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I think CPC leadership see this as retreading the path of the Soviet Union which is not exactly a surefire way to success, hence no movement yet. Instead of separating the world into two camps and throw down for a cold war China wants to grab the US by the belt buckle and fight in their face instead of at a distance.
Of course, China isn't going for leadership of a bloc. China is aiming for leadership of the entire world. Creating and then leading a bloc is going directly against its interests


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Janet Yellen warns US will hit $31.4tn debt ceiling next week​

Treasury secretary said milestone could run risk of a damaging debt default starting in early June
US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has warned the US will hit its $31.4tn borrowing limit next week and could run the risk of a damaging debt default starting in early June, setting the stage for a high-stakes fiscal negotiation between the White House and Congress in the coming months.
In a letter to congressional leaders on Friday, Yellen said the US would reach the debt ceiling set by Congress on January 19, and the Treasury would begin to take “extraordinary measures”, or “special management steps”, in order to honour its payments.

The debt ceiling stand-off this year is expected to be the most difficult to resolve since 2011
This year, House Republicans are again demanding big budget cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit, but they have a slimmer majority in the lower chamber, which has given even more influence to fiscal hardliners. In addition, Kevin McCarthy, the Republican House Speaker, has agreed to procedural rules that would allow just one lawmaker to make an attempt to strip him of his power, which could make it harder for him to compromise.
Chip Roy, the Republican congressman from Texas who voted repeatedly against McCarthy for Speaker last week before ultimately supporting him, has already threatened to call a no-confidence vote in the California congressman if he tries to lift the debt ceiling without an acceptable agreement.
“Our point is: let’s fight now to end the status quo,” Roy told CNN.


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Egypt is experiencing a famine and food crisis:
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I'm puzzled, Egypt was historically the breadbasket of whichever lucky empire happened to govern it, be it the Romans to the Abbasids. What the hell happened?
Apparently, Egypt has been on Food Aid for the past 50 years.
You have to look at population size , eating habits, pollution and than add climate change.

Europe without snow pics and it impact unless the trend changes.

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You have to look at population size , eating habits, pollution and than add climate change.

Europe without snow pics and it impact unless the trend changes.

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Wow, aren't Europeans lucky to just happen to have a warm winter while everyone else gets hit by cold waves? Seems like what was supposed to happen to Europe all went to US instead. Maybe mother nature is giving them one last chance to reconsider their choices before they hit rock bottom?


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Egypt is experiencing a famine and food crisis:
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I'm puzzled, Egypt was historically the breadbasket of whichever lucky empire happened to govern it, be it the Romans to the Abbasids. What the hell happened?
Apparently, Egypt has been on Food Aid for the past 50 years.
Egypt drank the koolaid of 'miraculous postwar growth' via petroleum and globalization. They grew their population far beyond that sustainable by the (still vast, but not infinite) agricultural potential of the Nile River, urbanized key agricultural regions along the river, and indulged in religious extremism.

This is the blowback. Enjoy.


Registered Member
Egypt is experiencing a famine and food crisis:
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I'm puzzled, Egypt was historically the breadbasket of whichever lucky empire happened to govern it, be it the Romans to the Abbasids. What the hell happened?
Apparently, Egypt has been on Food Aid for the past 50 years.
There are two major factors: Population and geography.

1. Population: There never had been tens of millions of people living along the Nile River and the Nile flood plains at any one point of history. Meanwhile, the population count of Egypt today stands at 110 million people. In fact, the population of Egypt has been steadily rising non-stop since the 1950s and 1960s.

2. Geography: There is this map -
Notice that pretty much the entire population of Egypt lives right along the Nile River, and concentrated on the Nile Delta. The rest of the country is pretty much inhospitable arid deserts. You could even say that the entire country of Egypt depends on Nile to survive.

Considering the two factors listed above, the Egyptian population have already went way past the maximum resource carrying capacity that the land of Egypt could ever realistically sustain. That's why they have no choice but to source much of their food supply overseas.

Therefore, for Egypt to realistically resolve this issue, there are only three ways:
1. Enact population control measures; and/or
2. Reclaim the lands from the arid Sahara desert for the farming of crops and livestock, which could take decades to complete; and/or
3. Desalination of the water from the Red Sea and Mediterranean on a mass scale, and channel the water to alternative farming methods such as hydroponic farming, which would be very expensive.


Registered Member
There are two major factors: Population and geography.

1. Population: There never had been tens of millions of people living along the Nile River and the Nile flood plains at any one point of history. Meanwhile, the population count of Egypt today stands at 110 million people. In fact, the population of Egypt has been steadily rising non-stop since the 1950s and 1960s.

2. Geography: There is this map -
View attachment 105063
Notice that pretty much the entire population of Egypt lives right along the Nile River, and concentrated on the Nile Delta. The rest of the country is pretty much inhospitable arid deserts. You could even say that the entire country of Egypt depends on Nile to survive.

Considering the two factors listed above, the Egyptian population have already went way past the maximum resource carrying capacity that the land of Egypt could ever realistically sustain. That's why they have no choice but to source much of their food supply overseas.

Therefore, for Egypt to realistically resolve this issue, there are only three ways:
1. Enact population control measures; and/or
2. Reclaim the lands from the arid Sahara desert for the farming of crops and livestock, which could take decades to complete; and/or
3. Desalination of the water from the Red Sea and Mediterranean on a mass scale, and channel the water to alternative farming methods such as hydroponic farming, which would be very expensive.
The only thing Egypt can do is either colonize the Red Sea and Mediterranean coasts, or it will collapse. 110 million people in Egypt does not work. The carrying capacity is something like ~40-50 million at best with top tier modern tech if there's no imports. And with the world sliding towards confrontation if not conflict, imports are not guaranteed.