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Turns out recent NATO weapons only last long enough to bomb peasants in the third world at a leisurely rate with an army of contractors standing nearby in a bunker with A/C and WiFi?. Shocking /s.
What do you expect from oligarchies who had zero pressure to fight for real survival in the last 30 years? Kleptocrats gotta steal whenever possible. A saved penny there off the radio, a dollar skimmed off the transmission and so on.

When was the last time Germany or any NATO country doled out a severe sentence for corruption? Oh, but we're told that corruption doesn't exist within NATO. Just like desertion doesn't exist in Ukraine.

Armies having inventory of less than half their items is normal and expected, not a sign of rampant corruption at all:
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Honestly I sometimes wish US miscalculated and started another crazy invasion plan on a country that isn't their own miserable ex-colony. Just to see how fast they get denazified in a real war.


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You seem to advocate China to follow the American's footstep in wasting resources on secondary target for endless time (Iraq and Afghanistan for US, and India for China).

You also seem to advocate what the US has been doing in provoking China and India to fight one another for ever. A play book of divide and conquer. The US is doing in the manner of "India is the next champion of Democrazy against evil China". You are serving the same end by doing in the other direction "China to break India before taking on US."

Taking together your disapproval of China-Iran relationship, I am sure you are not speaking from the Chinese side, nor are you speaking for the Indians, but for the US, knowingly or simply out of ignorance. The core is to make China isolated and distracted.

BTW, your quoting is pretty much missing the essence of what Malcom X intended to say. Whatever Nehru did was judged on his impact on India. Any Chinese leaders are judged on their impact on China's future. Mao did great by beating India in 1960s. Any Chinese leader today wasting time on fighting India while letting US to sleep comfortably is worse than Nehro did to India, and he would not have been respected by Malcom X.

Americans would be smart (China would be stupid) if China actually follows your suggestion.

this is such an unwise reply.. What I have come to understand is that the Chinese lack a key element which is the hustle and the know how to actully do empire building. They are good at building industries and just building industries and keep repeating it won't get you anywhere at the end of the day and in this regard even Pakistan has more brighter outcome because they understand the hustle of expansion and influence etc etc they understand how to play this game of chess undoing Soviet union and chasing NATO out of Afghanistan by outmanuvering. They have that gamesmanship because they have been expanding ages ago where China was sitting hence you can understand from a civilizational standpoint China is not well-versed in this category which is the most important aspect and not to forget it is dog eat dog world and the Americans are well versed in this concept.

The best option China has to manouver thru this is the expertise of ISI how to expand influence when it is critical. If you don't know how to play chess you won't be able to play chess with the Americans. You gotta out-manuver them everywhere.

But saying I am gonna just build industries and become isolationist will not solve your issues because if you fail to eat you will be eaten yourself eventually...

Now look India is indeed a weak nation not a threat to China or not even to Pakistan at this point but they are a nation of servants and the best China can get out of India is neutrality because they are incapable of more then that but pose the risk of being hired hand to add extra layer to a potential 3rd foe. Leaving him there would be stragetically a mistake by default and it would be like leaving things unturned and hoping for good luck but world dominance doesn't come with good luck but doing the home-work properly.

Pakistan knows the road that leads into the subcontinent and have walked down that road thousands of times easy one-way road.. It won't be a dog-fight rest assured nor a Ukraine or Afghanistan we Pakistan know this much as much as we know our wives.. It is not that important stragetically just a small bump at the road that needs to be removed.

Now that being said.. The Americans can't technically currently fight china conventionally on the eastern frontier of China it is unfeasible and not granti they can gain superiority of the ocean hence it is unfeasible for them to engage China conventionally because they would lose on the eastern frontier. Hence why they have Russia posing a very dangerous chellenge and only once they conquer that can they bring the fight possibly into the streets of Nanjing, Beijing and other chinese cities and win WW3..

It is not a secret that the Americans want to win WW3 in order to ethbalish the next world order in their own image. They can't win if they fail to beat China inside China and Sort of bring the fight to them.

There will be no charities in WW3 you gotta take it from your opponents.. The fitties will get his hands raised
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Registered Member

Performative as fuck given that won't stop the nazi gangs roaming the streets of Ukraine from beating any LGBTQ people they find, and they won't go to jail for it, either.

What I have come to understand is that the Chinese lack a key element which is the hustle and the know how to actual do empire building

Or they are not interested in "empire building". It really is telling how a lot of westerners can't fathom a relationship between countries that isnt a Conqueror-conquered one.

More the reason to destroy the US and the EU.


Registered Member
Performative as fuck given that won't stop the nazi gangs roaming the streets of Ukraine from beating any LGBTQ people they find, and they won't go to jail for it, either.

Or they are not interested in "empire building". It really is telling how a lot of westerners can't fathom a relationship between countries that isnt a Conqueror-conquered one.

More the reason to destroy the US and the EU.
Well the EU and USA are certainly on the right track for an economic disaster right now and also right now the leadership seem to be going completely off rails. Maybe they should stop mucking around with China and worry about maybe where they are going to get the next meal because any idiot that is trying to educate their citizens on the value of eating bugs or even people themselves simply isn’t worth China’s time.
China knows their limits in terms of nation building, it’s why they have retained all the lands that matter to them after so long and united as one whereas the EU and soon USA have been losing their colonies at an accelerated rate and all those ex-colonies don’t like their colonisers. Hence empire building carries consequences that are starting to truly harm these western nations because they have lost to ability to understand that they simply are not special and that one day, actions have real consequences and I’ll will cannot be paper over by paper money and bullshit. Chinas key ability to not act in a foolish colonising manner and respecting one’s boundaries is why China has so many options available in terms of trade and why many of these nations that have been colonised by the west because look so favourably to China in a manner that they are willing to tell Blinken to suck on this over it. So no, China doesn’t need any knowledge in empire building at all thanks, China has and always will, have the ability to get results without harming other nations and China will overcome the west without the need to do anything like what the USA have done, the USA will fall on its own sword and China will be left to wonder how a nation that has been dealt such a good hand can fail so quickly and so stupidly (woke/critical race theory is stupid, end of story)