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We all know this already, but here's another article to press home the point... the real debt trap is from western banks and institutions.

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The real debt trap

It is clear that Chinese “debt trap diplomacy” is a U.S. narrative advanced to obscure its own imperialist policies, to distract from the IMF and World Bank’s own practice of pushing predatory loans with exorbitantly high interest rates onto Global South countries. Chinese loans are granted toward infrastructure projects, which are critical to a country’s development — they are not tied to privatization projects and structural adjustment the way IMF and World Bank loans are.

Indeed, IMF and World Bank loans are granted on conditions of privatizing public sectors, gutting social welfare programs, and trade liberalization to enrich western capitalist interests. The predatory interest rates ensure that these loans can never be paid back, keeping the borrowing countries poor and locking them into a state of underdevelopment, to ensure further plunder and resource extraction at the hands of these same western capitalists. This is the real debt trap.

See link for rest of article.


Registered Member
We all know this already, but here's another article to press home the point... the real debt trap is from western banks and institutions.

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The real debt trap

It is clear that Chinese “debt trap diplomacy” is a U.S. narrative advanced to obscure its own imperialist policies, to distract from the IMF and World Bank’s own practice of pushing predatory loans with exorbitantly high interest rates onto Global South countries. Chinese loans are granted toward infrastructure projects, which are critical to a country’s development — they are not tied to privatization projects and structural adjustment the way IMF and World Bank loans are.

Indeed, IMF and World Bank loans are granted on conditions of privatizing public sectors, gutting social welfare programs, and trade liberalization to enrich western capitalist interests. The predatory interest rates ensure that these loans can never be paid back, keeping the borrowing countries poor and locking them into a state of underdevelopment, to ensure further plunder and resource extraction at the hands of these same western capitalists. This is the real debt trap.

See link for rest of article.
Just like the petrodollar hegemon calling China a currency manipulator...

Makes one wonder with all their projection, when US accuses China of genocide, what America really has planned .....


Registered Member
The FTX saga that could unravel the US economy continues, with the explicit betrayal of the former lover of US Elite scion SBF, Caroline Ellison and their token Asian techie.

Honest question, when the USG and US invents and prints money, it's called fiscal management and quantitative easing, but when SBF does it, it's a criminal enterprise?
also, good luck to the snakes like Mr Wonderful trying to get out of jail; as a VC entrepreneur, he promoted FTX, which he knew was false, and promoted it as a security.


Registered Member
The FTX saga that could unravel the US economy continues, with the explicit betrayal of the former lover of US Elite scion SBF, Caroline Ellison and their token Asian techie.

Honest question, when the USG and US invents and prints money, it's called fiscal management and quantitative easing, but when SBF does it, it's a criminal enterprise?
also, good luck to the snakes like Mr Wonderful trying to get out of jail; as a VC entrepreneur, he promoted FTX, which he knew was false, and promoted it as a security.
Honest answer,

SBF no haz 11 aircraft carriers and 900 military bases around the world to take hostage of OPEC and force them to sell oil in US dollars

Might makes right, by definition a government has monopoly on violence....and the fiat printing press

Anyway all crypto is a scam, it creates absolutely zero value while taking away from existing purchasing power of other curriencies...


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Yup.... once it crosses a critical threshold it goes supernova all at once.

Did you know when a star goes supernova the first stage is it implodes upon itself at 25% the speed of light merely a few minutes after its core starts trying to fuse iron?

USD going to zero within 18 months was my prediction, that was 6 months ago...

Can you please stop with these kind of useless hyperbolic statements unless you can rationally explain them?

"USD going to zero" - like literal zero? 100 dollars becomes 0 dollars? Does the ink on my 20 dollar bill automatically redraw itself to 0? Does the FED hyper inflate to zero? Does your argument hold if the FED intervenes and hikes rates to 80% and strengthens the dollar from 1 to 30?

And as for "that was 6 months ago..." - have you been paying attention to currency/rate markets in the past 6 months??? USD has actually performed the exact opposite going to "zero", but gained against nearly every major currency:

Screen Shot 2022-12-22 at 12.44.25 AM.png

Lastly, assuming your comment is to the Yahoo article about "everyone wants alternatives to the USD" - even every country on this planet decided to stop using USD, everyone in the United States will still be using it as a local currency, so explain how that value there can equate to "0"
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