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This is quite sad. A Quora post. The authenticity is debatable but I don't see any reasons why anyone would lie like this. It also indicates that the massive casualty numbers we hear for Ukraine are true. A single person knowing 5 KIAs is a lot.

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"A tragic fact. I’ve lost all my frontline contacts in the UAF. They’re all KIA now. There were five of them. The last was killed two days ago. I met the five via my Facebook account. There were sixty or so Ukrainians in my friends list before the war started. Two of the five were musicians, two were engineers, and one owned a small business. None were over the age of forty and three were in their twenties. All were from Kyiv. When the war started their reserve units were called up. They went eager to defend their homeland. Not one expressed fear or doubt.

I got to know these men and their families well. I video conferenced with them on a weekly basis. The men were certain they’d return home after defeating the Russians. The wives were terrified they wouldn’t. Now there’s five more shattered families in Ukraine. Five more widows with children to raise.

One of the wives, Andrea, asked me repeatedly, “Why?” I didn’t dare answer. No answer would suffice. I just listened until she’d cried herself out. But she’ll eventually be willing to hear her husband died a hero fighting for his country. They all died heroes.

Goddamn that evil little bastard Putin. Between Ukrainian and Russian widows there’s enough tears to fill the seas. I pray he meets his end soon."
That's nothing. One of the American mercs who went there a few months ago mentioned how many KIAs his unit had. His answer, 40+. Holy shit.

His twitter posts are now all sob posts about guys he knew for 5 minutes.

Say what you want about the Russian military but there are very few countries that can inflict this level of destruction on a nation. They've killed more Ukrainian soldiers in one year than America killed Taliban and Al Qaeda in Iraq and Afghanistan in 20 years, with a fraction of the civilian casualty rate.


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The Democratic Progressive Party suffered a disastrous defeat last year, when President Tsai Ing-wen's support plummeted. According to the latest poll released today (17) by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, 39% of Taiwanese over the age of 20 basically agree with President Tsai Ing-wen’s handling of state affairs, and 49% disagree; those who disagree are more than those who agree 10.1 percentage points more. You Yinglong, chairman of the foundation, said that Tsai Ing-wen's popularity plummeted after the nine-in-one election last year. Although her popularity has recovered slightly, the rate of disapproval for her position has hit a record high in 45 months. The Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation asked the public, “Generally speaking, do you agree or disagree with President Tsai Ing-wen’s handling of major national affairs, including important personnel arrangements and policies?” The results were found: 7.5% strongly agree, 31.7% somewhat agree, 28.4% Disagree, 20.9% don't agree at all, 11.5% have no opinion, don't know or refuse to answer. You Yinglong said that this shows that the number of people who disagree with President Tsai's national leadership far exceeds those who agree with it; at the same time, relevant important signs show that President Tsai's third ruling dilemma has taken shape, and the subsequent development will have a significant and far-reaching impact.
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Registered Member
That's nothing. One of the American mercs who went there a few months ago mentioned how many KIAs his unit had. His answer, 40+. Holy shit.

His twitter posts are now all sob posts about guys he knew for 5 minutes.

Say what you want about the Russian military but there are very few countries that can inflict this level of destruction on a nation. They've killed more Ukrainian soldiers in one year than America killed Taliban and Al Qaeda in Iraq and Afghanistan in 20 years, with a fraction of the civilian casualty rate.
No one cares about American mercenaries, they completely asked for it and it is a pity that more of them haven’t met their maker yet but in all honesty the situation is horrible for all those Ukrainians that have been sent to the front lines without the full understanding of what they are getting into, not to mention the leadership seems to love using human wave tactics when the soldiers simply weren’t equipped for that kind of fight. Also no one cares about Nazis either and really most of those in Ukrainian leadership don’t deserve any mercy either for being the cause of this situation getting so out of hand either but the ones truly responsible, damn they simply cannot die enough times for everything they have done, those war loving fu@ks


The Punisher
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This is yet another proof that the Chinese media are not some blind 'CCP' propaganda media. Even the 'notorious' GT reports bad news here and then. Chinese media does report both the good and the bad news coming out of China. They just don't sensationalize the news.

Obviously, the first negative population growth in 61 years is generally not good news. Nevertheless, this problem is not necessarily a terminal problem for China. Japan, South Korea, and Western Europe are all in the same boat. Some are in even worse shape than China.

The main issue of shrinking population that the Western economists always argue about is the shrinking availability of a productive workforce. But China is ahead of the West in AI R&D and application. China is already starting to fix this issue decades ahead of any potential crisis point. All while the West, Japan, & SK, who they themselves are in an even more dire demographic situation are doing relatively little to address it. India, with its still booming population is the obvious candidate by the West to replace China's declining workforce. But when China manages to finally reenergize its production with automation and AI, it is going to bring manufacturing costs down so low, even low-waged workforce is gonna find it hard to compete. So things are gonna kinda balance out for China eventually.

China's demographic decline is also not terminal. The West argues that China is not a place that is attractive for immigration. That is not true, there are many people from around the world who are enjoying their life and career in China. Its just that China has strict immigration rules. As a rule of thumb, China does not give citizenship to foreigners. However, if things get truly desperate for China, which I doubt it'll ever be. Then China can still open up citizenship options to worthy foreigners. Also, China could encourage fellow overseas Chinese to return to the motherland. Most of them still retain strong family connections with China.

P.S. With regards to the India vs China demographics dividend BS story. I have an unusual example to argue against it: fireworks production. India is a major fireworks producer, but its still not in the top 15 list. Indians burns alot of fireworks for their Diwali festival. To produce them, India relies on a large, low-wage manual workforce. So India can produce fireworks at very cheap prices. But India still cannot produce nearly enough for world-wide exports. In China OTOH, since their manufacturers are innovative, and have started to introduce some basic automation. They have maintained their economies of scale. Their fireworks prices have dropped by alot over the decades, some are even up to more than half. China was, and still is the undisputed leader in firework production, not because of raw manpower, but because of innovation. And innovation is something that India is truly lacking. Modi is also making new generations of Indians turn to religion more than science, so good luck to India. Let's see how far India have come in the next 10-20 years time.
My opinion has always been (with absolutely no scientific backing whatsoever) that China has too many people as is. An overall reduction of population is a long term benefit to China, so that more resources can be allocated to each individual. The problem lies in how does China get there. A process to get there has major social and economic implications. Now that I think about it, it's almost like getting over the "first wave spike" when opening up for COVID - There's a great short term challenge standing between now and a long term better future.


Registered Member
Vietnam may have once raised armies against both China and US, but only one of those enemies used genocide, chemical weapons and rape as tools of war. Only one of those conducted torture on Vietnamese prisoners and sought to perpetuate a racist occupation state.

China has made sufficient amends for its role in supporting the American anti soviet effort in Asia, including Cambodia.

Time for Vietnam to return home.

Basic problem is that you have a huge amount of Vietnamese immigrant whom escape either from the collapse of the south or later for economic reasons returning back to Vietnam for visit showing off the enhance big boobs and LV/Chanel etc (OC ladies :D ). Kinda hard not to worship that type of wealth and sucess (or fake it till you make it).

Seems like nearly all the immigrant elders and 50% of the male youth have strong dislike for the cpv. It is truely a case of mass stockholm syndrome for these folks, escaping to a country that prolong the destruction of your country thru bombs+ economic sanctions, then thinking it has the best interest for your kind.


Registered Member
My opinion has always been (with absolutely no scientific backing whatsoever) that China has too many people as is. An overall reduction of population is a long term benefit to China, so that more resources can be allocated to each individual. The problem lies in how does China get there. A process to get there has major social and economic implications. Now that I think about it, it's almost like getting over the "first wave spike" when opening up for COVID - There's a great short term challenge standing between now and a long term better future.
I think the Chinese govt thinks the same too, considering they imposed a one child policy for decades. If China had a smaller population everything would go smoother. Very few realize it but China's level of education is a little higher than India's. Until the last few years or so the average Chinese didn't have a middle school diploma. The ratio of middle school graduates just recently went above 50%