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Registered Member
Rudd was getting a lot of hate from the Chinese crowd, because he wanted Australia and America to team up and confront China. But that was not what he meant. He wanted the old America to team up Australia to met the China challenge.
if you look at article Rudd is saying America should stop throwing allies under the bus. Connecting cost of solidarity in security with economy.
Australia is among few countries where US has trade surplus. Its Australia weakness that it does not produce much what US needs.
unless Australia up the game and really produce things that US needs it will be at receiving end.

"You cannot continue to assume that there'll be collective solidarity on security questions but, on the economy, the United States is happy to throw some of its allies under a bus.


Registered Member
if you look at article Rudd is saying America should stop throwing allies under the bus. Connecting cost of solidarity in security with economy.
Australia is among few countries where US has trade surplus. Its Australia weakness that it does not produce much what US needs.
unless Australia up the game and really produce things that US needs it will be at receiving end.
That's their conundrum, the Collective West are competing among themselves and their most important market and customer is China....lol Now they created a new competitor out of nowhere in Russia, the pie is shrinking and the US can't afford to foot the bill, so it finally dawned on them :) , that there is only One China and the Australian regrets is being voiced out which doesn't fit their narratives...lol


Junior Member
Registered Member
That's their conundrum, the Collective West are competing among themselves and their most important market and customer is China....lol Now they created a new competitor out of nowhere in Russia, the pie is shrinking and the US can't afford to foot the bill, so it finally dawned on them :) , that there is only One China and the Australian regrets is being voiced out which doesn't fit their narratives...lol
No no no no... the Australian beef cattle farmers have been told by the govt and think tanks that India is their new China, the farmers just need to work harder on the marketing front...


Registered Member
Fuck me, everyone wants China to take up the long abandoned mantle of 老大哥, he even calls Xi the elder brother.
Guanqi also said when Xi went to Saudi Arabia they told him Saudi Arabia is ready to call all the arab nations to come together under a banner of "Anti-Coloured Revolution League" as that's their number 1 worry, just need China to give the word.

I think CPC leadership see this as retreading the path of the Soviet Union which is not exactly a surefire way to success, hence no movement yet. Instead of separating the world into two camps and throw down for a cold war China wants to grab the US by the belt buckle and fight in their face instead of at a distance.


Junior Member
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The Australians are like blunt, direct. They actually say what is on their minds.

The previous Australian government were just minions, wannabe Americans.

Rudd is connected, probably more connected than the previous government, that is definitely true if we are talking about Asia.

What Rudd is saying is rather loud and clear here.

What does everyone else in Asia thinks?

The Japanese, publicly fully support the Americans. Then quietly sell off their US Treasury Bonds holdings.

Sometimes people don't necessarily have much room to choose. The strength of the U.S. in maintaining its alliances, in addition to its values and interests, is its strong military power.

Milsheimer once openly announced to the Australians the fact that it is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, and that China has no ability to protect Australia at present. If the United States is unhappy, the United States can make Australia another Cuba.

——But I really like this man's political theory. He is a resolute imperialist, and does not believe in any false "values", and examine politics from the most realistic perspective.

As for the Japanese, they have their own ideas. But at present, they will not betray the Americans because they can maximize their interests under the protection of the United States:Kill China and become the de facto leader of East Asia.
You can see the drastic changes in the policies of Japan and South Korea in recent days. Not only did they insult China diplomatically, but also has expanded its armaments on a large scale and prepared for active military intervention in the Taiwan issue.


Registered Member
Sometimes people don't necessarily have much room to choose. The strength of the U.S. in maintaining its alliances, in addition to its values and interests, is its strong military power.

Milsheimer once openly announced to the Australians the fact that it is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, and that China has no ability to protect Australia at present. If the United States is unhappy, the United States can make Australia another Cuba.

——But I really like this man's political theory. He is a resolute imperialist, and does not believe in any false "values", and examine politics from the most realistic perspective.

As for the Japanese, they have their own ideas. But at present, they will not betray the Americans because they can maximize their interests under the protection of the United States:Kill China and become the de facto leader of East Asia.
You can see the drastic changes in the policies of Japan and South Korea in recent days. Not only did they insult China diplomatically, but also has expanded its armaments on a large scale and prepared for active military intervention in the Taiwan issue.
If in alternative universe, you were in a position of responsibility that can actually affect the strategic approach of your country, what, if any would you do differently and why? What mistakes do you think the central government is making, doing with respect to the current policy/strategy against external rivals lead by the U.S. What would you change in terms of approach from the current strategy China is pursuing and why do you think your plans and ideas would bring a more workable template to the current struggle?

Would you be willing to use force? and do you believe that using Chinese force preemptively or as a reactive measure?


Registered Member
Sometimes people don't necessarily have much room to choose. The strength of the U.S. in maintaining its alliances, in addition to its values and interests, is its strong military power.

Milsheimer once openly announced to the Australians the fact that it is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, and that China has no ability to protect Australia at present. If the United States is unhappy, the United States can make Australia another Cuba.

——But I really like this man's political theory. He is a resolute imperialist, and does not believe in any false "values", and examine politics from the most realistic perspective.

As for the Japanese, they have their own ideas. But at present, they will not betray the Americans because they can maximize their interests under the protection of the United States:Kill China and become the de facto leader of East Asia.
You can see the drastic changes in the policies of Japan and South Korea in recent days. Not only did they insult China diplomatically, but also has expanded its armaments on a large scale and prepared for active military intervention in the Taiwan issue.

That, I do not believe at all.

That US alliance in East Asia, is not going to live happily ever after.

Look at what just happened. Rudd complains about the Americans are overbearing to its allies, and is abruptly told to shut up.

Is Japan and South Korea really arming for the ultimate war against their largest trading partner?

Why would they do that?

Because of Taiwan?

If mainland China attacks Taiwan, I think South Korea and Japan would be rather happy about that, that the Chinese are killing the Chinese, why would they have to get involved?

What the Americans would have us believe is foolishness. But when the foolishness goes over the top, no point in even listening. Cannot take any of that seriously.

The most serious mistake China can do, is believe that the US alliance with South Korea and Japan is rock solid like the Eastern Bloc.

That is what the Americans want us to believe, and that is what is being broadcasted via the Western media non-stop.

That old time propaganda is not going to work.