Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General

Apparently the Canadians think the West is essentially at war with China as the same as with Russia. The West doesn't see themselves at fault for anything when it is their fault entirely. They're using Russia as an excuse to punish China. A US judge just dropped charges against Meng Wanzhou due to lack of evidence that Canada was hiding behind the rule of law in kidnapping her for the US but somehow the West has nothing to feel guilty about...


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Apparently the Canadians think the West is essentially at war with China as the same as with Russia. The West doesn't see themselves at fault for anything when it is their fault entirely. They're using Russia as an excuse to punish China. A US judge just dropped charges against Meng Wanzhou due to lack of evidence that Canada was hiding behind the rule of law in kidnapping her for the US but somehow the West has nothing to feel guilty about...
Sir Ian Bremmer :eek:his analysis is worth shit IF you ask me....lol and people pay top dollar to listen from him, what a joke.:rolleyes: How can one be an expert when he can't even pinpoint a location in China or know any political leaders except for Xi Jing Ping. ;) I have observes that major Western geopolitical pundits and politicians have a major problem regarding geography. Maybe major reform are needed in their educational system.:)


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Pierre de Gaulle, the grandson of former French President General Charles de Gaulle, has shared his opinions on the war and has defended Russia, which he believes is being conspired against.

All he is blame Americans and deflect it from De Gaulle . when infact he is responsible what France is today whether heatwave or lack of covid vaccine development. Germany always would have won this European integration project due to its special responsibility towards Israel and its 1960s Turkish labor. France also squandered advantages of Arab Wealth.
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This paper seeks to re· verse this historiographical consensus by examining the four major decisions toward European integration during de Gaulle's presidency: the decisions to remain in the Common Market in 1958, to propose the Foucher Plan in the early 1960s, to veto British accession to the EC, and to provoke the "empty chair" crisis in 1965-1966, resulting in the "Luxembourg Compromise." In each case, the overwhelming bulk of the primary evidence-speeches, memoirs, or government documents-suggests that de Gaulle's primary motivation was economic, not geopolitical or ideological. Like his predecessors and successors, de Gaulle sought to promote French industry and agriculture by establishing protected markets for their export products


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Noo..! They are trying to kill the memes!

Based off of reading the Dalai Lama's proposals, it looks like he'll get his advisors to select his candidate as the next Dalai Lama.

I believe that they will select a young boy who came as an exile from Tibet. They won't select a Tibetan living in Tibet, as that person would be controlled by China. They won't select an Indian-born person, as that person would be easily labelled as Indian, which is embarrassing.



That's true I heard even African American have a hard time getting a English teaching job in China. But I also heard requirements to teach English have increased so a lot of westerners got pissed off. That their only skill of talking English wasn't enough to get any good paying jobs in china anymore.

The thing is, people are dumb, and Chinese are no exception.

English exams in Gaokao focus on grammar. Most native English speakers never learned any formal grammar. Sure they can speak without accent, but that helps you jack squat in Gaokao.

However, the bigger picture is that mandatory English classes is dumb in the first place. The vast majority of people aren't capable of picking up a second language beyond a certain age, and especially not in a purely academic environment where the focus is on obscure grammar peculiarities. Many high school students who would have gone to university otherwise are stymied by their English skills.


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Parody aside, next Dalai Lama would be chosen by the Buddhist association, as those are the ones that technically have the right. And they chose the Panchen Lama as well.

Since things are modernized now, the new dalai Lama will only be a religious figure and not someone granted powers nor state privileges by birth.

There is another method with a golden urn, but it is associated with the dark ages in China, although technically applicable, I don't think that is how the next Dalai Lama will be selected in a modern day society.


99% of anglosphere fear-mongering against China is based entirely on projection. They think just because they would have invaded Siberia if they were in China’s position that of course that’s what China also wants and plans to do.
Or they desperately want to see that China gets nuked by Russia, because they know time is not on their side. According to the opinion of Zoltan Pozsar from the Credit Suisse, petroyuan and BRICS currency is coming in 3-5 years.
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U.S. policymakers are really paranoid about anything from China, including cars.
US government officials recently reached out to the IDF and expressed concern about the fact that the Israeli military has cars made in China that are used by IDF officers.
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A Chinese company will start to produce oil in Afghanistan.