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These three visits can not be coincidences. Regardless what is going to happen next, one thing is certain that is the western medias will repeat their playbook as followings:
  • Medvedev promised China not to escalate, then a big Russian attack, China is stupid, fooled by Russia for the 2nd time.
  • Medvedev told China of the attack, China did not tell US, China is evil behind the scene.
  • China's saying "we want both sides to talk" is China putting pressure on Russia, China is distancing from Russia, China loves the west, China is siding with the "good guys".
Another round of shit storm and day dreaming. :D
And the reality of what is happening is:

America is stupid, fighting and losing a proxy war against Russia minimally supported by China. Either unable or unwilling to call China out. Either because they know it would just make them look weaker or because they're in full denial mode now that they are throwing all of NATO's stockpiles at a "mere" Russia and they hope being an ostrich about the fact China exists and has a completely fresh massive military, China will somehow disappear into thin air.


Registered Member
It is absolutely not okay on this forum to constantly use this type of misogynistic language. This is a warning to everyone.
Dunno man, that looks pretty on-brand for an eventual "confrontation" with the PLA -

Taiwanese soldier: "You have beaten me, comrade... Do with me what you will!"
cuckold fetish, they will be begging PLA to "take" their wives and girlfriends


Registered Member
So all pretty much at the same time:
- Putin goes to Belarus to see Lukashenko in person
- Medvedev goes to China to see Xi in person
- Zelenskyy goes to Washington to see Biden in person

All for the first time since the start of the war.

Yup, something is up.

These three visits can not be coincidences. Regardless what is going to happen next, one thing is certain that is the western medias will repeat their playbook as followings:

There is one thing that GlobalTimes does not mention but Tass says it instead.

Medvedev delivers Putin’s message to Xi Jinping​

MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council and Chairman of the United Russia party Dmitry Medvedev met with China’s leader Xi Jinping in Beijing and delivered a message to him from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During the December 20-21 visit, the parties also discussed international issues, including the Ukrainian crisis. According to Medvedev’s secretariat, the Russian politician "delivered a message from Russian President [Vladimir] Putin to the Chinese head of state which particularly noted the unprecedented level of Russian-Chinese political dialogue and practical cooperation and expressed confidence in unfailing gradual development of interstate and interparty ties in close interaction with the new leadership of China’s Communist Party elected at a recent party forum of Chinese communists."

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Registered Member
It is just getting started. When the US weaponized dollars and its financial system, it is thee end of dollars as the world preferred 8medium of exchange. When the West puts a price cap on oil and gas, it is the end of the world trade and financial system.
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Yup.... once it crosses a critical threshold it goes supernova all at once.

Did you know when a star goes supernova the first stage is it implodes upon itself at 25% the speed of light merely a few minutes after its core starts trying to fuse iron?

USD going to zero within 18 months was my prediction, that was 6 months ago...


Registered Member
Who knows, having access to resources is always a good thing, I mean if the USA cannot trade anything with China due to the whole nation going down the toilet due to lack of resources and goods to sell, it’s always good to have another door open in case and who knows, this could play into Chinas advantage regardless. Slowly but surely, given that Australia accept Chinese currency for Iron now, Australia will ultimately assist China in destroying the dollar (unwittingly) which in end will greatly assist china in its inevitable rise. China may not be waging a physical fight with the USA (but are ready to fight any how) but by providing assistance to Europe (all those heaters and electric blankets) and ensuring good relations with South America and Africa (the results showing the Africans rejecting the US attempt to pull Africa into their side, just recently anyhow) and also showing measured restraint in regards to Taiwan (thus no Asian nation apart from a few undesirables) has basically got Tsai into hot water due to her trying to be Zelensky and failing big at that.
Hence I take the sign that the USA has a collapsing retail market (Walmart and Walgreens closing stores in massive numbers) and other market (Amazon firing 20k employees as an example) and with the drought ripping their agricultural industry a new asshole to be a good thing over all, hence while China may have to trade goods with Australia to compensate for some of the good the USA may not be able to provide, it is much easier to endure then having to send goods to the USA for toilet paper that can buy sh!t.
China doesn’t need to unleash the stick preemptively and simply use this as a long term plan to ensure that China has there doors open to opportunities in the future when the time presents itself. Besides, not having to spend a vast amount of resources to keep the US industry going whilst using much less resources to keep a stable trade going for the time being shouldn’t be a bad trade off. That being said, China shouldn’t accept stupid lectures from anyone but if no one brings it up, no one needs to reference it at all since the longer China keeps to status quo and let’s the USA continue the silliness in Ukraine for as long as possible and also letting the US economy go to pieces along with other nations progressively become more anti American, the easier that China can rise to the top and the simpler the transition will be when those other useful nations can fold into Chinas orbit and the rest of those other belligerent trash (UK and Canada being the absolute worse with regards to the whole mess in Europe) can start begging for mercy when they have no where to run and no one wanting to help them
Yup.... once it crosses a critical threshold it goes supernova all at once.

Did you know when a star goes supernova the first stage is it implodes upon itself at 25% the speed of light merely a few minutes after its core starts trying to fuse iron?

USD going to zero within 18 months was my prediction, that was 6 months ago...
Sooner or later given the sheer debt that the USA has and how the dollar is going to die, suddenly, many nations are going to question, how in earth is the USA going to pay back its debt along with how if the USA cannot offer anything of value in return, many nations are going to be asking, if we cannot get the money that is worth something or anything of value, then how much blood must we extract from this stupid nation, I mean the USA basically cause all this destruction around the world and they still expect to be pay for goods with nothing, soon, either the world cuts trade with the USA to save on resources or they demand a collective amount of payback for all the harm done. Since the EU is made up states that have colonized the world at one point and basically have disarmed themselves, I predict that the EU isn’t going to get away with its bullshit either