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Deleted member 23272

Based on those results, there might be some hope for Australia after all given their reaction to Chinese cuisine and I am a bit shocked about the reaction to Taiwanese cuisine. Not that Taiwanese food is bad but in all honesty, where I am at, I have honestly not been able to locate a good Taiwanese place to assess their cuisine very well at all. I am honestly surprised that Japanese and HK food is ranked quite poorly in Australia but then again given that Japanese food tends to be over priced and mostly focused on sushi and the ramen is overpriced like hell and how nowadays, HK in Melbourne is disappearing with Chinese cuisine rapidly taking its place and is among the most affordable (compared to others), I can honestly see why.
Others feel free disagree with me, but I'll be real frank here. I like Japanese food, however I've always felt that Japanese food's ascension into the pantheon of "prestige cuisines" nowadays, in many places superseding French as the show-off cuisine, is the best example of the power media and branding can have.

Sushi, sure its raw food so you don't want to pay pennies for it, otherwise it'll kill you. However, with the rise of sushi places charging people $600 U.S. per person, when you can honestly can get the exact same thing in most $50 per person sushi joints or high quality Japanese supermarkets, it must be said. Its sliced raw fish and sushi chefs are just overglorified butchers.

What is Wagyu but beef that's engineered to be 80% fat?

If you're going to make fun of the fact the only interesting German/Austrian food item is schnitzel I don't know why Tonkatsu, which is appropriated from schnitzel btw, deserves to be held up as something you pay top dollar for.

Other Japanese dishes, like Izakaya, is pretty simple fair. Most Dim Sum items take way more skill to make.

I will give the Japanese that Tonkotsu and Tori Paitan ramen, just because of labor exhaustive and creative the flavours are deserves to be mentioned among the greats. Sure as shit not good for you though, since those broths are so creamy precisely because they're basically liquified animal fat compared to Chinese and Vietnamese noodle soups that are much cleaner.

So in short, once again my opinion. Japanese cuisine is good, but why the handing out of Michelin stars to that country like ration cards in a warzone?


Registered Member
Others feel free disagree with me, but I'll be real frank here. I like Japanese food, however I've always felt that Japanese food's ascension into the pantheon of "prestige cuisines" nowadays, in many places superseding French as the show-off cuisine, is the best example of the power media and branding can have.

Sushi, sure its raw food so you don't want to pay pennies for it, otherwise it'll kill you. However, with the rise of sushi places charging people $600 U.S. per person, when you can honestly can get the exact same thing in most $50 per person sushi joints or high quality Japanese supermarkets, it must be said. Its sliced raw fish and sushi chefs are just overglorified butchers.

What is Wagyu but beef that's engineered to be 80% fat?

If you're going to make fun of the fact the only interesting German/Austrian food item is schnitzel I don't know why Tonkatsu, which is appropriated from schnitzel btw, deserves to be held up as something you pay top dollar for.

Other Japanese dishes, like Izakaya, is pretty simple fair. Most Dim Sum items take way more skill to make.

I will give the Japanese that Tonkotsu and Tori Paitan ramen, just because of labor exhaustive and creative the flavours are deserves to be mentioned among the greats. Sure as shit not good for you though, since those broths are so creamy precisely because they're basically liquified animal fat compared to Chinese and Vietnamese noodle soups that are much cleaner.

So in short, once again my opinion. Japanese cuisine is good, but why the handing out of Michelin stars to that country like ration cards in a warzone?
Unless one travels to Japan and tries out the cuisine off the beaten path, from Melbourne let’s say, sushi and bento boxes and ramen is basically all you would see in Melbourne and unless they are done by a Japanese person (and sometimes not even that), it will taste horrible and hell I even recently got food poisoning as a result. These days, many European food can easily be shoveled into cliques meaning that once you had enough of them, you would get sick of it quite quickly because they are almost always the same plus or minus quality. But in all honesty, I once did have a fascination with Japanese food, but nowadays I much prefer Chinese cooking both in and out of the home because you can get the taste, nutrition and enjoyment at the fraction of the cost and also given the sheer amount of Chinese people in Melbourne, most of those place turn out to be good quality as long as you know where to go but with Japanese food, it is easy to go to one and find out that it’s bad based on their desire to cater to the western palate which in turn ensures that the quality will suffer and I have been to quite a lot of them and have left paying almost 1.5 times the cost of meal that I can get at a Chinese place.
Also, my only real impression about Italian food is that pasta and pizza is basically the norm with very little being special about it and if you do go to a real Italian place, I bet you that it will cost at least 2x what a Chinese restaurant will charge on average.
And finally, I don’t understand what is so special about the Michelin star awards about to be honest, most of those places that award them to, are overpriced as f&ck and that sucks out all the enjoyment of a meal, not to mention is seems as though you are paying more the the decor and atmosphere rather then the food with is served in small quantities
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Registered Member
Commonly its accepted that Italian, Chinese, French and Japanese are the big 4 cuisines. And Italian is considered the main and most homey cuisine of the West while Chinese is the equivalent in the East, with Japan and France generally being "fancier".

But that doesn't mean for example Italian food or Chinese food doesn't have insanely high ceiling. In fact I'd argue that they have some of the highest ceilings in terms of quality because some dishes employ very complicated methods, blend of flavors, expensive ingredients etc.

Probably the main reason Japanese cuisine has a high reputation is because Americans failed to bastardize it on a widespread level. Many ppl when they think Italian cuisine they think whatever the fuck happens at pizza hut and olive garden, this ostentibly hurts the reputation of Italian cuisine even if it is excellent at its roots. Same applies to whatever horror an "orange chicken" is and why it is associated with Chinese cuisine.

I don't understand why but the American food industry have failed to crack the Japanese food chain. So most Japanese cuisine benefits from actually being made on recipes from the origin country.

Deleted member 23272

I don't understand why but the American food industry have failed to crack the Japanese food chain. So most Japanese cuisine benefits from actually being made on recipes from the origin country.
Well its not so much the America food industry, but its a matter of what industries immigrants had to get into in order to survive. Italians and Chinese have huge diasporas in America, where due to discrimination the only way to survive was to open restaurants and in many cases they had to adjust their foods to Anglo tastes. So Chinese added the thick corn starch sauces likewise Italians started making their sauces way heavier, when most traditional Italian sauces are based on pasta water. And plus Americans love big, so Italians came up with the famous giant meatballs, when most native Italians consider that stuff on the level of General Tso's chicken.

Japan has a much smaller diaspora and they mostly got into farming. Then of course in America, internment happened and Japanese once they were released went on a mad dash to assimilate into American culture.

So really Japanese food is just like Thai, its a concerted soft power effort that preserves the authenticity of the food, rather than something that changed with whatever host nation its diaspora landed in.


Registered Member
I wouldn't be surprised if Elon buying twitter is just a Church like commission to "clean up" US social media like the Church commission did for the CIA. Just throw everything on the street people will be mad for 2 hours and life goes on, than they will refloat twitter again and musk will be seen as an even bigger Messiah.


Lieutenant General
Food as always been used by the West to be racist so I wouldn't give them any credibility on such polls. There are some foreign foods I don't like but I'm not going to knock them for it. In the West they like to romanticize the food traditional of European poor people. When it's Asian they see it as garbage food. There have been controversies in the US where whites will appropriate Chinese food and then claim they made it better. In San Francisco white restaurant owners would complain if a Chinese restaurant got the same star-rating in the newspaper that they got because they see Chinese food as not at the same level as their food. In the US, Italian is the number one ethnic food followed by Chinese but you know the food snobs will just say it's because Chinese food is cheap and not because it's good. Then on the flip side, just because I'll say I love a good prime rib, I've had people actually tell me I'm admitting white people food is superior to Chinese food. You can see right there why some whites won't even say any other people's food is any good because it's about white superiority to them.


Registered Member
Food as always been used by the West to be racist so I wouldn't give them any credibility on such polls. There are some foreign foods I don't like but I'm not going to knock them for it. In the West they like to romanticize the food traditional of European poor people. When it's Asian they see it as garbage food. There have been controversies in the US where whites will appropriate Chinese food and then claim they made it better.
I see US as such a non entity when it comes to making food that their opinion is barely irrelevant.

Oh yeah Americans claim they made Chinese food better, Lmfao yeah food gets better if you increase the portion size, fry it in gutter oil, add some pink meat paste, let the MSG rain from the heavens and slap on a ton of batter right?

Like someone else named above, the ultra sized meatballs that are supposedly Italian are such a cursed concept as well.

Obviously US is a big place and there will be many normal restaurants serving authentic food, but I think in terms of broadly speaking cuisine philosophy, they have one of the absolute worst globally, most of their practices are aimed at turning the food into its lowest common denominator while making it more carbs filled. Imho British cuisine is far superior to American cuisine, its bland but at least its authentic.

Also I'm gonna shit on the food of European poor people. Chinese poverty cuisine made a 1000+ different chicken, cheap seafood recipes, congee flavored with rich tasting but cheap ingredients etc. What did euro peasants accomplish? They were eating flour mixed with water alongside disgusting pickled fish before they discovered the potato. And what do they do with the potato? They boil it whole and eat it with nothing or the same disgusting pickled fish.

German sausages are good though.


I see US as such a non entity when it comes to making food that their opinion is barely irrelevant.

Oh yeah Americans claim they made Chinese food better, Lmfao yeah food gets better if you increase the portion size, fry it in gutter oil, add some pink meat paste, let the MSG rain from the heavens and slap on a ton of batter right?

Like someone else named above, the ultra sized meatballs that are supposedly Italian are such a cursed concept as well.

Obviously US is a big place and there will be many normal restaurants serving authentic food, but I think in terms of broadly speaking cuisine philosophy, they have one of the absolute worst globally, most of their practices are aimed at turning the food into its lowest common denominator while making it more carbs filled. Imho British cuisine is far superior to American cuisine, its bland but at least its authentic.

Also I'm gonna shit on the food of European poor people. Chinese poverty cuisine made a 1000+ different chicken, cheap seafood recipes, congee flavored with rich tasting but cheap ingredients etc. What did euro peasants accomplish? They were eating flour mixed with water alongside disgusting pickled fish before they discovered the potato. And what do they do with the potato? They boil it whole and eat it with nothing or the same disgusting pickled fish.

German sausages are good though.

Not just frankfurters, but their desserts are typical good European standard. Kuchens, black forest cakes, yum! @ficker22 !


Registered Member
Food as always been used by the West to be racist so I wouldn't give them any credibility on such polls. There are some foreign foods I don't like but I'm not going to knock them for it. In the West they like to romanticize the food traditional of European poor people. When it's Asian they see it as garbage food. There have been controversies in the US where whites will appropriate Chinese food and then claim they made it better. In San Francisco white restaurant owners would complain if a Chinese restaurant got the same star-rating in the newspaper that they got because they see Chinese food as not at the same level as their food. In the US, Italian is the number one ethnic food followed by Chinese but you know the food snobs will just say it's because Chinese food is cheap and not because it's good. Then on the flip side, just because I'll say I love a good prime rib, I've had people actually tell me I'm admitting white people food is superior to Chinese food. You can see right there why some whites won't even say any other people's food is any good because it's about white superiority to them.
Food and by extension technology doesn't stop racism; look at the many racists like Pottinger and his fellow sexpats who will happily eat Chinese food, prey on Chinese women, borrow from Chinese culture like Kung Fu or even outright steal it and spit on Masters like Bruce Lee as Quentin Tarantino did.
Look at the many racists in the Atlanticist West who use wheelbarrows, tea, paper, gunpowder weapons, 5G et al none of them even acknowledge what they owe to Chinese civilisation, hell their guiding state religion of Humanism that forms the basis of the American Revolution had its
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from Confucius. American hegemony relies on the myth of its Washington Consensus and Atlanticist tutelage as being the sole source of modern technology; China's very existence and success lays bare that lie.

There's a reason why Putin said the Atlanticist West 'have no principles'. Because they will do anything, say anything, practice anything if it keeps themselves in power. The founding myth of modern american hegemony is victory over Nazi Germany and the founding of a safe homeland for the jews and yet the same Atlanticist West promotes, arms and trains outright Nazis in Ukraine in much the same way the US Elites via NSA's Tailored Access Operations will use industrial espionage to steal tech and industrial secrets from other nations to give to US companies whilst touting 'free markets'. And yet this obsession with power for power's sake is projected onto China in a very judeo-christian like practice of scapegoating...