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They give Russia so much crap for performing poorly but I think that if chips were down, not many of the NATO nations would perform much better.
Basically none besides the US lol.

Even the countries 'considered' to have a strong military within NATO still have their own problems and the likes (specially looking at you, UK lol), and even France, basically 2nd in NATO, would just in general have a hard time to actually perform equivalent or better than Russia if it was alone (not to mention it really doesn't have the manpower without conscription, oh and also reducing presence in Africa, which is basically a no-no for the french lol).


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"gLoBaL bR1Ta1n" be acting like an immature snob:

If the UK arrests the Xinjiang governor (who is an Uyghur himself), then China certainly can reciprocate in kind.

There are quite a few British diplomats in China, alongside so-called BBC "China correspondents". Any of them can be nabbed on charges of espionage and conducting operations that are harmful to China and the Chinese people.

China already has first-hand experience of dealing with US-Canada's unlawful joint-kidnapping of Meng Wanzhou. Sure, London can attempt Act 2, and let's see how that goes down for the UK.


Registered Member
"gLoBaL bR1Ta1n" be acting like an immature snob:

If the UK arrests the Xinjiang governor (who is an Uyghur himself), then China certainly can reciprocate in kind.

There are quite a few British diplomats in China, alongside so-called BBC "China correspondents". Any of them can be nabbed on charges of espionage and conducting operations that are harmful to China and the Chinese people.

China already has first-hand experience of dealing with US-Canada's unlawful joint-kidnapping of Meng Wanzhou. Sure, London can attempt Act 2, and let's see how that goes down for the UK.
Kidnapping a random civilian is different from kidnapping a diplomat who is head of a region with similar economic output and population size as most EU countries. That would likely mean instant war like footing, like the relations between Libya and USA after the Benghazi attack.

This politician from Xinjiang is, from what one can look up online at least, completely clear, there is not a single valid legal charge with jurisdiction against him nor any international resolutions against him.

Attacking him would be a war declaration veiled in perfidy, which is a war crime.

There are extremely serious allegations against the UK, China should reach out and ask the regime to further clarify whether such plans really exist or if it is a statement from local extremists.
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If Russia wanted to replace their Siemens gas turbine with Saturn turbines, I'm sure that Saturn will be able to develop a suitable gas turbine with abit of time. The main reason that Russia didn't do that, was that it is much more cost efficient to replace like for like equipment in the short term.
replacement for so many turbines is not an option rather using it as long possible.
here the background. basically the technology is based on large aviation engines.

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The manufacturing rate of gas turbines was not big because the primary focus was on mass production of machines for steam-operated power plants. This was required in order to provide electrical and thermal capacity input at a record pace which was necessary for the developing economics of the country.
In 1991 the joint Russian-German enterprise InterTurbo was founded, a manufacturer of gas turbines in cooperation with LMZ and the Siemens company
The conversion of aircraft-engine-building advanced technologies has become the platform for domestic gas turbine plant production. A similar approach was used by all world-wide companies: when designing SGT5-4000F in cooperation with Pratt & Whitney, Siemens used an aircraft engine PW4000 as the basis; General Electric developed an installation of MS9001FA series based on the in-house aircraft engine CF6; the Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries used the aircraft engine Trent from Rolls Royce for M7001G.


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Reporter arrested trying to report on the latest Ohio chemical train disaster:

Just watched the video you linked in its entirety and then proceeded to read the reactions in the comment section provided by bots, deep state bots, real people, and trolls. I noticed that there's 1 user who keeps repeating the same comment over and over again which essentially blames the reporter for the fiasco. But since Americans are increasingly brain dead and brainwashed to be anti-China it didn't take long for someone/bot to insert China into their train wreck. I find it hilarious.



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So the Chinese response will be to not interrupt their opponents when they are making mistakes. China might even complain real hard like they are scared of such a ban just to help it over the line if needed.
With those peeps the more you complain the cheekier they get and they'd just demand more concessions from you, and you'd refuse then it's back to square one.

It works best to play to their over-inflated egos. China could just be like: "Nah you ain't got the pearls. Go ahead, I dare you. I double dare you." and that would do it.


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The power grid saboteurs seem to have gotten pretty far:
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Well the attack on Nordstrom 2 seems to become a green light for saboteurs (of any nationality in the USA given the number of nations that hate the USA and how piss poor the defenses are when it comes to stop people of this kind from getting into the USA) to basically go nuts on the food processing plants, the infrastructure and any energy grid areas with impunity as far as I can recall. I bet this idiots in Washington are completely gloating at what they did at Nordstrom that they are completely blind to the current dangers right now until the day the entire grid collapses and by then, it will be far too late to save the USA from an all out collapse (hence the saying that empires dont collapse from an external attack but from within when everything is laid bare). I am surprised that none of the likes of Victoria Nuland and Blinken can comprehend that maybe, there actions will have an equal and opposite reaction that can be obvious or not but it is something that they really should look at very very soon