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Useless parents can't stop their kid from doing hard drugs and somehow it is China's fault? What a bunch of snowflakes. Why don't they blame all the school shootings on China too because China invented gunpowder and firearms?
It's more that they can't control their own borders. The smuggling isn't through China. It's all from Mexico, Canada, etc.

They're basically saying "China you need to control your borders" when the problem is they can't control their own borders. I don't see Japan or South Korea complaining about this - it's because they can control their borders.

I don't see the CCP doing anything in the current political climate other than telling the US to go **** itself.


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Iranian Turbines for Nord Stream? If that happens then Nord Stream 1 is going to be living on borrowed time.
Contrary to many people's perception, Iran may be more advanced than Russia and China in producing heavy duty industrial gas turbines. There was the time of good relationship between Iran and the west before the revolution. During that time Iran acquired licences to produce E class gas turbine. The gas turbine in this news is an improved version of Siemens turbine.

China and Russia may be in the top tier in indigenous design and produce military engines, but they did not have the time in working on heavy duty industrial turbines. China only reached E, F and H class from 2020s. Russia is even behind China.

If China can first produce a copy then improve on imported design such as Soviet jet engines, I don't see why Iranian can not do the same. The key is the why (it is designed in a certain way) and the hardware to produce, the rest is simple. The Iranian got both from Siemens. Essentially the Iranian GT is like a Mercedes produced in a Chinese factory, should not be a surprise.


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So this crusade is continuing but I wonder what China's policy response should be? If the US & vassals decide to restrict out-bound investment into China, should China respond by forcing the existing Western share holders in these sectors to divest on the cheap? It'd be a great opportunity to stop the flow of profits to Western investors and keep them in Chinese hands.


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China and Russia may be in the top tier in indigenous design and produce military engines, but they did not have the time in working on heavy duty industrial turbines.
They have been working on it for while. in reality Russian dont like German engineering thats why Russia is among few raw material countries that consistently produced trade surpluses with Germany. I am sure German political establishment not like it either as Germany want other countries depended on them. Iranian will work for short term but no one knows long term reliability and maintainability. thats why PowerMachines is taking so long. they want Japanese type quality and reliability. when you search used Japanese made Toyota on official Toyata ru website. The used prices are way higher even for 10 years old vehicles compared to other countries.

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"Every attempt to enter the market over the last twenty years has failed. Only Mitsubishi has been able to make the transition from producing medium-sized turbines to the production of large-scale turbines. And it was only able to do so with great effort and a lot of financial help from the Japanese government," explains Zelinger.


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China and Russia are leading a gradual transition away from reliance on the West and its technologies. If successful, the West's influence around the world will most certainly decline as countries realize that they don't need to accept Western conditions for development, that they can successfully solve the technical challenges themselves or with the help of countries outside of the West.

There are opportunities there to build a new world, but only if we get away from the idea that global supply chains should have a bottle neck like the US that decides who thrives and who fails. That's the essence of Western power as it exists today - and great powers naturally resent it. But they won't be quick to jump onto a Chinese version of the same system, either - ie one in which China can use sanctions to determine who thrives and who fails.

This is why I've always believed that the key to rallying the Global South against Western hegemony is not for China to "replace" the US in the global hierarchy, but rather, to do away with the global reliance on the West by building supply chains that do not have bottle necks or kill switches.

Helping countries develop their own technologies, and building an open source scientific & technological global community, is where salvation lies. This is not say that China should give away its inventions, but it is to say that the approach should be different than the West's, which has been to try and weaponize their inventions through restrictive patents, embargoes, and sanctions.

China would do well to help other countries in the Global South develop the ability to innovate, and to bring them into a common community of shared innovation that cannot be controlled by the West.


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More info about the balloon, actually a fleet of balloons for spying. May not be BS, if so, bad optics for China. The game of spying is to not get caught, even though everybody knows everybody does spying.

The basis of this claim is that the balloon contains communications equipment. A weather balloon would obviously be able to its sent its data back to it's research institute. My car also contains communications equipment, in 2 modulations in fact! Maybe its a Japanese spy!


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China and Russia are leading a gradual transition away from reliance on the West and its technologies. If successful, the West's influence around the world will most certainly decline as countries realize that they don't need to accept Western conditions for development, that they can successfully solve the technical challenges themselves or with the help of countries outside of the West.

There are opportunities there to build a new world, but only if we get away from the idea that global supply chains should have a bottle neck like the US that decides who thrives and who fails. That's the essence of Western power as it exists today - and great powers naturally resent it. But they won't be quick to jump onto a Chinese version of the same system, either - ie one in which China can use sanctions to determine who thrives and who fails.

This is why I've always believed that the key to rallying the Global South against Western hegemony is not for China to "replace" the US in the global hierarchy, but rather, to do away with the global reliance on the West by building supply chains that do not have bottle necks or kill switches.

Helping countries develop their own technologies, and building an open source scientific & technological global community, is where salvation lies. This is not say that China should give away its inventions, but it is to say that the approach should be different than the West's, which has been to try and weaponize their inventions through restrictive patents, embargoes, and sanctions.

China would do well to help other countries in the Global South develop the ability to innovate, and to bring them into a common community of shared innovation that cannot be controlled by the West.
I somewhat disagree, theres no guarantee these countries will show gratitude or loyalty for chinese generosity of tech transfer, especially when the elites of these countries try to live and send their kids to the US.
Better for china to simply provide an alternative to the Washington consensus, and thereby dilute Atlanticist power. China is not a doormat and foreigners should disabuse themselves of the notion that they can take advantage of the good nature of the Chinese people.