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They have to mention human rights to save face
The same crap as usual, but really, one of these days, I really do wonder if any of the real players are going to care much about such words when the USA is no longer the world hegemon. These words are not going to save Ukraine one bit and should Taiwan try the same nonsense, it will do them no good either and I honestly wonder when the rest of these Anglos are getting there asses handled to them on the battlefield in the near future, will such nonsense be the last thing they utter on the chopping block cause all I see are talking heads that don’t seem to realize that they are not ready for a real fight


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Macron is nominally right. The US influence is parasitic in Europe but there are a few problems here

1- The EU bureaucracy is incredibly incompetent and is an American asset thus a European army is not possible. Even if it was achieved it would be a tool of US imperialism.

2- Northeast Europe has an irrational distrust towards Western Europe and hate for Russia. They would sabotage any plan that would decrease US influence in Europe.

3- Germany is full of "status-quo" politicians who are incapable of any drastic action. Even Merkel was like that. French and Italy are not enough on their own for such a plan.

4- France itself is a neoimperialist thus a European army would likely be for doing stuff Americans have been doing for years, but without Americans. France is a nation who develops and procures Africa specific AFVs and keeps a foreign legion just for its interests in Africa. Here, Macron is just scapegoating the supposed dependence to increase European military spending.

5- A European Army with current European governments means more military spending which is the last thing Europe needs. Europe only faces a single non-ridiculous threat which is Russia. And even Russia is not really formidable. They have been failing to defeat a 4th rate military for 9 months. Europe only needs to get its military procurement and personnel affairs right. If that was done we could kick out the US forces and decrease our military spending. We'd still be safe from the only non-ridiculous threat we face.

People who think the European army would decrease US influence are so naive. Such an army is not possible, is not needed, and would be used for "small wars" or for joint American-European Indo-Pacific ambitions. Only the destabilization of Pax Americana can break the US influence on Europe. And that's only possible through US unmistakably losing its coercive power.


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Macron Renews Call for Russia to Receive Security Guarantees to End War in Ukraine​

The French president’s stance has angered Ukraine and its Western allies.

French President Emmanuel Macron has doubled down on his call for the West to provide Russia with security guarantees as part of any negotiations to end the war in Ukraine and prevent the conflict from spreading across Europe.

“Peaceful times will require talks. First and foremost for guarantees for Ukraine for its territorial integrity and its long-term security. But also for Russia as it will be party to an armistice or peace treaty,“ Mr. Macron said during a TV interview aboard an aircraft carrier that was broadcast late Tuesday.

Mr. Macron was defending a stance that has angered Ukraine and its Western allies.

“Whoever reproaches me for asserting myself on this topic should then explain to me what they propose. What the people who refuse to prepare and work on this are proposing is total war. A total war that will involve the whole continent,” Mr. Macron said.

Senior Ukrainian officials have dismissed the notion that Russia needs security guarantees as an attempt to lay the foundations for Moscow to receive concessions after launching the war. The French president’s critics say he also risks reinforcing one of President Vladimir Putin’s rationales for the invasion: That Russia was countering the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to Eastern Europe.

“This means that one of the essential points we must address—as President Putin has always said—is the fear that NATO comes right up to its doors, and the deployment of weapons that could threaten Russia,” Macron added.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Mr. Zelensky, swiftly rejected the idea in a Twitter post, saying the “civilized world needs ‘security guarantees’ from barbaric intentions of post-Putin Russia.”

Mr. Macron’s outreach to Mr. Putin has been a source of tension with Ukraine and its allies since the early months of the conflict when he regularly held phone calls with the Russian leader. After Moscow failed in its attempt to capture Kyiv Mr. Macron warned: “We must not humiliate Russia so that the day when the fighting stops we can build an exit ramp through diplomatic means.”

Mr. Macron has long called on the European Union to shore up its defenses as a way to ensure peace across the region. A month before Russia invaded Ukraine, the French leader delivered a high-profile address before the European Parliament that called for “a new order of security and stability” that he said would be built by Europeans, shared with NATO allies and then offered “for negotiation to Russia.”