That's why very serious people were writing in the People's Daily, calling it a major 理论创新 theoretical innovation 理论创造 theoretical creation, etc. They knew this step would *open the door* to, for example, what Yao Yang has been doing.
Crucially, I want to add that Yao Yang has been trying to frame - or steer - China's ongoing pursuit of 共同富裕 Common Prosperity as part of its history and tradition, and not Karl Marx's egalitarian utopia. The key difference is in the 1st scenario, investors and businesspeople
needn't worry that their riches would be taken away by the Communists. In other words, 共同富裕 Common Prosperity is about 天下大同 making everyone better as imagined by Confucius, not Karl Marx's egalitarianism.
Came across a classic example where he says China is NOT "importing the market economy from the West, but recovering its own market economy" b/c he says China had a market economy in Song dynasty [960-1279 AD]. In other words, NOT rebuking Marx but rediscovering the Chinese roots