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They were making up stories about Chinese police in the US, wonder how fast it'll become true?

Wouldn’t it be a big security flaw as well? Fly in a spy, become a Californian law enforcement officer, ring down some high level engineer, scientist, military, or whatever, then seize their electronics under the law, and immediately fly back to their country of origin. Not to mention it’s the tech hub of the US lol.


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Miss Universe competition 2023:



A few comments about the American representative:

I'm from the US and this is terrible. Looks silly, and is so heavy the poor woman can hardly walk with it on.

It's actually very America in 2023: - over-the-top glitzy & shiny, but hollow inside - top heavy, staggering on its support base - probably looked better on paper than in reality - ass.

O think Its about moonlanding?

She appears to be walking as though her lower back is sore. Watched it 4 times and cant stop laughing. Its awkward. Also, is there a hidden message in plain site? She has a globe above her. 1 world government controlled by the US? She should have dressed up like Uncle Sam.

Not sure if the costume is heavy or she's pretending to walk with weighted space boots on the lunar surface.

She walks like Biden!

This is the state the USA is at. Late stage empire decline. And advancing fast.
The emcee's narration on China's is also hilarious, cos they apparently got the wrong bio for it -



This internet-based system, imported from operations in the Middle East, was apparently brought to China under the assumption that it could not be breached.
Whoever was in charge of the CIA at the time was both incredibly complacent and utterly incompetent by assuming that China had the same capability as MENA countries.

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Only a matter of time before it’s just an defacto economic embargo. The warmongers are bashing their heads against the table for their failure to seize Russia natural riches and to stop their exports to China.
Another meaningless stunt by some U.S. policymakers, unlike Japan at the start of WW2, China can import as much oil from Russia and Middle East as they need.

Asia = Japan and Europe = U.K.
However, in reality, for Japan, we have these:
As for U.K., 9% of its mortgage holding households is at risk of default.
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Registered Member
However, in reality, for Japan, we have these:

Half their population are 40 yr old virgins....


while half (probably the same half) see their living standards nosedive...

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Japanese cut spending amid highest inflation in 40 years – survey​

A record number of households in the world’s third-largest economy say they’ve been hit by price hikes, the Bank of Japan reports

Japanese cut spending amid highest inflation in 40 years – survey

FILE PHOTO: People cross a street in Tokyo, Japan. © Yuichi Yamazaki / Getty Images

More than half of Japanese households have experienced worsening living standards as a result of soaring inflation, the latest survey conducted by the Bank of Japan has shown.

In its quarterly report, the BOJ said 53% of people surveyed admitted that their wealth had slumped last year compared to 2021, while only 3.7% said their livelihood had improved. This is the highest percentage of households reporting financial problems in almost 13 years.

The report indicates that consumers will be unwilling to increase their spending without growth in wages as a record 63% of respondents named inflation as a decisive factor for their spending activity this year.

Data shows that price growth is spreading across various sectors of the Japanese economy and companies are passing on the burden of rising costs in energy, food and raw materials to households. Aside from utility bills, prices rose for a broad range of goods from fried chicken to smartphones and air conditioners in a sign of mounting inflationary pressure.

In December, price growth in Tokyo exceeded forecasts and reached 4% for the first time since 1982, data from Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs showed.

The Bank of Japan also expects that prices will continue to rise and has doubled its inflation forecast for the coming year to a record 10%.


Registered Member
They were making up stories about Chinese police in the US, wonder how fast it'll become true?
Nah it will not be Chinese police which they use for the imported law enforcers, but the finest of the Ukranian-SS. These veterans will be skilled in swiftly eliminating criminals who spread unamerican thoughts by protesting or by being a degenerate ethnicity in the glorious USA.

America will enter a new era of law and order.


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Tech sanctions are still very porous but we already saw this coming.

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Actually, I did not see this coming.

The problem is Rudd, himself.

He is an Aussie.

What does that mean? He is someone who does not live here in North America, and apparently has outdated views about the United States.

This is what I mean.

Rudd was getting a lot of hate from the Chinese crowd, because he wanted Australia and America to team up and confront China. But that was not what he meant. He wanted the old America to team up Australia to met the China challenge.

Now Rudd realizes that the old America in his mind and what he was used to, is now gone and a relic of history. Rudd realizes that this current America cannot help Australia or even itself in the face of the challenge of China.

I used to kind of like Rudd, 5 years to 10 years ago, but lately the last 2 to 3 years really dislike him, because he was advocating bringing this American new hostility to the region.

But now after being appointed to work inside Washington, now he completely backed off of that, saying trade is the way to go, and trade needs diplomacy. He wants the old America back.

That was the disconnect I had. I thought Rudd wanted to bring more of the new America, to Asia. But no, Rudd wanted to bring more of the old America to Asia, which was more manageable. But he did not realize how much America had changed, and his wishes and advice was living in the past.


Registered Member
Actually, I did not see this coming.

The problem is Rudd, himself.

He is an Aussie.

What does that mean? He is someone who does not live here in North America, and apparently has outdated views about the United States.

This is what I mean.

Rudd was getting a lot of hate from the Chinese crowd, because he wanted Australia and America to team up and confront China. But that was not what he meant. He wanted the old America to team up Australia to met the China challenge.

Now Rudd realizes that the old America in his mind and what he was used to, is now gone and a relic of history. Rudd realizes that this current America cannot help Australia or even itself in the face of the challenge of China.

I used to kind of like Rudd, 5 years to 10 years ago, but lately the last 2 to 3 years really dislike him, because he was advocating bringing this American new hostility to the region.

But now after being appointed to work inside Washington, now he completely backed off of that, saying trade is the way to go, and trade needs diplomacy. He wants the old America back.

That was the disconnect I had. I thought Rudd wanted to bring more of the new America, to Asia. But no, Rudd wanted to bring more of the old America to Asia, which was more manageable. But he did not realize how much America had changed, and his wishes and advice was living in the past.
I guess we have yet another rat, but then again, he was always a back stabbing snake. The last reasonable prime minister we did have was Paul Keating, even John Howard wasn’t that bad and was pragmatic enough not to suck up to Washington like his successor, Kevin Rudd who thought being able to speak Chinese would help him suck up to China on behalf of the USA which doesn’t really make for a good legacy. Still as of now, the liberal party is so thoroughly useless that I hope they stay out of power indefinitely.
In a way, it is good that the USA is stuffing up right now because if the disconnect between the old and new USA becomes great enough, the more the new generation in Australia will eventually shift away from the USA (given my conversation with my sisters boyfriend, an Aussie on how the disconnect is becoming greater and greater) and ultimately will help to chart a more independent course for Australia and an eventually calming of ties with China down the track. Of course this requires that the USA implodes on itself but given the current weather disasters in the USA on just at the start of the year, don’t be surprised if Australia leaves the USA out to dry (why I say this, Australia hardly ever tries to help the USA with its internal crap unless pushed to do so, so the current feel is that the US ties with Australia might not be as great as it once was, especially with how much the younger generation in Australia loves TikTok and how the current government has no interest in touch it right now). Let’s see how the madness unfolds in the USA, the fall of such a nation can only be good for everyone else.
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