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Registered Member
Nope, and the americans have been coping about it for a while now

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Russia without veto power would be Pakistan 2.0 in terms of its closeness to China. Their UN Veto power is the only thing protecting them from becoming North Korea. Nukes are only good for not getting nuked. Pakistan depended on China for years to thwart Western pressure. They can't, but if they could, removing the veto power of Russia would be an astronomical self-own for the West. Russia as an independent political player is better for the West. Just look at how many Chinese policies were disrupted in the Middle East and Africa because of Russia's powerplays to gain more political power.


Registered Member
Here's a pro-tip: When you meet someone who are boasting that the US has the largest military budget in the world and their military spending is larger than the next 9 nations combined - Tell them not even the Pentagon themselves know what, where, when and how much they have spent those money on.

Unroll thread:
The Pentagon recently failed their 5th-ever audit, meaning they've never successfully been audited. But within that failure, we learned some shocking new details — such as they can't account for over HALF of their assets.

If you ran a market, or a shoe store, or a daycare & you couldn't account for HALF your inventory, you'd quickly be arrested. Yet the Pentagon does just that & it's met with a yawn by the ruling elite & the media. But this is worse than just negligence.
Then tell the Pentagon that they should slash their effective military capability and power projection by half.

Instead of having 10 supercarriers, the Pentagon should announce that they only have 5 counted. Instead of having 400+ F-35s, the Pentagon should only count 200+ of them in service. Instead of having 5000+ nuclear wahreads, Pentagon & Department of Energy should say that they only have 2500+ warheads available.

That would make those war hawks in the Capitol think multiple times before saying and doing anything that can be deemed to be provocative against China, Russia, etc.

The Pentagon avoided federally mandated audits for 25 years, but that didn't stop the truth from coming out that there had been over $21 TRILLION of unaccounted-for financial adjustments over 17 years.
25 years... That means the avoidance of federal auditing by the Pentagon started in 1997 (or maybe earlier).

The end of the Cold War and the War on Terror have really let the rot creeping in deep across the financial management system of the Pentagon.

To put $21 Trillion into perspective, if you earned $100,000 every year (after taxes) for 70 years, you'd have to live that same life 3 MILLION times to get to 21 Trillion.
One more solid example that the top level minority of elites takes all, and the bottom level majority of poors are left to feed themselves with scraps.

Forbes & The Nation were some of the few outlets to cover the scandal & they made it clear it was not just discrepancies. "According to gov records & interviews with DoD officials, congressional sources, & independent experts" this was & is fraud.

"16,000 records that might reveal either the source or the destination of some of that [trillions] had been 'removed'." So if this were not a crime, then why cover up the paper trail?

In this latest audit failure - “What they found were several new weaknesses in how DOD accounted for its assets, [including] 2.9 million personnel; equipment & weapons including 19,700 aircraft... & physical items including buildings, roads & fences on 4,860 sites worldwide.”

The Pentagon LITERALLY loses buildings, planes, guns, & missiles. Don't ask how one loses a building, but they somehow manage it. But it gets worse. Sometimes they don't even know what YEAR they're in.
I could have never imagine losing an entire fr1ck1ng building in auditing assets is actually a possibility, but here we are. Did the rising sea levels submerged your coastal installations or something?

Also, ever wondered how American-made M4s, Stingers, Humvees and maybe F-14s made their way to insurgent groups and terrorist groups in MENA and elsewhere? Now you have your answer.

"Investigators noted that the Army’s database claimed that service officials reviewed facilities in the years 0012, 1776, 2201 and 3013." ...So the Pentagon claims to have inspected buildings they can't find, filled with weapons they've lost, in years that haven't happened yet.
Finally! Now we know that the US got their hands on the rumored Die Glocke time machine from N4z1 Germany at the end of WW2.
(Had to cover up the swastika symbol in case the wokes attack)

No wonder they can travel back to assist the Romans to overthrow the Artaxiad Dynasty, and won the American Independence War, and probably modified the far future.

As The Nation said before they deleted the article from their site, “The Pentagon’s accounting fraud amounts to theft on a grand scale—theft not only from America’s taxpayers, but also from the nation’s well-being and its future."
Grand Theft Auto: The Pentagon Debacle (to be released 2077 if there are no delays).

More info:

Found some replies underneath that are equally shocking:

But then they claimed that the PLA is the ultra corrupt one?

I want to become the owner of those "scrapyards" - I can earn massive bucks of money by just selling them to "unidentified customers".

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The farewell quote by former US President Eisenhower regarding the American Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC) truly ages like fine wine.

I rest my case here, lol.