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That's the narrative with every Western country. cynically drum up hate against them to score cheap political points among xenophobes as well as to preserve the racial status quo. Eventually for America, UK, France, etc. scenes like this will be a daily occurence until it spirals out of control.
Everytime I see westoids wondering why Muslim country side with Russia and China I have to roll my eye. Is it not obvious to them?

Both countries lack the reactionary movements that made bashing foreign religion and culture their entire political identity and have no need to endlessly assert the superiority of their values/culture over Muslim countries to appease the liberals at home.

Who do you think to have a better relation with, those who keep a respectful distance, or those who invite you into their home but spends every second calling you backwards because you aren't exactly like them?
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Registered Member
Totally unbeliveable that they came out with a ranking list like this.

This list offends me so much.

They put ramen as a Japanese..... Why is Germany and Poland even on this list? Countries that consider sauerkraut and processed sausages food should have no say when it comes to food.
There's no such thing as "American cuisine", it's all food created by immigrants from their native countries. Unless you count fried chicken and waffles as cuisine. Ranking that above France is idiotic.

Why is Thailand so low? You see Thai restaurants everywhere, even in countries with very few Thai immigrants.

The top two countries should be China and Italy, with France and India after them. It's a bit of a pointless list as not all countries have their own cuisine anyway. If you've only existed for 100 years your cuisine had to come from somewhere else.


Registered Member
Guangdong/HK cuisine is so much worse than Taiwan cuisine. They literally take Chinese foods from other parts of the country, remove all spices and flavor, then market the result as "clear" food.

One of the most horrifying anecdotes I've heard about food is from an acquiatence a few year backs who told me that she used to eat hot pot somewhere in the Chinese deep south, except this version of hot pot used plain hot tap water.

I'm not saying you can't find good food in the south but if you think about it, you'll realize that all tasty HK food are appropriated cuisine from the middle/North or even from Macau. Dumplings, Ramen, stir fry etc and so on. Very few if any good recipes were native made.


Registered Member
Lmao how can 1 list have so many hilarious and lunatic statements.

Turkey and USA above France.

Poland leagues above freaking Korea.

For some reason the Chinese province of Taiwan has WAY way worse food than the rest of the country, to the point where they're actually worse than Ukraine, a country with no food.

I guess Russia and the LDPR are ranked so fucking low they don't even exist despite pretty much eating the same shit as Georgians do.

Not to mention the horror of England being in top 30, above Belgium.

I'm genuinely disturbed by the list because it's not even obvious what type of person made it. It wouldn't be a Jai hind because then India would be no1. Maybe some sort of American that only eats at taco bell and olive garden, so they punched every country below the top 5 into a random number generator?
I just realised they included "Ukraine" and not Russia....LOL

I think this list was created by the the CIA.


Junior Member
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Guangdong/HK cuisine is so much worse than Taiwan cuisine. They literally take Chinese foods from other parts of the country, remove all spices and flavor, then market the result as "clear" food.

One of the most horrifying anecdotes I've heard about food is from an acquiatence a few year backs who told me that she used to eat hot pot somewhere in the Chinese deep south, except this version of hot pot used plain hot tap water.

I'm not saying you can't find good food in the south but if you think about it, you'll realize that all tasty HK food are appropriated cuisine from the middle/North or even from Macau. Dumplings, Ramen, stir fry etc and so on. Very few if any good recipes were native made.

Excuse me? Did you just say that Cantonese food is literally just stolen cuisine from the rest of China without the spice? Which mouth-breathing chimpanzee said that Cantonese hot pot uses water instead of broth? And why would you use a stupid anecdote like that to generalize Cantonese cuisine?

This is probably the worst take I have read anywhere on the internet. Where did modern dim sum come from? Or the countless variations of Cantonese soups? Or roast geese, roast duck, and honey barbecued pork?

Becoming a dim sum or siu mei master, even in the most humble shop, means a lifetime of dedication and training. Unlike some cuisines from further north, we don't fry chilli peppers in chilli oil, add a scrindle of pork fat and try to pass it off as edible.

How dare you call Cantonese cuisine stolen - That is the biggest lie I have ever heard and I will die on this hill defending it.


Registered Member
Excuse me? Did you just say that Cantonese food is literally just stolen cuisine from the rest of China without the spice? Which mouth-breathing chimpanzee said that Cantonese hot pot uses water instead of broth? And why would you use a stupid anecdote like that to generalize Cantonese cuisine?

This is probably the worst take I have read anywhere on the internet. Where did modern dim sum come from? Or the countless variations of Cantonese soups? Or roast geese, roast duck, and honey barbecued pork?

Becoming a dim sum or siu mei master, even in the most humble shop, means a lifetime of dedication and training. Unlike some cuisines from further north, we don't fry chilli peppers in chilli oil, add a scrindle of pork fat and try to pass it off as edible.

How dare you call Cantonese cuisine stolen - That is the biggest lie I have ever heard and I will die on this hill defending it.
Agreed, in the UK most Chinese cuisine is Cantonese. It's more palatable to international tastes than food from northern regions.

I think we can all agree there's no such thing as Taiwanese cuisine.


Registered Member
Totally unbeliveable that they came out with a ranking list like this.

Lmao how can 1 list have so many hilarious and lunatic statements.

Turkey and USA above France.

Poland leagues above freaking Korea.

For some reason the Chinese province of Taiwan has WAY way worse food than the rest of the country, to the point where they're actually worse than Ukraine, a country with no food.

I guess Russia and the LDPR are ranked so fucking low they don't even exist despite pretty much eating the same shit as Georgians do.

Not to mention the horror of England being in top 30, above Belgium.

I'm genuinely disturbed by the list because it's not even obvious what type of person made it. It wouldn't be a Jai hind because then India would be no1. Maybe some sort of American that only eats at taco bell and olive garden, so they punched every country below the top 5 into a random number generator?

I'm curious as to what food from Peru made the list maker rank it just higher than CHINA?! Heck even Greece has nothing to offer in terms of actual palatable food beyond Gyro/Donner. Was a Jai Hind incharge of coming up with this list?

This list offends me so much.

They put ramen as a Japanese..... Why is Germany and Poland even on this list? Countries that consider sauerkraut and processed sausages food should have no say when it comes to food.
There's no such thing as "American cuisine", it's all food created by immigrants from their native countries. Unless you count fried chicken and waffles as cuisine. Ranking that above France is idiotic.

Why is Thailand so low? You see Thai restaurants everywhere, even in countries with very few Thai immigrants.

The top two countries should be China and Italy, with France and India after them. It's a bit of a pointless list as not all countries have their own cuisine anyway. If you've only existed for 100 years your cuisine had to come from somewhere else.

Guangdong/HK cuisine is so much worse than Taiwan cuisine. They literally take Chinese foods from other parts of the country, remove all spices and flavor, then market the result as "clear" food.

One of the most horrifying anecdotes I've heard about food is from an acquiatence a few year backs who told me that she used to eat hot pot somewhere in the Chinese deep south, except this version of hot pot used plain hot tap water.

I'm not saying you can't find good food in the south but if you think about it, you'll realize that all tasty HK food are appropriated cuisine from the middle/North or even from Macau. Dumplings, Ramen, stir fry etc and so on. Very few if any good recipes were native made.
One of the most glaring symptoms of Covid-19 is the loss of taste and smell, and evidently the Atlanticist west has been singularly affected.

However, this ignores the fact that Atlanticists/Globohomo have always lacked taste anyhow, even before Covid.