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Food and by extension technology doesn't stop racism; look at the many racists like Pottinger and his fellow sexpats who will happily eat Chinese food, prey on Chinese women, borrow from Chinese culture like Kung Fu or even outright steal it and spit on Masters like Bruce Lee as Quentin Tarantino did.
Look at the many racists in the Atlanticist West who use wheelbarrows, tea, paper, gunpowder weapons, 5G et al none of them even acknowledge what they owe to Chinese civilisation, hell their guiding state religion of Humanism that forms the basis of the American Revolution had its
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from Confucius. American hegemony relies on the myth of its Washington Consensus and Atlanticist tutelage as being the sole source of modern technology; China's very existence and success lays bare that lie.

There's a reason why Putin said the Atlanticist West 'have no principles'. Because they will do anything, say anything, practice anything if it keeps themselves in power. The founding myth of modern american hegemony is victory over Nazi Germany and the founding of a safe homeland for the jews and yet the same Atlanticist West promotes, arms and trains outright Nazis in Ukraine in much the same way the US Elites via NSA's Tailored Access Operations will use industrial espionage to steal tech and industrial secrets from other nations to give to US companies whilst touting 'free markets'. And yet this obsession with power for power's sake is projected onto China in a very judeo-christian like practice of scapegoating...

That's why the West has no staying power.

This kind of toxic ideology, people get off the bandwagon, or do not even bother to jump on, as they drive that bus drives on through time.

This Russia Ukraine war is an important point in history.

No one outside the West, is interested one bit in the Western narrative.

In fact, internally that Western narrative about the war, that may not be unified either. We see what the Germans will do in the coming year or two.

The German Green Party acting like they are Americans, probably that act will not sell well over time.

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Registered Member
Uzbekistan is the #1 in terms of food among the ex-Soviet countries imo. Don't like the Eastern European food though - too bland and simple. American cuisine is a mishmash of other cuisines hence it is hard to see why it would be ranked so high. And Peruvian... no disrespect to Peruvians but I can't even name a single dish.

Italian food also borrowed plenty from other countries - e.g. the famous spaghetti came from Arabs who most likely derived them from the Chinese noodles since they were actively trading with China.
Ceviche, lomo saltado and pisco sours for a start. Peruvian food is pretty damn good actually.


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Well its not so much the America food industry, but its a matter of what industries immigrants had to get into in order to survive. Italians and Chinese have huge diasporas in America, where due to discrimination the only way to survive was to open restaurants and in many cases they had to adjust their foods to Anglo tastes. So Chinese added the thick corn starch sauces likewise Italians started making their sauces way heavier, when most traditional Italian sauces are based on pasta water. And plus Americans love big, so Italians came up with the famous giant meatballs, when most native Italians consider that stuff on the level of General Tso's chicken.

Japan has a much smaller diaspora and they mostly got into farming. Then of course in America, internment happened and Japanese once they were released went on a mad dash to assimilate into American culture.

So really Japanese food is just like Thai, its a concerted soft power effort that preserves the authenticity of the food, rather than something that changed with whatever host nation its diaspora landed in.
Note that the authenticity and popularity of Thai restaurants can be owed to their government's Global Thai initiative and Thai Select projects, so indeed a "concerted soft power effort" in every sense.


Registered Member
Food and by extension technology doesn't stop racism; look at the many racists like Pottinger and his fellow sexpats who will happily eat Chinese food, prey on Chinese women, borrow from Chinese culture like Kung Fu or even outright steal it and spit on Masters like Bruce Lee as Quentin Tarantino did.
Look at the many racists in the Atlanticist West who use wheelbarrows, tea, paper, gunpowder weapons, 5G et al none of them even acknowledge what they owe to Chinese civilisation, hell their guiding state religion of Humanism that forms the basis of the American Revolution had its
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from Confucius. American hegemony relies on the myth of its Washington Consensus and Atlanticist tutelage as being the sole source of modern technology; China's very existence and success lays bare that lie.

There's a reason why Putin said the Atlanticist West 'have no principles'. Because they will do anything, say anything, practice anything if it keeps themselves in power. The founding myth of modern american hegemony is victory over Nazi Germany and the founding of a safe homeland for the jews and yet the same Atlanticist West promotes, arms and trains outright Nazis in Ukraine in much the same way the US Elites via NSA's Tailored Access Operations will use industrial espionage to steal tech and industrial secrets from other nations to give to US companies whilst touting 'free markets'. And yet this obsession with power for power's sake is projected onto China in a very judeo-christian like practice of scapegoating...
Well I guess the next few years will be critical to see which nation will stand and which one will fall into disgrace. Usually the nation that has the ability to innovation and the humility to learn from their mistakes without too much fanfare is the nation with the greatest staying power which is something I honestly do not see from the west right now

Deleted member 23272

Then on the flip side, just because I'll say I love a good prime rib, I've had people actually tell me I'm admitting white people food is superior to Chinese food. You can see right there why some whites won't even say any other people's food is any good because it's about white superiority to them.
Food and its worth has always been used by Whites to dehumanize and divide people based on hierarchies. For example, today everyone loves Italian food. But back in the 1930s-1950s, when Italians basically held the same social rung as Mexicans in today's America, food critics looked down on Italian food as peasant food. Overly garlicy and drowned in olive oil, something that could never hold a candle to French food. That's not really the case nowadays, since there's really no more anti-Italian discrimination.

That principle is applied to Asia as well. For example, you have all these old ladies in Flushing, New York who crank out thousands of dumplings everyday, their technique honed down to an art and everyone of them perfect. And yet people look down on them, they probably live in some tenement house, and are the poster child whenever a politician feels its time to talk about how "those Chinese" are flooding America and not assimilating. Meanwhile there are so called "gyoza masters" in Japan, who do the exact same things those ladies do and yet they are featured all the time on food youtube channels, and have yuppies paying thousands for a plane ticket to Japan just to try their stuff.


Food as always been used by the West to be racist so I wouldn't give them any credibility on such polls. There are some foreign foods I don't like but I'm not going to knock them for it. In the West they like to romanticize the food traditional of European poor people. When it's Asian they see it as garbage food. There have been controversies in the US where whites will appropriate Chinese food and then claim they made it better. In San Francisco white restaurant owners would complain if a Chinese restaurant got the same star-rating in the newspaper that they got because they see Chinese food as not at the same level as their food. In the US, Italian is the number one ethnic food followed by Chinese but you know the food snobs will just say it's because Chinese food is cheap and not because it's good. Then on the flip side, just because I'll say I love a good prime rib, I've had people actually tell me I'm admitting white people food is superior to Chinese food. You can see right there why some whites won't even say any other people's food is any good because it's about white superiority to them.

I want to see them fighting over crab legs again.

Chop suey was cheap, but it won them over. And this time of the year, Jews are descending on Chinese restaurants.