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3rd Red Scare now in full swing - and it has become more maniac than ever...

Every time I see propaganda like this, I envy the government in the video.
We the Chinese people work for thousands of years, dynasty after dynasty, to build a government with the best brains in our society to make sure everybody has a better life. In this kind of propaganda video, that 'red' government is almighty to a level that it is exactly what we try to achieve. Not controlling everyone's life, is just pointless. But to build a better world with everything under the monitor, make sure nothing can damage our society. Imagine if such a powerful management tool falls into the hand of good.

I guess many people know the famous book 1984. A few years ago there was a discussion on the Chinese internet about that book. The result is: if china were a Leviathan-like nation, things will not fvck up like what is happening now! 我要是利维坦事情会是这样?!


No, this is about cutting of global dollar-based funding to Chinese startups and it is serious. Most if not all of the biggest private equity funds in the world are based in US, afew in Europe and UK. They manage(more like monopolies) capital from the wealthy families all over the world(through private banks), and since the funds are based in US, the managers have to adhere with US gov laws. These funds have with them a focus bias ; 80% will be funneled into supporting US-based startups. Such new "scrunitize" will mean global funding will no longer go towards funding any strategic Chinese sectors.

Don't get me started. Just last month I got the opportunity to invest in one of the biggest funding round in 2023, with bright prospect and the only few with rising valuation this year. The presentation session took me by surprise : it is Anduril, a US startup making autonomous killing systems, drones, sensors and loitering ammunition. Their deck is BAM defending democracy, how to contain China :

screenshot below to give you guys how bad it is. Turned it down. But this shit is over subbed as global investors are promised up to x10 return, to fucking fund the US war machine. China doesn't help much by closing off their sectors from receiving a;; foreign funding and will be on the losing end vs the money gunning for US sectors.

Lo and hehold, Anduril's unmanned sub for Australia is aimed squarely at China.

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View attachment 103649
I don't think China's R&D is dependent on foreign venture capital. The U.S. wasted trillions on their "wars of choice" and they waste hundreds billions of their military budget a year (just look at all those failed audits), yet they think the can out-spend China. As for innovation, the average Americans have no idea how innovative and dynamic China is.

But there are a lot of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine:


Registered Member
3rd Red Scare now in full swing - and it has become more maniac than ever...

I am OK with groups like Falun Gong and Miles Guo dumbing down American politics even more. These two already reached a level of influence that they can influence the voting preferences of significant portions of American society. So the US is importing Chinese culture, but only the absolute worst part of it. It would be so ironic if a Chinese cult ends up harming the USA in a significant way. Considering how often the US uses religious minorities to sow discord and calls itself a melting pot, it would be almost poetic. Even more than their story with Afghanistan


Registered Member
Reagan is absolutely 1000% correct about that.


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The fentanyl wars: China, Mexico and the US​

China has rolled back cooperation in stemming the lethal drug’s flow into US in response to Washington’s criticism and policies
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December 16, 2022


Stock image of pharmaceutical fentanyl. Photo: Twitter
With key assistance from China, Mexico is keeping at crisis level the flow of fentanyl into the United States.
At least 70,000 Americans, mostly between the ages of 18 and 35, have died after ingesting fentanyl pills so far this year. That’s close to the 71,000 dead out of more than 100,000 drug fatalities in 2021 and a big jump from 57,000 deaths the year before. Millions of pills have illicitly passed through the US southern border in recent years.
In 2020, US President Joe Biden declared a “whole of government” campaign to stem the opiate flood into the country. However, the illicit flood of drugs continues unabated due to Washington’s inability to persuade – or pressure – China and Mexico to halt their roles in it. In particular:
  • China won’t stop criminal gangs from providing the chemicals used in Mexico to manufacture fentanyl.
  • Mexico won’t fully crack down on illicit industries that make and transfer the finished product to the US.
Relations between Mexico and the United States have long stumbled over differing views of the cross-border drug problem. Mexico traditionally blames America’s insatiable appetite for narcotics, while the US regards Mexico as irretrievably crippled by massive corruption that lets criminal narcotics traffic flourish.
Meanwhile, tensions with China over issues unrelated to drug trafficking have all but erased cooperation toward curbing it, including:
  • China’s militarization of the South China Sea;
  • US criticism of human rights in China; and
  • The future of Taiwan, and Chinese insistence it comes under Beijing’s control.

Better times in the Sino-US relationship: Fentanyl drug traffickers are sentenced in court in 2019 in Xingtai in northeast China’s Hebei province. The court sentenced at least nine fentanyl traffickers in a case that was the culmination of a rare collaboration between Chinese and US law enforcement to crack down on global networks that manufacture and distribute lethal synthetic opioids. Photo: Jin Liangkuai / Xinhua
Almost two years into his term, Biden has fashioned an excuse to explain the massive traffic: Victims of drug use are afraid to acknowledge their addiction.

“We’re looking at continuing to make progress because we know there’s still a ways to go,” Biden said Thursday.

“We’re not going to let stigma drive us anymore,” he added. “We’re going to go where we need to go to help people thrive.”
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkus has reassuredly claimed that the border is “secure.”

Taking a less boastful view, Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram said the administration had been overly focused on heroin commerce, even as Mexican traffickers made and shipped more fentanyl than heroin. “It is a new, deeper, more deadly threat than we have ever seen, and I don’t think that the full extent of that harm was immediately seen,” she said.

Unable to get sufficient help from either Mexico or China to stem the flow, the Biden administration instead is focusing on educational efforts to curb drug use. Rahul Gupta, director of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, said the government is concentrating on “expanding care” for addicts and on taking “harm reduction” measures to expand access to medical counseling and care.

America’s destructive divided politics hurt efforts to stop the smuggling of the powerful and deadly drug.

The Biden administration, for its part, rolled out a new publicity campaign under the slogan “One Pill Can Kill.” A TV advertisement, produced on behalf of the Center for Disease Control and broadcast during a World Cup game, was entitled “Stop Overdose: Illegal Fentanyl.” It depicted a voracious crocodile consuming the lives of drug users.

Arrayed against this inward-looking approach are critics who view the problem as a drug invasion by Mexico and China. That approach was used by Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump, except that he spent more energy on battling illegal immigration than interdicting narcotics trafficking.

The lack of cooperation from both Mexico City and Beijing rankles even some American politicians who support Biden generally.
David Trone, an American lawmaker and member of Biden’s Democratic Party, said, “Our success, right now, on slowing or stopping the movement of fentanyl across the border is close to zero. We are failing because we have two partners, China and Mexico, who have chosen not to participate in any meaningful way to help us.”

Mexico’s President Andres Manuel López Obrador, in power since 2018, initially prioritized control of cocaine and methamphetamine traffic. Those two were the main hard drugs used in Mexico.

On the theory that fentanyl was only being transported through Mexico – not produced inside the country – he unleashed the Mexican armed forces to curtail the traffic starting in 2019. Seizures of shipments slowly increased into 2021, but it had long been apparent there were hundreds of fentanyl factories scattered among mountains in west Mexico. Few of those were shut down.

Only this year did Mexico expand its “chemical watch list” to include ingredients used in fentanyl production.

Up until 2019, two large Mexico crime cartels in northern Mexico, the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, were engaged in ferrying Chinese-made fentanyl from ships arriving in Manzanillo on the Pacific Ocean coast to the US border, where it crossed hidden in cargo trucks.

The towns of Nogales, Arizona., left, and Nogales, Mexico, stand separated by a high concrete and steel fence. Photo by Sgt Gordon Hyde / US Army

Then, at the behest of the US and in line with its own law enforcement priorities, China placed controls over all fentanyl exportation, including to Mexico. But, China has tens of thousands of private chemical factories capable of producing so-called precursor ingredients used to manufacture fentanyl.

“China has some 5,000 pharmaceutical manufacturers, but regulators scrutinize a small share of companies,” a report from the Rand Corporation think tank asserted.
For this galaxy of chemical factories, Mexico provides an attractive market. Moreover, not all variations of the fentanyl precursors produced in China are illegal. Chinese producers were also adept at altering the chemical formulas of some precursors to avoid bans on exports.
By 2021, Chinese traffickers had established formal cooperation with the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels and provided them handy instruction for increasing fentanyl production, according to the DEA. And the cartels, despite being locked in constant turf wars, both sourced fentanyl precursor material from the same suppliers.

“Instead of halting the production of fentanyl,” wrote the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, a Washington think tank, China’s ban led to a shift in production.

A new, unrelated factor, has also opened the way for increased China-Mexico drug business: tensions between the US and China on non-drug issues.

China has taken umbrage at American sanctions imposed over repression in Xinjiang, home to China’s restive Muslim Uighur population.

After the US Department of Commerce in 2020 added a branch of Beijing’s Ministry of Public Security to its list of organizations “implicated in human rights violations” in Xinjiang, China “appeared to back away from” counter-narcotic cooperation, according to the Congressional Research Center.

China’s embassy in Washington said recent US criticism “greatly affected China’s goodwill to help the US in fighting drugs.”
Last December, China stopped its efforts to control the production of fentanyl precursors, the Biden administration reported. The Chinese Foreign Ministry argued that China cannot be blamed for US drug problems because Beijing adopts a “zero-tolerance” approach to narcotics trafficking.

A bottle of fentanyl pharmaceuticals is displayed in Anyang city, central China’s Henan province, November 12, 2018. Photo: AFP Forum
Finally, in the wake of the August visit by US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, China’s Foreign Ministry announced it would suspend cooperation in combatting narcotics traffic.

It looks like a severe case of collateral damage, suggested Geopolitical Monitor, an intelligence online publication based in Toronto.
“Given the geopolitical gridlock between the US and China, bilateral cooperation between the two seems unlikely, prolonging the already detrimental wave of the ongoing US opioid crisis,” it predicted.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Reagan is absolutely 1000% correct about that.
The damage this red-cheeked Hollywood actor president has done to America and the world is incalculable. He is a more successful Trump, successfully disguised himself as a capable great man.
Some may praise him for winning the Cold War, but in a sense he is the main reason for the creation of MAGA.

When I look at the history of Americans providing extremist materials to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan, I always feel that Reagan dug a deep hole for the American presidents and people after him.


Registered Member
this is such an unwise reply.. What I have come to understand is that the Chinese lack a key element which is the hustle and the know how to actully do empire building. They are good at building industries and just building industries and keep repeating it won't get you anywhere at the end of the day and in this regard even Pakistan has more brighter outcome because they understand the hustle of expansion and influence etc etc. They have that gamesmanship because they have been expanding ages ago where China was sitting hence you can understand from a civilizational standpoint China is not well-versed in this category which is the most important aspect and not to forget it is dog eat dog world and the Americans are well versed in this concept. The best option China has to manouver thru this is the expertise of ISI how to expand influence when it is critical. If you don't know how to play chess you won't be able to play chess with the Americans. You gotta out-manuver them everywhere. But saying I am gonna just build industries and become isolationist will not solve your issues because if you fail to eat you will be eaten yourself eventually... Now look India is indeed a weak nation not a threat to China or not even to Pakistan at this point but they are a nation of servants and the best China can get out of India is neutral because they are incapable of more then that but pose the risk of being hired hand to add extra layer to a potential 3rd foe. Pakistan knows the road that leads into the subcontinent and have walked down that road thousands of times easy one-way road.. It won't be a dog-fight rest assured nor a Ukraine or Afghanistan we Pakistan know this much as much as we know our wives.. It is not that important stragetically just a small bump at the road that needs to be removed. Now that being said.. The Americans can't technically currently fight china conventionally on the eastern frontier of China it is unfeasible and not granti they can gain superiority of the ocean hence it is unfeasible for them to engage China conventionally because they would lose on the eastern frontier. Hence why they have Russia posing a very dangerous chellenge and only once they conquer that can they bring the fight possible into Nanjing, Beijing and other chinese cities and win WW3.. It is not a secret that the Americans want to win WW3 in order to ethbalish the next world order in their own image. They can't win if they fail to beat China inside China.. Sort of bring the fight to them. There will be no charities in WW3 you gotta take it from your opponents.. The fittiesW will get his hands raised Well, that didn't take long
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The damage this red-cheeked Hollywood actor president has done to America and the world is incalculable. He is a more successful Trump, successfully disguised himself as a capable great man. Some may praise him for winning the Cold War, but in a sense he is the main reason for the creation of MAGA. When I look at the history of Americans providing extremist materials to "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan, I always feel that Reagan dug a deep hole for the American presidents and people after him

Delete...please remove this comment. Man this new update on brave browser sucks...


Senior Member
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The fentanyl wars: China, Mexico and the US​

China has rolled back cooperation in stemming the lethal drug’s flow into US in response to Washington’s criticism and policies
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December 16, 2022


Stock image of pharmaceutical fentanyl. Photo: Twitter
With key assistance from China, Mexico is keeping at crisis level the flow of fentanyl into the United States.
At least 70,000 Americans, mostly between the ages of 18 and 35, have died after ingesting fentanyl pills so far this year. That’s close to the 71,000 dead out of more than 100,000 drug fatalities in 2021 and a big jump from 57,000 deaths the year before. Millions of pills have illicitly passed through the US southern border in recent years.
In 2020, US President Joe Biden declared a “whole of government” campaign to stem the opiate flood into the country. However, the illicit flood of drugs continues unabated due to Washington’s inability to persuade – or pressure – China and Mexico to halt their roles in it. In particular:
  • China won’t stop criminal gangs from providing the chemicals used in Mexico to manufacture fentanyl.
  • Mexico won’t fully crack down on illicit industries that make and transfer the finished product to the US.
Relations between Mexico and the United States have long stumbled over differing views of the cross-border drug problem. Mexico traditionally blames America’s insatiable appetite for narcotics, while the US regards Mexico as irretrievably crippled by massive corruption that lets criminal narcotics traffic flourish.
Meanwhile, tensions with China over issues unrelated to drug trafficking have all but erased cooperation toward curbing it, including:
  • China’s militarization of the South China Sea;
  • US criticism of human rights in China; and
  • The future of Taiwan, and Chinese insistence it comes under Beijing’s control.

Better times in the Sino-US relationship: Fentanyl drug traffickers are sentenced in court in 2019 in Xingtai in northeast China’s Hebei province. The court sentenced at least nine fentanyl traffickers in a case that was the culmination of a rare collaboration between Chinese and US law enforcement to crack down on global networks that manufacture and distribute lethal synthetic opioids. Photo: Jin Liangkuai / Xinhua
Almost two years into his term, Biden has fashioned an excuse to explain the massive traffic: Victims of drug use are afraid to acknowledge their addiction.

“We’re looking at continuing to make progress because we know there’s still a ways to go,” Biden said Thursday.

“We’re not going to let stigma drive us anymore,” he added. “We’re going to go where we need to go to help people thrive.”
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkus has reassuredly claimed that the border is “secure.”

Taking a less boastful view, Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram said the administration had been overly focused on heroin commerce, even as Mexican traffickers made and shipped more fentanyl than heroin. “It is a new, deeper, more deadly threat than we have ever seen, and I don’t think that the full extent of that harm was immediately seen,” she said.

Unable to get sufficient help from either Mexico or China to stem the flow, the Biden administration instead is focusing on educational efforts to curb drug use. Rahul Gupta, director of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, said the government is concentrating on “expanding care” for addicts and on taking “harm reduction” measures to expand access to medical counseling and care.

America’s destructive divided politics hurt efforts to stop the smuggling of the powerful and deadly drug.

The Biden administration, for its part, rolled out a new publicity campaign under the slogan “One Pill Can Kill.” A TV advertisement, produced on behalf of the Center for Disease Control and broadcast during a World Cup game, was entitled “Stop Overdose: Illegal Fentanyl.” It depicted a voracious crocodile consuming the lives of drug users.

Arrayed against this inward-looking approach are critics who view the problem as a drug invasion by Mexico and China. That approach was used by Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump, except that he spent more energy on battling illegal immigration than interdicting narcotics trafficking.

The lack of cooperation from both Mexico City and Beijing rankles even some American politicians who support Biden generally.
David Trone, an American lawmaker and member of Biden’s Democratic Party, said, “Our success, right now, on slowing or stopping the movement of fentanyl across the border is close to zero. We are failing because we have two partners, China and Mexico, who have chosen not to participate in any meaningful way to help us.”

Mexico’s President Andres Manuel López Obrador, in power since 2018, initially prioritized control of cocaine and methamphetamine traffic. Those two were the main hard drugs used in Mexico.

On the theory that fentanyl was only being transported through Mexico – not produced inside the country – he unleashed the Mexican armed forces to curtail the traffic starting in 2019. Seizures of shipments slowly increased into 2021, but it had long been apparent there were hundreds of fentanyl factories scattered among mountains in west Mexico. Few of those were shut down.

Only this year did Mexico expand its “chemical watch list” to include ingredients used in fentanyl production.

Up until 2019, two large Mexico crime cartels in northern Mexico, the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, were engaged in ferrying Chinese-made fentanyl from ships arriving in Manzanillo on the Pacific Ocean coast to the US border, where it crossed hidden in cargo trucks.

The towns of Nogales, Arizona., left, and Nogales, Mexico, stand separated by a high concrete and steel fence. Photo by Sgt Gordon Hyde / US Army

Then, at the behest of the US and in line with its own law enforcement priorities, China placed controls over all fentanyl exportation, including to Mexico. But, China has tens of thousands of private chemical factories capable of producing so-called precursor ingredients used to manufacture fentanyl.

“China has some 5,000 pharmaceutical manufacturers, but regulators scrutinize a small share of companies,” a report from the Rand Corporation think tank asserted.
For this galaxy of chemical factories, Mexico provides an attractive market. Moreover, not all variations of the fentanyl precursors produced in China are illegal. Chinese producers were also adept at altering the chemical formulas of some precursors to avoid bans on exports.
By 2021, Chinese traffickers had established formal cooperation with the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels and provided them handy instruction for increasing fentanyl production, according to the DEA. And the cartels, despite being locked in constant turf wars, both sourced fentanyl precursor material from the same suppliers.

“Instead of halting the production of fentanyl,” wrote the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, a Washington think tank, China’s ban led to a shift in production.

A new, unrelated factor, has also opened the way for increased China-Mexico drug business: tensions between the US and China on non-drug issues.

China has taken umbrage at American sanctions imposed over repression in Xinjiang, home to China’s restive Muslim Uighur population.

After the US Department of Commerce in 2020 added a branch of Beijing’s Ministry of Public Security to its list of organizations “implicated in human rights violations” in Xinjiang, China “appeared to back away from” counter-narcotic cooperation, according to the Congressional Research Center.

China’s embassy in Washington said recent US criticism “greatly affected China’s goodwill to help the US in fighting drugs.”
Last December, China stopped its efforts to control the production of fentanyl precursors, the Biden administration reported. The Chinese Foreign Ministry argued that China cannot be blamed for US drug problems because Beijing adopts a “zero-tolerance” approach to narcotics trafficking.

A bottle of fentanyl pharmaceuticals is displayed in Anyang city, central China’s Henan province, November 12, 2018. Photo: AFP Forum
Finally, in the wake of the August visit by US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, China’s Foreign Ministry announced it would suspend cooperation in combatting narcotics traffic.

It looks like a severe case of collateral damage, suggested Geopolitical Monitor, an intelligence online publication based in Toronto.
“Given the geopolitical gridlock between the US and China, bilateral cooperation between the two seems unlikely, prolonging the already detrimental wave of the ongoing US opioid crisis,” it predicted.
Drug addiction truly is america's achilles heels, just by suspending drug cooperation, fentanyl casualties in the u.s reached 70k per year, imagine if CPC give incentives for pharmas who export precursors


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
NK was outraged when China established diplomatic relationship with SK. Now China and NK are talking about blood bond friendship and regular meeting of leaders.
Beggars can't be choosers...
You didn't hear China complaining NK's latest missile launches, did you?
False equivalence between shooting ballistic missiles (not illegal by international law) with nuclear proliferation (violation of NPT which China is a signatory). That's a huge difference.
Precisely because of this saying, there is no reason why China should be particularly worried about Iran.
Nuclear proliferation by any state is not in China's interest. It would only be a matter of time Japan and South Korea gets their own nukes if Iran and Saudi can get nukes easily.
Are you singling out Iran? Or all countries should be nuclear disarmed? Starts with India, Israel, Pakistan, NK together with Iran, then the UNSC 5. Only that would be justified by the consistent principle.
He is singling out Iran because it's presently non-nuclear on the cusp of turning nuclear. The other nuclear states already have nuclear weapons, so it's comparing apples to oranges.


Registered Member
I am OK with groups like Falun Gong and Miles Guo dumbing down American politics even more. These two already reached a level of influence that they can influence the voting preferences of significant portions of American society. So the US is importing Chinese culture, but only the absolute worst part of it. It would be so ironic if a Chinese cult ends up harming the USA in a significant way. Considering how often the US uses religious minorities to sow discord and calls itself a melting pot, it would be almost poetic. Even more than their story with Afghanistan
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Americans politicians. Blinded to reality.