Miscellaneous News


LMAO they planned to rage quit Prince of Wales

Future generations will know HMS Prince of Wales from Azure Lane instead of the actual ship.

Cancelling, mothballing or selling POW was one of the options considered under the 2010 SDSR i.e. the UK's GFC-era defence review. It was rejected then and it is difficult to imagine that it would be accepted now.

That such a notion is even put forward for consideration, however, indicates the kind of gap that exists between Britain's vision for its armed forces and the reality.


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Telecoms groups withdrew investment in Sea-Me-We 6, which will transmit data between Asia and western Europe

The Sea-Me-We 6 consortium, which includes Microsoft, Orange and Telecom Egypt, opted for US company SubCom to build the line rather than the bid from Hengtong Marine — prompting the two Chinese state-owned groups to exit, the people said.

While Sea-Me-We-6 is not the world’s largest international cable, it is similar in length to the Peace cable, laid exclusively by Chinese companies, which spans 21,500km and connects Singapore to France.
I think they just didn't want to invest in something that could be blown up or be spied on by the US.
Chinese high-frequency radio transmissions are targeted in the Pacific — in Japan, Hawaii, Canada. But as fiber optic cables replace radio, a new challenge has emerged. Yet the alliance has a lot of that covered as well.

Most trans-Pacific cables make landfall at one point or another near U.S. military bases in Guam or Hawaii. With most trans-Pacific traffic originating or terminating in the United States,
Canada or Australia, it’s hard to miss a digital beat. Even when the cables don’t touch U.S. or UKUSA-controlled territory, transmissions are not necessarily out of reach. During the Cold War the United States reportedly sent specially equipped submarines into Chinese harbors to plant NSA “bugs” on undersea cables.


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This guy seems adamant the second recorded kill of the F-22 was a US National Weather Service balloon.
what is with the USA using the supposed strongest aircraft the USA air force has to offer to shoot down a ball of air in the sky. What a ridiculous waste of money, they must seriously believe that money grows on trees and Santa Claus really does exist