to the degree where they can be burned on regular commercial launches.

Revealing higher HEU refining capability than the US should alert them that fissile material isn't a limiting factor either.

The problem is the other side isn't taking the warnings seriously or is too stupid to understand the significance. Show 24 DF-41 on parade as a warning and they take it as a sign of submission- HA, they only have 24 DF-41s! yet bombastic nationalist rhetoric is likely to be seen as a joke or belligerence.

So what do when opponent is too stupid or incompetent to understand warning signals through action and doesn't take you seriously enough where rhetoric works? Well, we found out once: 1962 India.


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China MFA protested Biden's rhetoric on Xi and the Chinese economy.

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Biden just opened the floodgates on Xi-bashing. If the president can say something like that about Xi, then what can the everyday US congressman get away with?

We're going to see upped vitriol and personal attacks. Every juvenile, racial insult these bullies have used since elementary school.


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China and Russia are leading a gradual transition away from reliance on the West and its technologies. If successful, the West's influence around the world will most certainly decline as countries realize that they don't need to accept Western conditions for development, that they can successfully solve the technical challenges themselves or with the help of countries outside of the West.

Although I am a rightist, I believe the way the Marxists looks at it is probably more correct.

It is not about innovation, or technologies, it is all about means of production.

In today's globalized world, where only the best products survive, meaning that a company will need to be innovative and be technologically competent to survive, it just becomes a game of who can do it better.

The answer to that, is in trade data.

When the West talks about their technology and innovation, they got to make it real, in that they got to make something out of their high tech knowledge.

As of today, the world probably does not need the West and their technology. There are alternatives.

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So this crusade is continuing but I wonder what China's policy response should be? If the US & vassals decide to restrict out-bound investment into China, should China respond by forcing the existing Western share holders in these sectors to divest on the cheap? It'd be a great opportunity to stop the flow of profits to Western investors and keep them in Chinese hands.

Laugh in economics?

The idiocy behind such a suggestion is frankly staggering, but entirely in keeping with the relentlessly self-centred, baselessly egotistical sense of entitlement that current western politicians seems to pride themselves on.

It’s basically stupid spoilt rich brat syndrome, where people who did nothing to earn the wealth and power they inherited from their betters only thinks to flaunt that wealth and power by pissing it away like it’s going out of fashion while treating arrogance and ignorance as virtues to be proud of. But not only are these stupid spoilt rich brat western politicians behaving like stupid spoilt rich brats themselves, they are making their respective countries behave like stupid spoilt rich brats as well.

Investment isn’t charity. American companies are not lining up to invest in China out of the goodness of their hearts. They invest in China because they see those Chinese companies as winners, and they make massive profits on those investments.

This is why it’s extra hard for anyone to catch up to America, because it isn’t a fair race. As the up and coming challenger, not only do you have to run faster than the Americans, you have to do so while half carrying your American competitor. Because as Chinese companies grow, the American companies that invested in their also see their profits grow off of the hard work of the Chinese companies they invest in.

The Chinese companies who are worth investing in will find investors who like profits. It’s American companies who will be fucked the most by such bans since they will not be allowed to invest in the best companies with the best returns. Indeed, they might have to invest in direct competitors to the Chinese winners they would have chosen if given the choice, and those Chinese winners will probably end up eating the lunch of the non-Chinese companies the Americans invested in, so not only no profits, but potentially capital losses.

So the Chinese response will be to not interrupt their opponents when they are making mistakes. China might even complain real hard like they are scared of such a ban just to help it over the line if needed.


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The basis of this claim is that the balloon contains communications equipment. A weather balloon would obviously be able to its sent its data back to it's research institute. My car also contains communications equipment, in 2 modulations in fact! Maybe its a Japanese spy!
I know the evidence is thin... but let's not kid ourselves, that balloon was most likely not a mere weather balloon.

Like I said, there's no shame in spying, everybody does it. But try not to get caught, unless getting caught is the intent.


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Biden just opened the floodgates on Xi-bashing. If the president can say something like that about Xi, then what can the everyday US congressman get away with?

We're going to see upped vitriol and personal attacks. Every juvenile, racial insult these bullies have used since elementary school.

Capitol Hill be needing some moderators? Anyone wanna volunteer?