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Parody aside, next Dalai Lama would be chosen by the Buddhist association, as those are the ones that technically have the right. And they chose the Panchen Lama as well.

Since things are modernized now, the new dalai Lama will only be a religious figure and not someone granted powers nor state privileges by birth.

There is another method with a golden urn, but it is associated with the dark ages in China, although technically applicable, I don't think that is how the next Dalai Lama will be selected in a modern day society.
Nevermind, TIL apparently there is a special authority in China with the job to follow exactly the rituals of old in selecting reincarnations.

I didn't think they would do stuff like that given how secular the government is.


Registered Member
For the price of the Swedes and Finns to join NATO, they must volunteer as first wave before the Anglos spill their own blood (as an aside, is this the reason Sweden has been so ready to receive Afghan immigrants in the past few years? Hardened fighters ready to make another "Emirate of Khorasan" that's totally not a CIA inspired pipe dream?)
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It ocurred to me that given US Five Eyes practices, the US will do everything but give the Finns and Swedes a formal written NATO accession commitment; yes, they want the Finns and Swedes to fight the Russians, but fight as the Ukrainians are doing so now...supported by US ISR and arms (to the profit of US munitions companies), sacrifcing Swedish and Finnish lives just to wear down the Russian bear.
Nevermind, TIL apparently there is a special authority in China with the job to follow exactly the rituals of old in selecting reincarnations.

I didn't think they would do stuff like that given how secular the government is.
Either the Chinese gov. has a say in religions in China or foreign governments use religions inside of China to influence seperatist groups and foment treason eg Wahabbists preaching to Uighur seperatists, catholic and non catholic christian groups being influenced by american protestantism or Roman Catholicism to say nothing of the CIA instigated 'white lotus' type sects like Falun Gong. In Western history there are documented cases of missionary groups acting as spies and 5th columns to aid western colonialism eg Jesuits, christian missions, the modern CIA which is heavily staffed by Mormons etc


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The thing is, people are dumb, and Chinese are no exception.

English exams in Gaokao focus on grammar. Most native English speakers never learned any formal grammar. Sure they can speak without accent, but that helps you jack squat in Gaokao.

However, the bigger picture is that mandatory English classes is dumb in the first place. The vast majority of people aren't capable of picking up a second language beyond a certain age, and especially not in a purely academic environment where the focus is on obscure grammar peculiarities. Many high school students who would have gone to university otherwise are stymied by their English skills.

I agree that focusing on obscure grammar peculiarities not useful. But I also want to say:

Native English speakers do learn formal grammar, they just tend to forget most of it because it doesn't matter. Grammar recorded down in books and used to teach classes are fossilized version of a language - dead and static - unlike the constantly shifting and changing nature of a spoken language. This is made all the worse by how far out of date grammatical rules taught from books are. So when conflicts inevitably rise between the forms penned down and the forms flowing from the mouths of their peers (native practitioners), it's easy to see why natives forget the formal rules they learn. Grammar is defined by the people who natively speak it, not by rules dictated from beyond the grave. "Don't end a sentence with a preposition" is one of those rules from a book written centuries ago - who, incidentally, made the rule up whole-cloth because they wanted English to be more Latin-like.


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There is another method with a golden urn, but it is associated with the dark ages in China, although technically applicable, I don't think that is how the next Dalai Lama will be selected in a modern day society.

Botong (博通) on YT, whose analysis is many times spot on, argued that the traditional ritualistic way is what gives legitimacy to the office of Dalai, which is after all a religious position. If Chinese government chooses the next Dalai using a non-traditional method, then others like Americans and Indians could also invent their own new ways and claim their Dalai is the real incarnation.


Registered Member
Looks like South Korea need to be taught a very important lesson, in that South Koreans must learn how to:
1. Respect China's position as the dominant power in the region;
2. Respect China's soverignity and integrity; and
3. Respect the Chinese people and the Chinese civilization state.

That said, if the South Koreans really do wish to interfere in China's internal affairs, then China should grant them their wish by annexing both Koreas and unify them under the direct rule of Beijing as the 33rd province of the PRC.


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3 weeks ago
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Forecasts Show India May Become World’s Third Largest Economy by 2030
2 days ago
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India's GDP nearing to $20 trillion, per capital income at $10k by 2047, says Bibek Debroy
India Set to Lose Fastest-Growing Major Economy Tag in FY23


Senior Member
Hate to see it but Chinese visitors are coming to Australia in huge numbers again. Pre covid Chinese spend huge sums in aus on education, property, shopping, tourism, accommodation etc. It didnt earn any positive Pro China sentiment at all. Instead year by year there is increasing anti China sinophobic feelings in gov, media and population. Hopefully this time Chinese learn their lesson.

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3 weeks ago
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2 days ago
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India and its elites have revealed their envious hand as wanting to be the eternal sepoys of the Anglo 'rules based order'. At least Bolsonaro's Brazil saw the need for balance since he eventually re-connected with the BRICS and didnt ditch Huawei. It was a good thing that BRICS+ is now a thing at Chinese chairmanship since the introduction of Egypt, Iran, Saudi will neutralise India's already treasonous attitude and enforce the will of the global South.
Hate to see it but Chinese visitors are coming to Australia in huge numbers again. Pre covid Chinese spend huge sums in aus on education, property, shopping, tourism, accommodation etc. It didnt earn any positive Pro China sentiment at all. Instead year by year there is increasing anti China sinophobic feelings in gov, media and population. Hopefully this time Chinese learn their lesson.

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The Australian continent cannot be ignored with its rich resources and agricultural land; better to have the demographics tilted towards Chinese rather than the already burgeoning indian immigrants trying to get their cousins into australia so they can form ethnic fiefdoms as was seen in Oracle and Twitter.

In fact, the racists "Swamped by Asians" White Australia Policy crowd have never stopped harping on about how more Chinese voters are going to influence elections- because it just happened at the most recent election where Chinese voters destroyed the sinophobic Liberal Party in favour of the more conciliatory Labor Party. Currently, the US CIA aim is to depose the current Labor leader if he doesnt show enough anti China prostration after Foreign Minister Penny Wong just visited China.


Senior Member
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Looks like South Korea need to be taught a very important lesson, in that South Koreans must learn how to:
1. Respect China's position as the dominant power in the region;
2. Respect China's soverignity and integrity; and
3. Respect the Chinese people and the Chinese civilization state.

That said, if the South Koreans really do wish to interfere in China's internal affairs, then China should grant them their wish by annexing both Koreas and unify them under the direct rule of Beijing as the 33rd province of the PRC.

South Koreans must have developed masochistic tendencies from always having their employers treat them like trash.
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