Miscellaneous News


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He makes up for it with that sweet, sweet Israeli + NRA money.
I'm surprised which Israeli group wants to lose Chinese access just to give this old has-been some money. He was always a suck up to the Israeli lobby so why would the Israelis pay twice for something they get for free anyhow?
Yes, the U.S. is really worried that they will lose the status of world hegemony:
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The US is in a dangerous place at the moment; they're are at least 6-8 months away from nationwide unrest due to stagflation (as already seen in the UK and France) and potential civil revolt conditions in 2-3 years due to hyperinflation. Hence the push for war in that timeframe.
China and Saudi pushing the Petroyuan was really the clincher, but i think the recent change in Chinese ambassador to the US as well as the transfer of Zhao Lijian shows that whilst China has shown the sword of the Petroyuan, it is still extending its hand for dialogue.
Way i see it, this is Anglo america's last chance before they careen off into the abyss.


Registered Member
Calculus is part of the curriculum for 17-18 year old high school students who do Maths in the UK.
And I would agree calculus is excessive and not required for the average student.

And from personal experience, I would agree that additional maths for 18 year olds in the UK should focus on practical applications such personal finance and being able to do basic mental arithmetic instantly.

One of the results will be a population which instinctively asks "where is the data" and "show me the numbers" whenever a decision needs to be made, which is a good thing.
I took maths at A level. Calculus is only taught at the very basic level, it wasn't particularly advanced.

There was a module called further maths, which is what all the people who wanted to study maths at university did.

The idea that the common joe is going to be forced to continue studying it until 18 is hilarious...


Registered Member
TFW you realise you get paid more than Mike Pompeo:

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EDIT: Hell, a cocktail waitress gets paid more than Mike Pompeo, even more if she has OnlyFans, but i wouldn't want the world to suffer a Pompeo OnlyFans.
Only 80k a year? No wonder he lost 100 pounds... what a fake title of a book, dude gave up lots of money and many inches around the waist... so much so he turned Zenz in quoting himself for self-promotion and couldnt even afford an editor to proof read the cover of his book, and to think this rapture heartland guy was once SecState and CIA director... must be some 5g infowar reverse pyscho ops 11D chess that we dont know about