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The Vietnam War was a major war, along with Korean War, neither seemed to have stopped the Americans, or the Chinese, from progressing.
The Vietnam War bankrupted the US economy and forced them to pull a Nixon and basically default by going off the gold standard and print money backed by their 'word', leading to stagflation of the 70s. Only the Petrodollar saved the US the time.
Now that China and the rest of the 2nd and 3rd world are unwilling to be bag holders for american excess, the US is facing down another period of stagflation.

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History repeats, with the US as the soviets this time.
btw with ppl making the point that the old stock and cold era inventories being sent to ukraine so that US and NATO can replenish with newer weapons...with what money? Petrodollar won't be here for much longer and how can the USG justify increased military spending when the inevitable peasant uprising/revolution comes? This is like the French monarchs starting useless wars whilst the peasants starved.


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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: Putin has only one option, but he does not want to accept it. This option is to lose the war.

Also Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: “If Ukraine loses, then the world in which the US plays such an important role will start to fall apart”

Looks like he has two options. doesn't?
One thing the he needs to know, either way, there will no longer be a Ukraine in the end, either the nation comes under Russian control with his ass in jail or it ends up segmented into multiple smaller pieces with the nation becoming a failed state and his sorry ass being hunted down for the rest of his days, or even finally like the US believes (which is simply ridiculous), nuked into oblivion with means he gets turned into radioactive ash. So really, he has no good options left

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Ok that does it, Germany is completely dead in my eyes, if it get economically destroyed and the entire nation collapses into civil war, I hope they can at least have the brain cells to go after the leadership and given them the French treatment because these people are simply unreal


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“The US doesn’t like multipolarity and is fighting it. My fear is it will exhaust itself fighting because it will fail,” he said.

“Whether we like it or not, the world is going to change and the multipolar world, to me, is on the cards. It’s already been born. It’s growing up,” he said.

Instead of resisting, Yeo said it would be better for the US to help crystallise a multipolar world because Washington would naturally be the first among equals for various reasons including its existing power and the wide use of the English language.

“The quicker the US and maybe the collective West grasp this and work to shape it, the better they are to preserve their position,” he added.


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integration in 1D is pretty easy, its just the accumulated and signed area under the curve of a given function between 2 limits in a definite integral, and which happens to be the antiderivative for an indefinite integral.

for positive functions, you can understand it as simply the accumulated area under the curve, and this visual definition is actually very useful for computing real world accumulations given rate data, that do not actually have functions.

"integration in 1D is pretty easy," :)

"its just the accumulated and signed area under the curve of a given function between 2 limits in a definite integral," :(

"and which happens to be the antiderivative for an indefinite integral." :mad:


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Biden says he was ‘professor’ — touting $1 million gig with few visits​

That academic appointment itself is considered controversial by some Biden critics. Biden was made an honorary professor from 2017 to 2019 and reportedly paid nearly $1 million for a few visits to the school. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was paid $371,159 in 2017 and $540,484 in 2018-2019. He has used the appointment to claim the status of a professor in speeches.

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Wow, I can't imagine what is to take an entire lecture with Biden.



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To clarify, multivariable calculus was a university course. However, yes, I did take OAC calculus in high school.
I guess I am pretty old, lol

Also remember the background was how necessary math is to the end of secondary school. Most math at the 17-18 age is University prep (algebra, vectors, calculus). If the desired outcome of Sunak's proposal is to educate society as a whole, then that stuff would be overkill.

I think there are quite a few patent troll lawyers that have those backgrounds, of course I've never investigated it, but just from news articles. Of course my main point is sci-tech grads being unproductive and reminding how patent litigation/strong IP laws are promoted as "fostering innovation", when most of the time it is the opposite.
Here in Australia the maths you can do in last 2 years of high school is basically divided into 3 levels of easy/medium/hard, people usually pick 1 or 2 of them to study. The medium difficulty maths has differential calculus while the hard difficulty has integration calculus.

My Chinese relatives are indeed pretty startled to learn that high school maths in Australia can reach this level as I think integration in China is Uni only, and it clearly doesn't fit with the image of western countries being weak on maths in high school. However I would say the hard flavour of math is definitely dropping people in the deep end and see if they sink or swim. You get a big point adjustment upwards for your uni entry point if you do well in the hard maths so it really sorts out the smart people from the masses.

Hilariously the physic I was studying in the last 2 years of high school has a lot of problems that deal with area under the curve (particular of note: calculating orbits using Kepler's laws) and obviously they cannot assume everyone who choose to study physical also studies hard maths, so all the "find the area under the curve" type question has grid already lined up for you to count the boxes. My class which is made up of mostly Asians who picked the big five subjects (english, medium and hard maths, physics, chemistry) would argue with our physic teacher saying this and this question provides us with enough information that it's both faster and more accurate for us to use integration to find the answer and he would go in a joking manner "no I don't want to see that here, you want to practice the Dark Arts go do it in the other side of the building".

I thought it was very clever to design high school course such that you learn both integration and encounter actual real life questions in physics that need integration to solve at about the same time. It left a deep impression on me on what Newton was trying achieve when he invented it. These days I've forgotten most of calculus from high school but I still have a very clear idea on what it's for and what it's capable of doing because of that timing in high school.

There's a series of sci-fi books called Uplift series which makes use of this idea as part of the setting. Humanity has joined the galactic community of smart alien races and
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If this ain't a clear, open declaration by Washington DC that the United States has already decided to wage war against China in the Pacific, I don't know what else is.

Nobody in Beijing should hold any illusions. The Chinese people's Great Patriotic War against the imperialist facists will happen in the coming future. The question is when, not if.
Yes, the U.S. is really worried that they will lose the status of world hegemony:
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Some delusional U.S. policymakers, who had forgotten their historic lesson in Vietnam, really want to use Taiwan to check China's rise:

US military deepens ties with Japan and Philippines to prepare for China threat​

Top Marine Corps general James Bierman outlines sweeping reform to adapt force for possible conflict over Taiwan
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They will fail again, just like they failed in Vietnam.

James W. Pfister: Same mistake: Vietnam and Taiwan​

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Well, it looks like that China will postpone "collapse" until 2025.

Interesting comment:


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TFW you realise you get paid more than Mike Pompeo:
The 58-year-old Pompeo is quite young compared to the 78-year-old Biden and the 74-year-old Trump. In addition, he has the ambition to become president. At the very least, it is a corporate executive with a million annual salary. As a result, because of China's strong sanctions, millions of annual salary positions have left him, and he has fallen from "heaven" to "hell."

... Pompeo's annual salary as a "senior expert" is only 80,000 US dollars. You know, it's normal for officials at the level of the U.S. Secretary of State to work as executives in various companies and earn millions and tens of millions of dollars a year. Even when he worked for Koch Group before, when he was president of an oil field company, his annual salary was also one million dollars. level.

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EDIT: Hell, a cocktail waitress gets paid more than Mike Pompeo, even more if she has OnlyFans, but i wouldn't want the world to suffer a Pompeo OnlyFans.
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Yes, the U.S. is really worried that they will lose the status of world hegemony:
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Some delusional U.S. policymakers, who had forgotten their historic lesson in Vietnam, really want to use Taiwan to check China's rise:

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They will fail again, just like they failed in Vietnam.

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Well, it looks like that China will postpone "collapse" until 2025.

Interesting comment:
Saudis were so upset about the treatment of Muslims in China, that they demanded oil payments to be made in Renminbi.