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Junior Member
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I don't know who this Gal Luft is; nor have I heard of this think tank,
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. But if his comment,

"While America slept, over the past 12 months Japan and China jointly dropped their holding of US Treasuries by an eye-popping $400 billion. That’s 10 times the aimed increase in Japan’s defense spending or roughly half of US defense budget - in one year!"

is true then US might not be happy about that unless Japan uses the money to purchase more US arms.


Lieutenant General
japan maybe they will go all the way with the americans, but south korea i don't think so, simply because north korea is there to check any south korea belligerence against China

Japan will side with the US because Japan will always be in China's shadow. The US wants to take down China and that's the only way Japan will be number one in Asia. They can't do it themselves hence why they will always play subordinate to the US and the West who are looking out for white supremacy in the world. That's a result of the Asian sycophant mentality. They'll settle for less to suck up to the ones in power just as long they have more than everyone else.


Registered Member
Japan will side with the US because Japan will always be in China's shadow. The US wants to take down China and that's the only way Japan will be number one in Asia. They can't do it themselves hence why they will always play subordinate to the US and the West who are looking out for white supremacy in the world. That's a result of the Asian sycophant mentality. They'll settle for less to suck up to the ones in power just as long they have more than everyone else.
Correct Sir the Japanese have a SIZE issue, they want to be the Big Dog in Asia BUT can't RISE to occasion. :p and need help from somebody to do so.;)


Lieutenant General
As much as I loathe idiots like him, I have to admit that he's useful. A useful idiot, but still useful. America can believe one of two things:
1. China is unstoppable and it's going to be the wealthiest, most technologically advanced, and most military powerful state on Earth and America's only chance is to launch a war now before it's too late.
2. Everyone in China will die of old age in 10 years or whatever garbage that idiot is spewing.

Even though the stupidity of 2 hurts my brain and irks me to no end, I'd much rather Americans believe 2 than 1.

The question is if having such a huge population therefore more young people to buy up things is so great, why do people think the US is so powerful with a lesser population? China has more "young" people than the US has in its total population. This is where they bring up a social system that takes care for the old. Well China culturally takes care of their elderly because they're respected while in the US, they throw their parents into old folks homes to live out their remaining lives so they're not bothered meaning the government pays for it. That's what they base on how China will experience social upheaval when the population gets too old, the more it costs the government therefore there will be unrest because people will be denied something they're suppose to have. When this point was first brought up by the West, there was no such social welfare system to lose for people to get angry and protest thus causing social unrest. Families took care of their parents. So all this is what would happen in the West being projected onto China where they're not losing anything they didn't have in the first place.


Registered Member
japan maybe they will go all the way with the americans, but south korea i don't think so, simply because north korea is there to check any south korea belligerence against China
Bro both NK and SK can't stand Japan, NK will not hesitate to nuke Japan while SK are willing to go war with her, So both have a hidden agenda and Japan know this so they need American security. The Chinese will eventually replace the US as a security guarantor of a united Korea just like she did during ancient times and the Japanese feeling isolated will apply to be the 55 state of the US, behind Canada (52nd), Australia (53rd) and NZ (54th).


Junior Member
Registered Member
I don't know who this Gal Luft is; nor have I heard of this think tank,
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. But if his comment,

is true then US might not be happy about that unless Japan uses the money to purchase more US arms.
Japan sold so much US debt is because since US raised interest rate, Japan Yen lost 50% (100 Yen to a dollar to 150) of its value, they can't just issue debt internally anymore, so they sold US debt and buying Japan Yen on the market to stop the bleeding, otherwise, their economy are done for last year.
China sells US debt, the reason is pretty obvious, same with Saudi's.


Lieutenant General

I'll give this to the Europeans. They'll actually talk about things Americans would want to hide because it ruins their narrative they want to push out there. No one in the US would bring up how the CIA paid the Dalia Lama. Americans have to make it look like their side did nothing therefore they didn't cause anything to happen aka wasn't their fault.


Registered Member
The reason Japan and South Korea will work with the US is because China is "eating their lunch," so to speak.

Advanced East Asian economies compete over the same industries - high tech., advanced manufacturing, ship building, IT, media exports, etc. China is beating Japan - and increasingly South Korea - in all of these domains. They're losing market share and orders. Their economic life lines are more and more dependent on supplying components and tools to Chinese companies, and with the shift to self-sufficiency under Xi Jinping due to national security concerns, even that line is being cut.

This is why they will fall in line behind the US - because it's in their interest to do so. China is beating them, and they have no way to address that but to knock China down, because they have neither the market size nor the capital to compete with China directly. They need the US to sabotage China, because otherwise they're toast.

Now, is there an alternative to what they're doing? Sure. They could reach an agreement with China over establishing a collaborative supply chain, where China agrees to depend on them for certain products and components, and vice versa, so they'll always have industries that they "own" and which China largely stays out of. But to do that, they'd have to abandon their alliances with the West, first, otherwise they can never be reliable components in a Chinese supply chain.

That, however, they will never do. You won't ever convince the Korean or Japanese public that they should rather be friends with China, than the West. This is because their societies are deeply infiltrated by Western media and intelligence. They have already convinced themselves of "China bad."

So they will march to the drum of inevitable war and be the front line soldiers of future Western aggression.
I’m convinced that there are some cultures who will forever be vassals and “sepoy states”. Korea was a loyal vassal of imperial China and may yet be so again. Japan, like Vietnam were recalcitrant vassals and wannabe Tang Dynasty states with Oedipal desires to destroy China. The height of this pathetic display was during the 2000s, when korean nationalists tried to claim all of Chinese inventions as their own, even going so far as to claim that Jesus was Korean.

Maduro calls Xi and Putin "big brothers" and calls for LatAm nations to form alliance with China and Russia. As more and more capitals might seek to ally with Beijing, the question is, if China is ready for an alliance structure befitting a superpower.
There’s a scene in Shakespeare‘s Julius Caesar where it’s referred that Mark Antony
offered Caesar a crown in front of the Roman people, and Caesar refused, even when pressed and offered the crown repeatedly. Such displays compelled the Roman ppl to love Caesar and wanted him to take the Crown even more. Take from that what you will.


Registered Member
The question is if having such a huge population therefore more young people to buy up things is so great, why do people think the US is so powerful with a lesser population? China has more "young" people than the US has in its total population. This is where they bring up a social system that takes care for the old. Well China culturally takes care of their elderly because they're respected while in the US, they throw their parents into old folks homes to live out their remaining lives so they're not bothered meaning the government pays for it. That's what they base on how China will experience social upheaval when the population gets too old, the more it costs the government therefore there will be unrest because people will be denied something they're suppose to have. When this point was first brought up by the West, there was no such social welfare system to lose for people to get angry and protest thus causing social unrest. Families took care of their parents. So all this is what would happen in the West being projected onto China where they're not losing anything they didn't have in the first place.
African countries are overflowing with young people yet they can barely feed themselves. The idea that a larger population of elderly is going to drive social upheaval is hilarious, every revolution in history has been driven by a politically and economically disenfranchised youth bulge. I don't want to be cruel about it but what are the elderly going to do if they feel stepped on? Throw their dentures at the riot police?

Everything the West believes is wrong but the most fundamental and egregious wrong is the idea that consumption drives economic growth. Every conscious person who's been on Earth for more than a few days should understand that consumption destroys wealth and production builds it. It's so obvious and fundamental the there are children's stories about it. China's growth is assured because China's production is increasing:

1. There will continue to be urbanization for at least another 20 years.
2. There will continue to be investment in infrastructure to bring productivity of the interior up to the level of the wealthy coast.
3. There will be new sectors opening up like advanced manufacturing, AI, aerospace, and semiconductors.
4. Productivity will increase until it converges with that of the industrialized countries of the OECD.

Charlatans like Peter Zeihan and Gordon Chang will continue to sell their copium and gullible, desperate idiots will inhale it.