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Deleted member 23272

Happy Year of the Rabbit to all! Kind of weird to be posting a statistic, rather than a nice picture on a day like this, but its still cool info I wanted to share. China is ranked as the #19 country with the lowest crime in the world, next to South Korea and ahead of Singapore. Other countries rankings are predictable. 身体健康!

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Registered Member
Happy Year of the Rabbit to all! Kind of weird to be posting a statistic, rather than a nice picture on a day like this, but its still cool info I wanted to share. China is ranked as the #19 country with the lowest crime in the world, next to South Korea and ahead of Singapore. Other countries rankings are predictable. 身体健康!

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France have a higher crime rate than Mexico?Screenshot_20230121_194201.jpg6


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In a forum, (might be SDF actually) I remember triggering some people by claiming Politico was not a serious publication. It was a year ago or so.

It is incredible how these political magazines find something to self-aggrandize from EVERYHING. Like no exceptions. Are political science departments filled with narcissists or are they just trolling? I'd love to know this.

Edit: The article is by Stuart Lau. Yeah... As I said, Politico is not a serious magazine.

Deleted member 23272

France have a higher crime rate than Mexico?View attachment 1056246
The list definately exaggerates some things, but France hasn't really been all that pleasant as of late. Paris being this utopia of romance, sunshine, and beauty has always been somewhat of a myth, but nowadays its a myth that's finding it impossible to survive.

Immigrants with no social mobility are hoarded into rundown banlieue districts, where they have no choice but to turn to crime and drugs. Shootings are still way rarer in France than America and obviously way less than Latin America. But still, walk in any major French city, even the during broad day, and your chances of getting your shit stripped is, mighty high to say the least.


Registered Member
Happy Year of the Rabbit to all! Kind of weird to be posting a statistic, rather than a nice picture on a day like this, but its still cool info I wanted to share. China is ranked as the #19 country with the lowest crime in the world, next to South Korea and ahead of Singapore. Other countries rankings are predictable. 身体健康!

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The ranking is not accurate when Belarus and Sweden has higher crime rate than Turkey. i am sure there are areas in cities but over all reliability of data is just questionable. US will be way higher number than Europa if stealing things count.
The give high marks to Qatar and UAE. but than there are so many other places that similar need to have higher rankings.


Registered Member
The ranking is not accurate when Belarus and Sweden has higher crime rate than Turkey. i am sure there are areas in cities but over all reliability of data is just questionable. US will be way higher number than Europa if stealing things count.
The give high marks to Qatar and UAE. but than there are so many other places that similar need to have higher rankings.
sometimes, I find myself scratching my head as to how they come to have these statistics because some places I am under the impression that they are some much worse they what they are shown to be


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Nothing is more fragile than Atlanticist Anglo ego.
Anglo plutocrats like Yellen to China, cap in hand for more monies and somehow anglo presstitutes spin it as China going on a 'charm offensive'.
buddy, you aint in the power seat, but tell me, how in control do you really feel when hyperinflation is on the horizon and mass civil rervolt are already occuring in many western capitals?


The US military now full-on gangster-mode & mafia-mode, stealing and robbing and pirating resources all across the world...

Seriously, BRICS (or at least China and Russia) needs to do something...
Ever wondered why there is a coup going on in Peru right now?

It is incredible how these political magazines find something to self-aggrandize from EVERYHING. Like no exceptions. Are political science departments filled with narcissists or are they just trolling? I'd love to know this.
It's more like coping and wishcasting.

In their eagerness to badmouth China, WSJ not only carefully cherry-picked what they reported, they also completely forgotten their own incompetence.

BTW, this is an example of the "American way" to build infrastructure:

Today's fine example of Western value:
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