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Registered Member
I mean, the one child policy has created entire generations of princelings and their female equivalent, so them wanting the best possible for themselves is kinda par for the course
It's no different from in other developed countries, it's the natural progression for people to value careers and take pride in their own work.

Throughout the misleadingly named one child policy, which was only the policy of the government being able to provide full social benefits to 1 child due to limited resources, China mostly had higher birth ratio than most countries in Western Europe, which have policies where all children can recieve full social benefits.

All the one child policy did was to spare China from a generation of welfare queens which the government would ill afford because they are not as rich on a per capita level as those other countries where this phenomena is common. And as we know, such families tend to be unstable and a poor enviroment for children.

Any family who wanted many children could always get it, as long as they afford the fairly cheap education costs. One child policy discouraged women from having more children than they can support by using the govt as a crutch, which created more loving and more natural families in a time where the abilities of the government was not high enough to ensure a dignified life for families of 4, 5, 6+ children.

Throughout the 90s, birth rate was around 2 children per woman, on a national level. There was never any hard restrictions, claiming so is buying into propaganda about why the guidelines were enacted in the first place.


Registered Member
It's no different from in other developed countries, it's the natural progression for people to value careers and take pride in their own work.

Throughout the misleadingly named one child policy, which was only the policy of the government being able to provide full social benefits to 1 child due to limited resources, China mostly had higher birth ratio than most countries in Western Europe, which have policies where all children can recieve full social benefits.

All the one child policy did was to spare China from a generation of welfare queens which the government would ill afford because they are not as rich on a per capita level as those other countries where this phenomena is common. And as we know, such families tend to be unstable and a poor enviroment for children.

Any family who wanted many children could always get it, as long as they afford the fairly cheap education costs. One child policy discouraged women from having more children than they can support by using the govt as a crutch, which created more loving and more natural families in a time where the abilities of the government was not high enough to ensure a dignified life for families of 4, 5, 6+ children.

Throughout the 90s, birth rate was around 2 children per woman, on a national level. There was never any hard restrictions, claiming so is buying into propaganda about why the guidelines were enacted in the first place.
Bro question, what number of female population living in Metropolis like Shanghai and Beijing and how many lived at the countryside, from what I seeing many of those from the province had at least two or three children, the reason because of closed knit family tradition and support. My cousin son from Xiamen had 2 children and planning a third. And a tidbits before relaxing the one child policy, many mainlanders come here to have a second, third and fourth children, documenting them as Filipinos with fake documents. And also some married the local women and settled here, sending their children to study at the mainland and to trace their roots. What matter is what it takes to being Chinese, I had 3 children and they're proud of their heritage and culture, If their career points to China then they can easily assimilate because I prepared them. I had done my part for the motherland even though I'm Hua Qiao and I think many of us here have the same frame of mind and mission. ;)


Junior Member
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It's no different from in other developed countries, it's the natural progression for people to value careers and take pride in their own work.

Throughout the misleadingly named one child policy, which was only the policy of the government being able to provide full social benefits to 1 child due to limited resources, China mostly had higher birth ratio than most countries in Western Europe, which have policies where all children can recieve full social benefits.

All the one child policy did was to spare China from a generation of welfare queens which the government would ill afford because they are not as rich on a per capita level as those other countries where this phenomena is common. And as we know, such families tend to be unstable and a poor enviroment for children.

Any family who wanted many children could always get it, as long as they afford the fairly cheap education costs. One child policy discouraged women from having more children than they can support by using the govt as a crutch, which created more loving and more natural families in a time where the abilities of the government was not high enough to ensure a dignified life for families of 4, 5, 6+ children.

Throughout the 90s, birth rate was around 2 children per woman, on a national level. There was never any hard restrictions, claiming so is buying into propaganda about why the guidelines were enacted in the first place.
not trying to be antagonistic here, just trying to learn more about the topic.
wasn't the enforcement of the policy quite rigorous in certain areas of the country? and if true, did the enforcement zeal depend on the local government?

meanwhile, in vietnam:


Registered Member
It's no different from in other developed countries, it's the natural progression for people to value careers and take pride in their own work.

Throughout the misleadingly named one child policy, which was only the policy of the government being able to provide full social benefits to 1 child due to limited resources, China mostly had higher birth ratio than most countries in Western Europe, which have policies where all children can recieve full social benefits.

All the one child policy did was to spare China from a generation of welfare queens which the government would ill afford because they are not as rich on a per capita level as those other countries where this phenomena is common. And as we know, such families tend to be unstable and a poor enviroment for children.

Any family who wanted many children could always get it, as long as they afford the fairly cheap education costs. One child policy discouraged women from having more children than they can support by using the govt as a crutch, which created more loving and more natural families in a time where the abilities of the government was not high enough to ensure a dignified life for families of 4, 5, 6+ children.

Throughout the 90s, birth rate was around 2 children per woman, on a national level. There was never any hard restrictions, claiming so is buying into propaganda about why the guidelines were enacted in the first place.
An excellent explanation. China's 'One Child Policy' never had a hard limit on the number of children that is allowed per family. It was about the government fully supporting the benefits of one child per family. But it was purposefully distorted and demonized by the Western media into becoming something akin to 'evil'. No doubt, there were rumours of some extreme cases of enforcement by local officials, but that is the exception, not the norm. Even that is difficult to verify, considering the mountain of lies from the West about China. Unfortunately, just like with China's Covid policies, China was never given a chance to be heard The cacophony of the Western media was just so strong, that many people just accepted it as fact. It took me many years to finally get to the truth, because of how powerfully the Western propaganda dominated our media, and education.

Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Germany didn't implement the 'One Child policy'. Yet they all had declining birth rates more dire than in China. So the science doesn't add up. What truly happened was that as women became more educated and joined the professional workforce, child-bearing and family building became less and less desirable. It is understandable and unavoidable. No government has yet figured out how to solve this issue. Singapore and Germany are trying to invite immigrants, which has its own issues. Japan, South Korea, and China are giving out economic incentives to families to have another child, which doesn't seem to be working very well at the moment. So this is not a China problem, its a global problem.


Junior Member
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The real losers of the 4th Industrial Revolution are the developing countries

They are truly screwed because for all these decades they have been growing their economies by the developed countries offloading low-value industries to them so they can buy these goods in low prices

Now however, with increased automation, developed countries can afford to keep these industries thus cutting off the Global South's way to industrial development.

Btw, you are right to worry about India. India thought that it could be the second China, but that's impossible. The West won't allow that, the 4th industrial revolution won't allow it, its' politics won't allow it
Exactly, even developed nations won't be immune if they are not careful Continental Europe's economy is deeply tied to Germany which itself depend on high tech products that's being slowly undone due to Ukraine war, US prosperity pretty much depends on their ability to export inflation via reserve currency status and both countries seems to be doing everything they can to squander those assets these days


Registered Member
not trying to be antagonistic here, just trying to learn more about the topic.
wasn't the enforcement of the policy quite rigorous in certain areas of the country? and if true, did the enforcement zeal depend on the local government?
The way it was implemented was through a one time tax for every additional child, as a way to prove that parents were truly committed to providing a good home.

The start of the policy had minimal impact on birth rate, which by then had already declined to around 2.2.

Only some 20 years after the start of the policy did birth rates drop down to developed economy level.

The two main effects of the one child policy were:

1. The avoidance of creating overburdened families, so called "welfare queens", which are not statistically relevant on the population group level, but it allowed China to give more benefits to children than an economy of their size would have otherwise been able to do.

2. It served as a rapid development program for the consciousness of sexual health and prevention methods. This did have a direct statistical impact, and is probably the reason why birth rates dropped only 20 years after the policy started.

In a conservative culture, if no one asks the question of prevention, couples are often, either due to lack of education or due to traditional expectations, unable to precisely define if they want a child or not. Instead, children are born just as a matter of coincidence when people have sex. The result of this is obviously, less loving families.

By putting the question of contraception into an act which couples need to plan ahead for, it made the population rapidly mature in terms of their family thinking, graduating from a conservative viewpoint to a modern viewpoint.

Today, couples in China have a modern consciousness and modern thinking. That is the achievement of point 2, but with that also comes a decline in birth rate natural to all modern societies.