Miscellaneous News


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Unfortunately, that's unlikely to happen. Most Chinese still associate English with Western (read: white) cachet. They won't even accept ethnic Chinese native English speakers.
That's true I heard even African American have a hard time getting a English teaching job in China. But I also heard requirements to teach English have increased so a lot of westerners got pissed off. That their only skill of talking English wasn't enough to get any good paying jobs in china anymore.

And Filipino nurses are in demand everywhere I heard the US is so desperate they even have a demand for Filipino teachers. There have been so many times my mom and aunties tried to match me up with a Filipina nurses they know located in London, US or Berlin Pre covid times.


Registered Member
After Filipino President Bongbong Marcos's visit to Beijing has been concluded yesterday, President Serdar Berdimuhamedow of Turkmenistan paid a visit to Beijing today.

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Just a quick note - Serdar Berdimuhamedow is the son of the former Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Gurbanguly was succeeded by his son Serdar in March last year.



Registered Member
People on reddit still think Vietnam is in US camp.

Its like dude have you been listening to their party secretary? Dude's been going on about "comrades and brothers" like it's hay day of socialist world revolution.
It's a lot more people than just on reddit.

It reminds me the Americans who at the start of the Ukrainian war thought China was about to turn on Russia, and before the war thought Russia was going to turn on China.


The Punisher
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That's true I heard even African American have a hard time getting a English teaching job in China. But I also heard requirements to teach English have increased so a lot of westerners got pissed off. That their only skill of talking English wasn't enough to get any good paying jobs in china anymore.
Yep, and these pissed off no-skill white expats end up making YouTube channels to talk shit about China.


Lieutenant General
I still see a lot of them convinced that China will invade Siberia any time now.

99% of anglosphere fear-mongering against China is based entirely on projection. They think just because they would have invaded Siberia if they were in China’s position that of course that’s what China also wants and plans to do.

When you see random, nonsensical BS claims drop out of nowhere, odds are the Anglos have already did this horrible deed for real that they accuse China of wanting/planning to do.

Case in point is invading Russia. NATO has been edging ever closer since the end of the Cold War, and they would 100% go for it if they think they had the actual power to pull it off.

If Ukraine could magically beat the Russian army on the field, they absolutely would not be stopping at the pre-war boarders and would march on Moscow if they could.


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Iran arrests nine in anti-terrorist operation

On 5 January, Iranian Brigadier General Mohammad Ghanbari, the provincial police chief of Sistan and Baluchestan, announced that a terrorist group had been broken up in Zahedan and nine suspected terrorists had been detained, according to IRNA news agency.
According to Ghanbari, all nine members of the terrorist group were apprehended on the evening of 4 January after extensive intelligence gathering and a complex operation. He stressed that while the terrorists were carrying out their operations, police seized six vehicles, some guns, and ammunition.
The police chief emphasized that several members of the terrorist group have carried out a number of armed attacks in recent weeks with the intention of killing police officers who were on patrol.
The terrorist organization openly admitted to its crimes in the countless armed robberies, roadblocks, attempts to compromise national security, training, and interactions with separatist counter-revolutionary networks.
On 6 December, Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced that its security forces were able to dismantle several “operational cells” of the
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(MEK) in the provinces of Tehran. The group is a designated terrorist organization by the Iranian government.
According to the statement, authorities arrested ten people linked to “terrorist activities” and several attacks against the administration of the
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, including military personnel, and members of the police force, while causing damages to residential buildings.
“The members of this network, under the guidance of anti-revolutionary agents living in Germany and the Netherlands, were intending to carry out subversive action by procuring war weapons and acting against national security,” according to the Iranian
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added that the suspects attempted to obtain weapons illegally and intended to carry out “subversive acts.” The weapons include mortars, grenades, and Molotov cocktails.
A day prior, the Iranian security authorities arrested several individuals accused of collaborating with the Israeli intelligence agency
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four, while three others received lengthy prison sentences.


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The Dalai Lama must be a Tibetan, residing in Tibet, China. He cannot be an Indian. India had never even existed when Tibet was already a part of Qing dynasty era China. This nonsense about India and Tibet must end.
I've thought about this for awhile.

Based off of reading the Dalai Lama's proposals, it looks like he'll get his advisors to select his candidate as the next Dalai Lama.

I believe that they will select a young boy who came as an exile from Tibet. They won't select a Tibetan living in Tibet, as that person would be controlled by China. They won't select an Indian-born person, as that person would be easily labelled as Indian, which is embarrassing.

They would then work very hard to instill Tibetan culture in the candidate. I think they would mostly succeed, as his advisors are still Tibetan. There might be some parts of modern Tibetan culture in which they would fail.

China could try to label the candidate as Indian and not Tibetan. It would all depend on how successful said person would be at retaining Tibetan culture. There might be some Indian cultural behaviors that the person would develop, which Tibetans would never do. It would be hilarious if the candidate converted to Hinduism under Modi, but this is wishful thinking.


Registered Member
I've thought about this for awhile.

Based off of reading the Dalai Lama's proposals, it looks like he'll get his advisors to select his candidate as the next Dalai Lama.

I believe that they will select a young boy who came as an exile from Tibet. They won't select a Tibetan living in Tibet, as that person would be controlled by China. They won't select an Indian-born person, as that person would be easily labelled as Indian, which is embarrassing.

They would then work very hard to instill Tibetan culture in the candidate. I think they would mostly succeed, as his advisors are still Tibetan. There might be some parts of modern Tibetan culture in which they would fail.

China could try to label the candidate as Indian and not Tibetan. It would all depend on how successful said person would be at retaining Tibetan culture. There might be some Indian cultural behaviors that the person would develop, which Tibetans would never do. It would be hilarious if the candidate converted to Hinduism under Modi, but this is wishful thinking.

Correction to the above.
The Dalai Lama is not Indian, Tibetans fleeing to India are not eligible for Indian citizenship. Most cannot even attend university in India and therefore become economically marginalized (politically as well). The "Government in exile" resists the granting of Indian citizenship to the migrants because it would diminish their control over the Tibetan population. Meanwhile the Indian government is happy to poke China in the eye basically for free (limited financial support given).

Because of the poor (literally and figuratively) state of the situation of exiles in India, many have fled to the US and Canada. Some are even returning to China which is really scaring the "Government in exile". See this ridiculous propaganda article as an example

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Even Indian media is not so ridiculous (that's saying A LOT)

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As we know, the central government of China has poured in a lot of money into Tibet. As a result, the economic situation has improved a lot. So much that the even the MSM cannot deny that many younger Tibetans are proud Chinese
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The new generation is completely spooking the 'exile' population. Most famously is the arrested NYPD cop who by published accounts is a super deep Red. This is creating some deep divisions in the community as a result.