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I agree with everything you wrote, except for nuke first strike, the u.s has no ability to first strike to eliminate all of China nuclear forces both in the past or present, simply due to the fact that China has ICBMs hidden in the 5000km long underground great wall, this will guarantee PLA second strike ability, i don't think the u.s can survive losing 10 major population centers, therefore MAD already guaranteed decades ago, let alone now

Does the americans know 100% sure how many ICBMs are in those tunnels? Highly unlikely
US itself already knows first strike is impossible. But they're still going to threaten invasion because China is an existential threat to them.

Some random US general saying "aim for the head" to his troops, interpretating that as calling for nuclear suicide pact is as stupid as when US interpretate Chinese officials using expressions to literally mean they will crush the bones of their enemies. Its just... Lol.

The "problem" is that both China and US has something to gain despite they both being MAD capable nuclear powers, so there is hopium on both sides that nukes won't be launched.

US believes it can take Taiwan province. It has begun the irreversible process of claiming the country, similar to when Russia began claiming oblasts in the Donbass.

China meanwhile believes that if an US invasion is repelled, American non core territory and US Co-aggressors in Asia will be up for grabs.

US will become irrelevant and eventually economically ground down by China's bloc if they don't win and capture Chinese territory in an attempt to reverse the current trend of history.

On the flip side, China is blessed with economy, industry and resources, but it is not blessed in terms of having an empire. A blatant US invasion is the perfect justification for China to acquire the final pieces to become undisputed world leader.

Hence China has the no first use decision so they can smash incoming invaders with precision and hypersonic missiles guilt free. And US is very unlikely to use nukes either, in a war where they are the attackers, using nukes and incurring MAD would be extremely politically untenable.

Think about how Putin doesn't use nukes even despite Ukraine being non nuclear.

Now think of the backlash if Americans realize that Biden intends to kill them all tomorrow because of a war America themselves started over some stupid Chinese oblast 10000kms away. You'd see military mutiny and mass lynching.
Let's not be ignorant. The US has a nuclear war plan for China today. It is a first-strike-only plan involving primarily Trident submarines and bombers. The US has no real second-strike plan for China, because it knows that China has no nukes close enough to the US to threaten a first strike. All of the Cold War era declassified documents of various US nuclear war plans on China are first-strike only plans. Why is the US so enthusiastically reviving the idea of forward deploying nuclear weapons so close to China's shores? So that the US can regain the capability to hit Chinese cities within as short a flight time as possible. The US defense circles have floated many times the idea of a decapitation strike on China (and also Russia) in the hopium that that would halt or stall their 2nd strike response. Russia replied to this insane idea by saying that their Perimeter system is still intact for such eventuality. China had not yet declared any counter plan for this. That doesn't mean that China doesn't have it, but the US takes this silence as a sign of weakness.

There is something even worse. American defense circles today are bringing up the idea that they could somehow use low-yield nuclear weapons on China with impunity. They theorized that China could not reply US low-yield nuke strikes because China does not have equivalent tactical nukes, and that China won't use their strategic weapons in fear of a full-scale American strategic nuclear retaliation. Because America has a much larger strategic nuclear arsenal than China. This is the insane stuff being discussed in the US right now by people in the government, and the general public. And those low-yield nukes are real. There are W76-2 low yield warheads mounted in Trident missiles, and B-61 Mod 12 bombs (on low setting) in full production. Those brand new low-yield nukes have lowered the general threshold for America to use nukes. This is just not good for humanity.

My main issue is that, America is currently not taking the Chinese nuclear threat serious enough. There are still debates as to whether current Chinese nuclear stockpiles can deliver true MAD to America. This is not a good limbo to be in for China. The current declared stockpiles is not having the same deterrence effect that it had decades ago. Because right now, there are idiot Americans thinking that exchanging Los Angeles for Shanghai, to burn China down is somehow 'worth it'. You'll be surprised at how idiotic and gullible Americans think about nuclear war with China. The American elites just don't care. They have allowed more than 1 million of its citizens to die of Covid without batting an eye. They won't care about losing millions more to nuclear fire, as long as it's an 'acceptable' price for them. In the sick minds of the American jingoists, that in a general nuclear exchange, China will burn more than the US in the end. I am aware that China is not sitting on its laurels, but it is about time that they could come up with some serious statement to say that China can do MAD now, and that any nuclear attack, no matter how small will be replied with a full strategic retaliation. So don't try anything.


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In considering this material, folks should be aware that Seymour Hersh is not some random blogger. Per
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Hersh first gained recognition in 1969 for exposing the My Lai Massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War, for which he received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. During the 1970s, Hersh covered the Watergate scandal for The New York Times and revealed the clandestine bombing of Cambodia. In 2004, he reported on the U.S. military's mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. [....] Hersh's 1974 article claiming the CIA had violated its charter by spying on anti-war activists is credited as contributing factor to the formation of the Church Committee.


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Interesting article from 1999 that should help contextualize the fight against Huawei and Chinese tech companies. What I gather is that the more Chinese tech companies gain market share, the less visibility the NSA and CIA have over China and the world.

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When it comes to spying, U.S. is as
insatiable as China

U.S., allies operate a ‘spying machine’ against Beijing

By Robert Windrem
NEW YORK, June 1 — With so much attention focused on how the Chinese government has been spying on the United States, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that Washington has its own insatiable appetite for China’s secrets. The U.S. effort, say experts in and out of government, is extensive, intrusive and very effective.​
The key to understanding America’s ability to snoop on China is a 50-year-old treaty linking the espionage activities of the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

PENETRATING CHINA is a very different challenge from gathering information in the open and apparently porous environment in which flesh-and-blood spies operate. Yet with a worldwide electronic eavesdropping operation, American intelligence agencies have found it is not impossible.

In fact, spying on the People’s Republic of China has been one of the National Security Agency’s top priorities since it was established in 1952.

“The methods by which the U.S. can eavesdrop on Chinese communications range to use of undersea platforms — like submarines — to a variety of antenna systems on the ground up to satellites up to 24,000 miles in space,” says Jeffrey T. Richelson, an intelligence historian who has written extensively on the U.S. eavesdropping capabilities. “Overall, its a multibillion-dollar effort, and China is a major target.”
The key to understanding America’s ability to snoop on China is a 50-year-old treaty, called the UKUSA agreement, linking the espionage activities of the United States, United Kingdom and three other English-speaking nations — Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The technical expertise and the geographic spread of the five nations have permitted them to establish a network of spy posts that grew into an awesome spy machine during the Cold War and one that continues today.
In effect, the United States and its allies in the spy game have set up a shadow worldwide telecommunications network used purely for espionage, and these days China is target No. 1
for many of them.

The “bugs” used to intercept Chinese communications can be as simple as a phony fiberglass tree branch — a “stick” — that is actually a microphone or as complicated as a $500 million spy satellite. A fake tree branch was used to gather important information from China’s embassy in Washington.

The story of "the stick"

In Canberra, Australia, four years ago, a newspaper broke the story of how the new Chinese embassy in the Australian capital had been bugged during its construction, making the building itself a large and very effective bug. Since every major embassy gets telexes and other communications related to issues beyond its host nation’s borders, a spy master — whether in Washington or Canberra — wants to intercept as much traffic as he or she can. U.S. embassies overseas, including the one in Beijing, are often mini-spy stations, equipped with antennas that can grab short-range communications in capital cities.

More prosaic but more productive are the UKUSA ground stations scattered around the world that listen in on a wide variety of communications, whether carried over international telephone lines or high-frequency diplomatic links.

A significant amount of international telephone traffic is carried by satellites like the Intelsats that hang 22,300 miles above the world’s oceans and every day relay millions of telephone calls, faxes, e-mails as well as raw computer data.

The United States and its allies have strategically placed downlinks for those satellites in remote locations. Each location contains two sets of satellite dishes — one to intercept the communications and the other to send them via the Pentagon’s communications system to various regional NSA centers for analysis. There are at least three sites around the world that steal Intelsat traffic bound for China:
In western Australia, near the town of Geraldton.
On New Zealand’s South Island, near the town of Waihopai.
In eastern Washington state, on the U.S. Army’s Yakima Firing Range, are intercept sites that focus on satellites over the Pacific.

Yakima would be the station most likely to pick up traffic between Beijing’s Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Washington. There, visible from a rest stop off the northbound lanes of Interstate 82, are five dishes, two of them about 100 feet across aimed toward the southwest and the Intelsat over the eastern Pacific. Another smaller one is pointed in the same direction, either grabbing other satellite-borne communications or directing intelligence back to other Pacific sites for analysis. The two others, smaller and pointed in the opposite direction, are links to the Defense Satellite Communications System, Pentagon-operated “birds” that feed the material back to NSA headquarters near Baltimore.

There is a similar layout in Australia and a smaller one in New Zealand.

Chinese high-frequency radio transmissions are targeted in the Pacific — in Japan, Hawaii, Canada. But as fiber optic cables replace radio, a new challenge has emerged. Yet the alliance has a lot of that covered as well.

Most trans-Pacific cables make landfall at one point or another near U.S. military bases in Guam or Hawaii. With most trans-Pacific traffic originating or terminating in the United States,
Canada or Australia, it’s hard to miss a digital beat. Even when the cables don’t touch U.S. or UKUSA-controlled territory, transmissions are not necessarily out of reach. During the Cold War the United States reportedly sent specially equipped submarines into Chinese harbors to plant NSA “bugs” on undersea cables.

Calls that begin or end in China’s interior are also vulnerable. If they are funneled through the Chinese government’s own satellites, the United States can rely on yet another Pacific Rim site, at Misawa Air Base in northern Japan.

Orion is the code name for the latest in a series of satellites used by the United States to scoop up microwave transmissions, those point-to-point radio signals that carry much of the world’s local and long-distance calls. Stationed 22,300 miles above the Earth, near communications satellites, the Orions use 300-foot-wide mesh dishes to pick up those signals. The positioning is critical because the microwave signals do not follow the Earth’s curvature but instead fly off into space on a straight line. By placing the Orions at points where they can catch those stray microwave signals, the United States has been intercepting communications from deep inside China — what in the trade is called “denied territory.”

The Orions were originally developed to track critical command-and-control communications inside the Soviet Union. Another post-Cold War adaptation concerns the Trumpet satellites. Their orbit is elliptical, dipping as low as 200 miles above the Earth’s surface in the southern hemisphere and cruising as high as 24,000 miles above the northern hemisphere. From that perch, they are used to intercept signals from the Soviet’s anti-ballistic missile radars outside Moscow.

But the NSA later learned that cellular phones, too, emitted signals and could be intercepted. So, by using a satellite high above the North Pole, the United States listens to cell phone calls in China and other nations.

“If you put it in the air, you can get it one way or another ... and if it’s not in the air, we can tap into it,” says Richelson. “The U.S. may not get everything, but we can get a lot.”

Revelations that American aerospace companies Loral Corp. and Hughes Electronics helped China improve missile guidance systems in the course of using Chinese rockets to launch satellites has created a furor in Washington. Yet there is a bright side to this.
John Pike, an intelligence expert at the Federation of American Scientists, notes that is a great advantage to have the Chinese rely on communications satellites made by Loral or Hughes and launched by Chinese rockets.

“You don’t hear the NSA complain about U.S. communications satellites being used by the Chinese government or military,” says Pike. “They want to keep the Chinese communications in space, in the air where we can intercept it. And having it on a U.S. satellite, about which we know everything, makes it even better.”

Robert Windrem is an NBC News investigative producer.
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Good, stay TF away from third-world UK...

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Applications from China to UK universities have fallen for the first time in more than a decade, figures released yesterday show.

The number quadrupled between 2014 and last year to almost 29,000 but has decreased by 4.2 per cent this year.

Disruptions caused by Covid are likely to have contributed to the decline but experts say that interest in studying in the UK among Chinese teenagers is waning. Some universities are reliant on Chinese students for a substantial amount of their tuition fee income.

The figures last month for applications to start at universities this autumn, released by Ucas, the admissions service, show a 3.1 per cent increase in international candidates compared with the same time last year. Applications from Nigeria have risen by 23.


Registered Member
Their attempts to exclude Russia from G-20 ended up in Anglosphere throwing a tantrum and not-attending most meetings. They excluded themselves to exclude Russia.

Clauses regarding PRC officials are comical. They are toothless since those people live in China. And if anything it means even fewer doves in the Chinese govt.

Republicans are being Republicans as always. They are being tough for the sake of being tough with zero regards for anything else. That is their only goal nowadays. Being tough... Trump was the same too and I don't think there is a sane person who thinks his policies resulted in good things for the USA or its allies. The Republican party is no different from the ruling parties of many dysfunctional developing countries. They are after their self-interests and they get votes through populism. Their target population is almost exclusively more religious people in smaller towns. The fact that you can have such a party this influential says a lot about the USA.