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A warning. China is open to covid-19. The situation is critical, hospitals are on the way to being overrun. Many have died(old and unhealthy ones most, for now.), and the government number is unbelievable for the government now lacks the ability to track and identify skyrocket infected people. Hard to tell what happens next, but I suggest people in this forum stock enough medicine and medic equipment produced in china. These things will supply people in china first. Many factories are paid by the government to delay orders from any other but the government itself, to get enough equipment and medicine to equip the Chinese people first.

The only relief is those traitors on social media now get themselves infected, find nobody cares about their open-to-covid-and-all-will-be-fine story, and everybody wants them to die. Educational. Even better if they just die of covid.

The whole production chain is being influenced. Many workers are sick at home. The economic impact will shows up maybe months later, the real economic winter starts now. Ready yourself.


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The point is not about Confucianism. The point is, without equality, a huge part of the value you create through your work will fall into some nasty hands. Not only create inequality but split society and destroy the core spirit of the CCP, like what is happening in the US. Why can't we be better? Like, equal and rich at the same time? Like a communist society?

That is why Mao started the cultural revolution to clean up this type of person. Unfortunately, he failed to control the situation at the time. The whole thing messes up.

求其上,得其中;求其中,得其下,求其下,必败. by 孙子兵法
The one who seeks the top gets the middle, and the one who seeks the middle gets the bottom. by Sun Tzu

If you do not seek equality from the start, then there will be no equality. If you seek total equality, you end up with relative equality.

Marxism with Chinese characteristics is a huge project started by Mao himself. It still has a long way to go. But not this way.


Registered Member
Labor Theory of Value is core to Marxism. Dropping it as "wrong"(specially if the pandemic has shown its validity time again) sounds like Entrysm.

At some point, China will have to deal with the contradictions of Capital Vs. Labor if its serious about making the shift to socialism by the 2030's, otherwise, good luck not getting subverted by the rest of the capitalists, eventually.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Labor Theory of Value is core to Marxism. Dropping it as "wrong"(specially if the pandemic has shown its validity time again) sounds like Entrysm.

At some point, China will have to deal with the contradictions of Capital Vs. Labor if its serious about making the shift to socialism by the 2030's, otherwise, good luck not getting subverted by the rest of the capitalists, eventually.
Can't remember who exactly (think Deng), but didn't chinese leaders already not acknowledge that contradictions exist (due to the fact that they are still developing into a socialist country).

Like, they even only see themselves as a 'low/starting' socialist level, and it was something like 2049 to be a 'mid-level' socialist country.

At the end of the day, lots of work, changes etc. is still needed and something to be done, but if one looks back at recent history (just last 40ish years), lots of changes have already happened in China.

PS. Labor theory of value doesn't actually say that everyone has to be paid equally or the same as well though.


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Cushy job for the rat. Let's see how he handles being a direct US stooge. Sorry representative of Aus government to US.

Kevin Rudd is a pseudo-intellectual China-watcher so it makes sense that he got the job.

You watch him for 5 minutes, you might think he is a genuine China scholar. You watch him for 15 minutes, you think he is just a level or two better than mainstream CIA media
Do the Anglos believe having chinese speakers in their ranks helps their handling of China?
Hint: it doesn't look at Pottinger, and the problem isn't just the level of mandarin by Pottinger and Rudd (which is at best middle school level- enough to order a McDonalds " DaMaiKe" meal but not enough for political nuance or to impress Sinic leaders in Singapore, Taiwan or the rest of Asia). The problem is that these westerners view China through the view of Imperialists and Colonisers: "How do we control China?" "How do we Exploit and profit from China?" The sentiment has not changed since 1840 and barring a cataclysmic Chinese conquest of Five Eyes territories, this will not change given the calibre of leadership of the West.

Rudd had always wanted the ambassadorship to the US and got royally screwed by the previous opposing faction in government when they were last in power. His contributions in service of the anglosphere will be voided by the efforts of Pottinger and co. Whatever Navarro, Pottinger, Kurt Campbell have tried, he's already tried. It's nothing new.
Good, better for China to build national strength and confidence through its own indigeneous cultural innovations; already a pillar of western supremacy- technology- is being slowly destroyed as China pushes ahead in sci/tech research.

You can ask why so many Overseas Chinese from the 70s onwards became such...weak willed, slavish compradors to the caucasoids in the West. The answer lies in a lack of confidence in their own roots as well as the fact that the Anglo led West is unabashedly anti Asian.


Registered Member
Can't remember who exactly (think Deng), but didn't chinese leaders already not acknowledge that contradictions exist (due to the fact that they are still developing into a socialist country).

Like, they even only see themselves as a 'low/starting' socialist level, and it was something like 2049 to be a 'mid-level' socialist country.
They have. Dropping the LTV and "capitalist exploit people" basically denies the contradiction that stems from those aspects of capitalism, though.

S. Labor theory of value doesn't actually say that everyone has to be paid equally or the same as well though.
Nowhere in Marxist theory it says that, either. It is usually strawman by Libertarians, Neoliberals and similar ilk.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"


Senior Member
Registered Member
They have. Dropping the LTV and "capitalist exploit people" basically denies the contradiction that stems from those aspects of capitalism, though.
Hm yea, if they do drop that, it would be a major problem.

But will they actually drop it?
Nowhere in Marxist theory it says that, either. It is usually strawman by Libertarians, Neoliberals and similar ilk.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"


Junior Member
Registered Member
A warning. China is open to covid-19. The situation is critical, hospitals are on the way to being overrun. Many have died(old and unhealthy ones most, for now.), and the government number is unbelievable for the government now lacks the ability to track and identify skyrocket infected people. Hard to tell what happens next, but I suggest people in this forum stock enough medicine and medic equipment produced in china. These things will supply people in china first. Many factories are paid by the government to delay orders from any other but the government itself, to get enough equipment and medicine to equip the Chinese people first.

The only relief is those traitors on social media now get themselves infected, find nobody cares about their open-to-covid-and-all-will-be-fine story, and everybody wants them to die. Educational. Even better if they just die of covid.

The whole production chain is being influenced. Many workers are sick at home. The economic impact will shows up maybe months later, the real economic winter starts now. Ready yourself.
You sound a bit too dramatic here. What China is experiencing is just what everyone else has been facing for the last 2 years. Everyone is on the same boat now regarding COVID surges, but at least nobody else has a leader who banned masks and is doing everything she can to prevent the medical system from working properly.

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