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Registered Member
China shouldn't promote or tolerate nuclear proliferation anywhere, it just makes a nuclear Vietnam or South Korea or Japan more likely.

Both Saudi Arabia and Iran should have a right to develop nuclear weapons to defend themselves. But it's still in China's interest to prevent it. But you don't need actual nuclear weapons for nuclear deterrence in a regional context. A large stockpile of plutonium and the ability to produce highly enriched uranium are enough. Japan and Germany are thought to be on the threshold of developing nukes and it's not safe for any country to attack them unless they can ensure total victory within a few months. If Iran is a month from producing a functional warhead then that's enough deterrence to prevent an American invasion or Israeli attack but not enough of a threat to destabilise the region. Same for Saudi Arabia and turkey.
If you think Iran should be able to enrich enough uranium to build even one bomb you're tolerating their nuclear programme according to the logic of America and Israel. They don't want Iran to enrich any uranium to weapons grade level. That's what the Iran nuclear deal was all about.


Registered Member
The whole Libya affair and the US attitude towards North Korea has shown that nukes will go a long way to prevent the US from "soap vial"-ing you and bomb you to the stone age, though
To a certain extent; we do after all have American policymakers mooting the possibility of a "limited nuclear war" with China under the assumption that china will not expand its nuclear arsenal.


Registered Member
That's naive thinking, I assume you missed Iran's recent outrage towards China for some be reasons.
NK was outraged when China established diplomatic relationship with SK. Now China and NK are talking about blood bond friendship and regular meeting of leaders. You didn't hear China complaining NK's latest missile launches, did you?

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.
Precisely because of this saying, there is no reason why China should be particularly worried about Iran.

Facts are that Iran getting nukes is not in China's interest
Nobody having nukes is in China's interest, I don't understand why you keeps singling out Iran.

(you may refer to the dozens of official Chinese statements about not wanting Iran not getting nuclear weapons).
China said the same thing about NK not long ago, and is still insisting a nuclear-free peninsular.

The China - US hegemonic clash will come and go (hopefully peacefully)
Iran getting nukes would be a permanent, destabilizing, event.
Are you singling out Iran? Or all countries should be nuclear disarmed? Starts with India, Israel, Pakistan, NK together with Iran, then the UNSC 5. Only that would be justified by the consistent principle.
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Registered Member
Also remind everyone who got over excited about the recent event between China and western Asia, China signed the 25 year deal with Iran just 1.5 years ago, just a month ago Iran approved the obligation to join SCO and will be full member in a few months. Do you think that has no pressure on Saudi Arabia to join SCO and sign the big deal with China in the recent summit? Not long ago China, Russia and Iran had a naval drill in the gulf region. Do you think China is so crazy to get cozy with Iran only to ruin it in a eye blink?

All China is doing is to give Iran a security guarantee in the form of SCO (which has security terms against outside) and joint drill, then make an offer to the Arabs which is well received (of course). That is balancing and pressure/encouragement.

Strategic observation need to have longer memory and broader views.
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