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Registered Member
The only relief is those traitors on social media now get themselves infected, find nobody cares about their open-to-covid-and-all-will-be-fine story, and everybody wants them to die. Educational. Even better if they just die of covid.
They should've burn those very A4 sheets that they used to protest just weeks ago in a cup, pour water into the cup and drink it.

Just like what some of our parents and sifu asked us to/used to do - Soaking burnt Chinese amulet in water and have us drink them when we fell ill as children.
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Registered Member
Can't remember who exactly (think Deng), but didn't chinese leaders already not acknowledge that contradictions exist (due to the fact that they are still developing into a socialist country).

Like, they even only see themselves as a 'low/starting' socialist level, and it was something like 2049 to be a 'mid-level' socialist country.

At the end of the day, lots of work, changes etc. is still needed and something to be done, but if one looks back at recent history (just last 40ish years), lots of changes have already happened in China.

PS. Labor theory of value doesn't actually say that everyone has to be paid equally or the same as well though.
That's not what xiaokang means. Moderate doesn't refer to the wealth level of the country but to the class (I.e, middle/lower class) that is slated to reap the biggest benefits.

It means the country will be run by the "small" people for the "small" people and they will be the main drivers and benefit havers of innovation, wealth and production, not the "large" corporations or the elites. Obviously the latter will also get a share of the pie, but under xiaokang they will not be anywhere near the driver's seat.


Registered Member
Your daily dose of "China correspondent" "China expert" "China sexpat" be like:

Seriously, why hasn't the Chinese authorities cancel the visas + work permits and deport these bunch of disrespectful and ign0rant pr1cks??

This it is folks, this what the CIA-intelligence agencies tools inside China with their crappy equations and their blank papers fought for. To have these f*cking scumbags mocking decease ones to satisfy garbage agendas.


Registered Member
This it is folks, this what the CIA-intelligence agencies tools inside China with their crappy equations and their blank papers fought for. To have these f*cking scumbags mocking decease ones to satisfy garbage agendas.
Imo its a good time to bring back the charge of picking quarrels and define it as bothering busy bypassers in a shameless manner. With fines as the basic punishment, but upgraded to jail time if you are picking quarrels while affiliated with a foreign government funded organization.


Registered Member
This it is folks, this what the CIA-intelligence agencies tools inside China with their crappy equations and their blank papers fought for. To have these f*cking scumbags mocking decease ones to satisfy garbage agendas.

Imo its a good time to bring back the charge of picking quarrels and define it as bothering busy bypassers in a shameless manner. With fines as the basic punishment, but upgraded to jail time if you are picking quarrels while affiliated with a foreign government funded organization.
I honestly wonder what motivates these individuals to behave so? Or for their caucasoid audiences to consume such shit?


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Reality strikes again:

Germany reassures Nato on task force after equipment failure

Defence chiefs hold crisis talks following training exercise malfunction of Berlin’s most advanced armoured vehicles.

Germany sought to reassure Nato that it could still be relied on to lead the alliance’s rapid response task force even after all 18 of its most advanced armoured vehicles malfunctioned in a training exercise earlier this month.

Defence chiefs held a crisis meeting in Berlin on Monday to discuss the massive problems that have emerged with the Puma, one of the world’s best-protected infantry fighting vehicles, with defence minister Christine Lambrecht describing the issues as a “bitter setback”.

On Monday, the defence ministry said that during training at the army’s firing practice centre last week, the Pumas had suffered an “unexpectedly high” number of breakdowns — though it stressed that the exercise’s tactical and climatic conditions were “challenging”.

“The recent malfunctions of the Puma IFV are a bitter setback,” Lambrecht said, adding that she had ordered an investigation into what went wrong with the vehicle.

The minister said the Bundeswehr would not order any more Pumas until it is “proven to be resilient”. “Our army must be able to rely on weapons systems being robust and stable, in combat, too,” she said.

“This not only hurts the Bundeswehr’s reputation in Nato, but also the image of the companies . . . involved,” said Thomas Wiegold, a prominent military blogger.

The 18 Pumas that malfunctioned were among 42 that were supposed to be deployed as part of Nato’s “Very High Readiness Joint Task Force” (VJTF), a rapid response force which Germany will lead from next year.

“Nato can continue to rely on us carrying out our duty with the VJTF,” Lambrecht said.

Lambrecht added that the army would not order any more Pumas, which were developed by the arms companies Rheinmetall Landsysteme and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) but have long been plagued by technical problems. The companies did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The malfunctions could prove highly embarrassing for Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, who has vowed to restore the fortunes of the armed forces and make up for years of underfunding with a massive increase in defence expenditure. Days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine he announced the creation of a €100bn investment fund for the Bundeswehr, the German army.

Last week the Bundestag gave the green light for €8bn of the €100bn to be spent on new F-35 US fighter jets to replace Germany’s ageing Tornados. They also authorised spending on a technical upgrade of the Pumas.

Officials insisted that Germany’s contribution to the VJTF next year would not be affected by the issues with the Puma. It said the German combat units that will be deployed to the task force had been trained on an older IFV, the Marder, and these would now be used in the VJTF instead of the Pumas.

Officials said a joint investigation was currently under way to analyse the Puma’s problems. This was being carried out by the army, the Federal Office for Equipping the Bundeswehr, the private logistics company responsible for repairing military equipment as well as Rheinmetall and KMW.

The Puma has had a long and troubled history. Production started in 2010 but it was only declared battle-ready last year.

“Scrap metal for €6bn is embarrassing for Germany,” said Dietmar Bartsch, parliamentary leader of the leftwing opposition Linke party. “The IFV Puma was from the start a bad design that swallowed up billions in taxpayers’ money.”

The technical issues were first revealed in a letter by Maj Gen Ruprecht von Butler, commander of the 10th Armoured Division, to the Inspector of the German Army, which was leaked to news magazine Spiegel. He said the Pumas’ electronics appeared particularly prone to malfunction.

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