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They don't mention the respective stockpiles. Some mental gymnastics to force an issue when one doesn't exist.

Don’t they see it as Russia + China? Something along the lines that China must stop producing nuclear warheads and start reducing their weapon because the Russians have too many therefore China shouldn’t be allowed to have any.


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I swear to the old man up there, I will find a way to stop paying taxes. These idiots are fleecing us off while wasting that moolah into garbage projects. How bout funding the NHS or putting some money to tackle the homelessness crisis, what about drug rehabilitation and counter narcotics efforts? Pathetic failed smug little island country still nostalgic about it's previous role of an Empire in the world. Ancestors cry.
NHS problem, deindustrialization, low salary, and now this.
I'm sorry to say that it's start becoming meme country.


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Looks like Brandon had to dial back it's China hysteria thru CNN because it's embarrassing....lol

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208K views3 hours ago

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CNN's Fareed Zakaria gives his reaction to the US military shooting down a suspected Chinese spy balloon that was floating over ...
Looking at the response on youtube, what a huge self-fuck. CNN and the likes are the ones who build up the hysteria by constantly calling it a spy balloon and threat, now they call their own mobs irrational? They will be "eaten" by the mob they created.


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Hangar queen ❌
Dockyard King ✅
So they built 2 aircraft carriers. One of them has misaligned shafts, the carriers are V/STOL so the vessels are limited to using a single variant of a single foreign made aircraft, they don't have enough aircraft for populating a single carrier reliably in peacetime, and they can't provide enough escorts to a single carrier reliably without a disruption in training... This is the vaunted Royal Navy guys... I laugh at people who think RN has an institutional knowledge edge over PLAN. They don't. Their carrier fleet is a vanity piece of limited utility even in GWOT-style wars. But people still talk about their gLoBaL foRCe prOjEcTioN capability.
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It will be good PR work by working with those South American countries peaceful revealing these balloons are just weather balloons. It will contrasts the militaristic actions the American took and the constant Spy Balloon lies their msm keep spewing.

Controlling narrative and public opinion is as important as truth in PR.
Latin American countries such as Colombia and Venezuelan have already declared that this balloon doesn't pose a threat to them and they don't attempt to do anything about it. How is that a good PR when Latin American countries have no attempt to shoot it down but China offers to shoot it down and form a joint investigation. That is like trying to make a big deal out of nothing.

I think people need to realize that it doesn't matter what China does or doesn't do MSM would always twist the logic and demonize China no matter what. For other nations, it is up to their government if they would try to jump into the boat of the US's hysteria or not. American spy planes, drones or military aircraft violated Latin American airspace all the time. Are there any countries in Latin American condemned such actions?

China doesn't want world domination or interfere with other countries internal affair. However, China is a rising superpower. It should treat other countries with respect but doesn't need to bend forward to appease them. A balloon is a balloon. Any sane countries know that. For countries who try to score brownie points with the US to engage such level of stupidity then they are no friends of China.


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So they built 2 aircraft carriers. One of them has misaligned shafts, the carriers are V/STOL so the vessels are limited to using a single variant of a single foreign made aircraft, they don't have enough aircraft for populating a single carrier reliably in peacetime, and they can't provide enough escorts to a single carrier reliably without a disruption in training... This is the vaunted Royal Navy guys... I laugh at people who think RN has an institutional knowledge edge over PLAN. They don't.
Well they got so many fancy peerage and positions /s
I think only Astute class subs that amade RN potent.


Registered Member
Breaking Point, which is the only show i usually watch for reasonable opinions from the US front, believes it's a spy balloon but its not as big as a deal as it should be because everyone is doing it. IMO Mainstream(4th branch of gov) news and politics is just fanning conflict for fun and profit.



Registered Member
So they built 2 aircraft carriers. One of them has misaligned shafts, the carriers are V/STOL so the vessels are limited to using a single variant of a single foreign made aircraft, they don't have enough aircraft for populating a single carrier reliably in peacetime, and they can't provide enough escorts to a single carrier reliably without a disruption in training...

It didn’t just have misaligned shafts. This same ship about 6 months ago was pulled in for repairs on a damaged shafts. Anyone remember that the UK had to postpone their pacific exercise?

This is the vaunted Royal Navy guys... I laugh at people who think RN has an institutional knowledge edge over PLAN. They don't. Their carrier fleet is a vanity piece of limited utility even in GWOT-style wars. But people still talk about their gLoBaL foRCe prOjEcTioN capability.

They used superglue to fix broken bolts for their nuclear reactors on the Trident Submarine lol. I wonder if anyone got demoted upwards since it came out 5 days ago.