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The Memphis Zoo management can go sxck a bag of cxcks for their mistreatment of Ya Ya and Le Le over the past 19 years...

Thank goodness!

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IDA posted a video on Twitter in February that showed the pandas pacing in circles around their enclosure as proof they were suffering from "physical, mental, and emotional deprivation." It received thousands of likes and was retweeted by singer Billie Eilish.

A spokesperson for the zoo said the decision to return the pandas to China had nothing to do with pressure from animal advocates.

Yeah right.

Yaya Lele.jpg


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Macron is nominally right. The US influence is parasitic in Europe but there are a few problems here

3- Germany is full of "status-quo" politicians who are incapable of any drastic action. Even Merkel was like that. French and Italy are not enough on their own for such a plan.
Germany is an intermediate power it is fine with its subcontractor role. Germany importance for US will be always greater than France or Poland. infact Germany may want to prolong this Ukraine war so that all Eastern Europeans get more poor for work in Germanic industries.
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5- A European Army with current European governments means more military spending which is the last thing Europe needs. Europe only faces a single non-ridiculous threat which is Russia. And even Russia is not really formidable. They have been failing to defeat a 4th rate military for 9 months. Europe only needs to get its military procurement and personnel affairs right. If that was done we could kick out the US forces and decrease our military spending. We'd still be safe from the only non-ridiculous threat we face.
Russia has fully defeated Ukraine in battlefield thats why every input for Ukraine is now from outside. what they are not doing is mistake of occupying Ukraine prematurely that can led to insurgency. for that they need sufficiently suppress human capital. it could take months or it could take years.


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Brussels incensed as US spurns global trade rules (yet again)​

Europe reacts after Washington’s latest swipe against the World Trade Organization for ruling against Trump-era steel and aluminum tariffs.
Brussels is fuming at Washington’s latest insult against the World Trade Organization as a forum to resolve trade fights.

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai lashed out at the international trade body Monday for ruling against former U.S. President Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. She said that the WTO is walking on “very, very thin ice” when it judged that a democracy like the U.S. didn’t have solid national security reasons for imposing tariffs on metal coming from China, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.
It's another sign that what's left of internationally recognized trade rules are eroding as geopolitical tensions run high between the U.S., China and the EU, European lawmakers and experts say.

“The USA’s reaction of simply rejecting the ruling is incomprehensible,” said Bernd Lange, who chairs the European Parliament's international trade committee. “We have to have an honest discussion with the U.S. if they are moving away from a rules-based trading system, and if and how we can rescue the existing system," said Lange, of the center-left Socialists & Democrats group.

Brussels had hoped that Washington’s bullying of the WTO would come to an end when President Joe Biden, a Democrat, stepped into the White House in January last year. But that didn’t happen: The Biden administration also questions the relevance of the multilateral trade forum because of its systemic rivalry with China, which is also a WTO member.

“A lot of people in Europe and Geneva have completely misunderstood ... that the United States have already moved on — they are already in a post-WTO reality,
” said Hosuk Lee-Makiyama from the Brussels-based economic think tank ECIPE. He cites as proof Biden’s multi-billion incentive package for Americans to buy green technology that’s made in the U.S., which experts agree
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WTO rules.

“If everyone starts using 'national security reasons' to protect economic interests, then this exception becomes the rule,”
said Luisa Santos from the industry group BusinessEurope. “A country’s international commitments become meaningless and trade quite uncertain.”

Tai’s disparaging comments about the recent ruling don’t bode well either for ongoing discussions in Geneva about how to reform the WTO.

“I don't see how the U.S. can be serious about maintaining the institution if it is not prepared to support the one mechanism that is designed to make sure that everybody plays by the rules,” said Lorand Bartels, an international law professor at the University of Cambridge. “I think that the U.S. barely cares about the WTO.”


I am going to f*cking enjoy when the Europeans start using protectionism rules against US companies or they apply their own version of the foreign direct product rule against US companies who sell items to countries that the Europeans don't like. I going to be absolutely hilarious.


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Brussels incensed as US spurns global trade rules (yet again)​

Europe reacts after Washington’s latest swipe against the World Trade Organization for ruling against Trump-era steel and aluminum tariffs.
Brussels is fuming at Washington’s latest insult against the World Trade Organization as a forum to resolve trade fights.

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai lashed out at the international trade body Monday for ruling against former U.S. President Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. She said that the WTO is walking on “very, very thin ice” when it judged that a democracy like the U.S. didn’t have solid national security reasons for imposing tariffs on metal coming from China, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.
It's another sign that what's left of internationally recognized trade rules are eroding as geopolitical tensions run high between the U.S., China and the EU, European lawmakers and experts say.

“The USA’s reaction of simply rejecting the ruling is incomprehensible,” said Bernd Lange, who chairs the European Parliament's international trade committee. “We have to have an honest discussion with the U.S. if they are moving away from a rules-based trading system, and if and how we can rescue the existing system," said Lange, of the center-left Socialists & Democrats group.

Brussels had hoped that Washington’s bullying of the WTO would come to an end when President Joe Biden, a Democrat, stepped into the White House in January last year. But that didn’t happen: The Biden administration also questions the relevance of the multilateral trade forum because of its systemic rivalry with China, which is also a WTO member.

“A lot of people in Europe and Geneva have completely misunderstood ... that the United States have already moved on — they are already in a post-WTO reality,
” said Hosuk Lee-Makiyama from the Brussels-based economic think tank ECIPE. He cites as proof Biden’s multi-billion incentive package for Americans to buy green technology that’s made in the U.S., which experts agree
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WTO rules.

“If everyone starts using 'national security reasons' to protect economic interests, then this exception becomes the rule,” said Luisa Santos from the industry group BusinessEurope. “A country’s international commitments become meaningless and trade quite uncertain.”

Tai’s disparaging comments about the recent ruling don’t bode well either for ongoing discussions in Geneva about how to reform the WTO.

“I don't see how the U.S. can be serious about maintaining the institution if it is not prepared to support the one mechanism that is designed to make sure that everybody plays by the rules,” said Lorand Bartels, an international law professor at the University of Cambridge. “I think that the U.S. barely cares about the WTO.”

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I am going to f*cking enjoy when the Europeans start using protectionism rules against US companies or they apply their own version of the foreign direct product rule against US companies who sell items to countries that the Europeans don't like. I going to be absolutely hilarious.
The WTO exists to mediate and regulate trade between countries. What does being a "democracy" have to do with anything?

The EU are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to trade rules anyway. They're the most protectionist organisation in the world.


Registered Member
Can you please stop with these kind of useless hyperbolic statements unless you can rationally explain them?

"USD going to zero" - like literal zero? 100 dollars becomes 0 dollars? Does the ink on my 20 dollar bill automatically redraw itself to 0? Does the FED hyper inflate to zero? Does your argument hold if the FED intervenes and hikes rates to 80% and strengthens the dollar from 1 to 30?

And as for "that was 6 months ago..." - have you been paying attention to currency/rate markets in the past 6 months??? USD has actually performed the exact opposite going to "zero", but gained against nearly every major currency:

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Lastly, assuming your comment is to the Yahoo article about "everyone wants alternatives to the USD" - even every country on this planet decided to stop using USD, everyone in the United States will still be using it as a local currency, so explain how that value there can equate to "0"

What do you mean this isn’t convincing enough?



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And in actual news. Looks like NATO will be imposing direct control of the IMF soon.

NATO boss (General Jen Stoltenberg) to lead IMF – media​

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg may become the new head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Norwegian TV 2 broadcaster reported on Wednesday, citing ‘reliable’ sources within the US-led military bloc.

Moreover, the outgoing secretary general is the US favorite to lead the Washington-headquartered organization, the source added. Currently, the fund is led by Kristalina Georgieva, a veteran Bulgarian economist, whose tenure is scheduled to end in 2024.

Stoltenberg was set to leave NATO in September, but his term was extended into late 2023 amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. With no successor for the post in clear sight, Stoltenberg may end up having his tenure extended even beyond 2023 – potentially for another year – multiple media reports have suggested.
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Marine Corps Plans To Get Rid Of “Yes Sir” Over Gender Neutrality Concerns​

After reading the title of this article you may be thinking this is a Babylon Bee article but the answer is no.

A recent report commissioned by the Corps raises “concerns” over Marines using the terms “Sir” or “Ma’am” while addressing drill instructors due to Gender Neutrality worries.

A new academic report on efforts to integrate Marine Corps boot camp recommends dropping gender-specific salutations for drill instructors, but service leaders are not convinced they want to take that step.

The lengthy report, commissioned by the Corps from the University of Pittsburgh in 2020 and completed in 2022, points out that half of the military services already have done away with gendered identifiers for training staff.

“The Army, Navy, and Coast Guard effectively de-emphasize gender in an integrated environment,” the report states. “Instead of saying ‘ma’am’ or ‘sir,’ recruits in these Services refer to their drill instructors using their ranks or roles followed by their last names. Gendered identifiers prime recruits to think about or visually search for a drill instructor’s gender first, before their rank or role.”