Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
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"The falsified data shows the coal to be drier than it is. Since drier coal burns more cleanly, less of it is needed to be burnt for electricity and it creates fewer emissions per kilowatt produced so can be sold for higher prices."

This is even worse. The calorific content of the coal is probably lower than advertised.


Registered Member
Guess Europeans finally realize that they got screwed pretty bad in Ukraine.
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1. There is strength in numbers. Once Germany makes a move, which they indicated that they would move closer to China (cough cough that whole Lithuania thing a few months ago), that creates a different situation, gives others maneuvering room. After getting screwed over by the Anglos with that sub deal, France probably thinking it is better being neutral. The Dutch, seeing they are not alone in sharing the same concerns, over ASML, are on the same neutral bandwagon.

2. The people in America, many would believe otherwise, because they are blinded by ideology. American ideology is that they are the leader of the free world. Germany, France, Netherlands, three of the richest countries in the world, kind of diplomatically said, they do not agree with that ideology.

3. How the Americans and it allies will contain China, that narrative is being challenged by the American isolation narrative. :D

4. The longer this indifference continues to American ideology of them being the number #1 and leader of the free world, the possibility of that ideology going dead increases exponentially. People get used to it. Being free of the overbearing self-proclaimed master, not worrying about pipelines getting sabotaged.


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That's pretty surprising right? For a site such as ours you would think we'll have noted this on some related thread if this was reported anywhere at the time, given all the busy bodies watching this type of news. But nothing.

Nikki apparently broke this news yesterday:
A spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Fleet revealed this weekend that the U.S. Navy conducted a Freedom of Navigation Operation through the Taiwan Strait early in November, but refrained from publicly announcing it at the time of transit.
Information about the transit was revealed to Nikkei on Saturday (Nov. 19). However, the U.S. Pacific Fleet Spokesman did not give a specific reason for delaying the announcement of the USS Benfold’s transit, according to the report.
A Nikkei report suggests the transit was not made public to “avoid friction with Beijing” ahead of the Xi-Biden meeting.
What do you make of this? There's little point signaling wise to do a FONOP but then keep it under news blackout. Perhaps Pentagon and Whitehouse are again not quite on the same wavelength?

In fact, what is even the point of doing a FONOP if you're deathly afraid of word of it getting out?


Registered Member
What do you make of this? There's little point signaling wise to do a FONOP but then keep it under news blackout. Perhaps Pentagon and Whitehouse are again not quite on the same wavelength?

In fact, what is even the point of doing a FONOP if you're deathly afraid of word of it getting out?

Maybe people got tired of that American stuff.

Warships, pipelines sabotaged (figuratively and literally), that is what Americans bring to Asia.

After these three major summits in Asia, there is a definite disconnect in the West.

Several European heads of state will visit Beijing, to do more business. The Europeans will not bring the military, they will bring their products and their wallets to Asia.

The Americans highlighting their own bellicosity would be quite an interesting thing gawk at.

Hence, they keep quiet, but that other country decides to embarrass them in the press.


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Australia’s ‘cleaner coal’ is a systematic export scam, Wilkie to tell parliament​

November 21, 2022 — 5.02am

Australian coal exporters have been falsifying data to suggest their coal is cleaner than it is in order to increase its export price in a scam involving two testing laboratories, major accountancy firms and an investment bank, federal MP Andrew Wilkie is expected to tell parliament on Monday.

Wilkie says he has been provided with thousands of pages of documents by an industry whistleblower and will call for a parliamentary inquiry into the allegations, days after the corporate watchdog decided against taking action against one of the laboratory companies.

Andrew Wilkie will make the claims in parliament on Monday and call for a parliamentary inquiry.

Andrew Wilkie will make the claims in parliament on Monday and call for a parliamentary inquiry.Credit:James Brickwood

“The fraud is environmental vandalism and makes all the talk of net zero emissions by 2050 a fiction,” says a draft of the speech, seen by this masthead.

“It could also be criminal, trashing corporate reputations as well as our national reputation.”

According to the whistleblower and the documents he has provided, coal testing laboratories that certify the quality of coal shipments leaving Australia have been falsifying data to suggest the coal is of higher quality than their tests show.
The falsified data shows the coal to be drier than it is. Since drier coal burns more cleanly, less of it is needed to be burnt for electricity and it creates fewer emissions per kilowatt produced so can be sold for higher prices.

For years Australian industry leaders and politicians have justified ongoing coal exports as the world grapples with climate change on the grounds that Australian coal displaces the comparatively dirtier competitors’ coal that would produce more greenhouse gas emissions when burnt.

In July, Prime Minister
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, using that justification of a cleaner product.
Dam the west just can't stop losing now can they, first biggest crypto scam now clean coal scams.


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If that's the case, wouldn't him coming out now saying he was never briefed be considered "创造条件" or "create the right conditions"?

Archives showed that Prime Minister's Office Readout (between Trudeau and Xi's earlier informal 10 min talk) issued on the 15th was deleted or didn't exist already by the 17th. People on twitter couldn't find the official readout on the 16th which means Trudeau had it deleted soon after running to the washroom.

Looks like 很天真 understood what 创造条件 meant. I just didn't understand why Trudeau couldn't have gotten the video recording censored considering it was Global News (Liberal Mouthpiece) reporter that recorded it, which would have saved all the humiliation. I think the drama teacher decided to embrace his humiliation in order to paint Xi as a bully instead.
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Archives showed that Prime Minister's Office Readout (between Trudeau and Xi's earlier informal 10 min talk) issued on the 15th was deleted or didn't exist already by the 17th. People on twitter couldn't find the official readout on the 16th which means Trudeau had it deleted soon after running to the washroom.

Looks like 很天真 understood what 创造条件 meant. I just didn't understand why Trudeau couldn't have gotten the video recording censored considering it was Global News (Liberal Mouthpiece) reporter that recorded it, which would have saved all the humiliation. I think the drama teacher decided to embrace his humiliation in order to paint Xi as a bully instead.
I also don't get why he came out today. Let's assume he's not lying about the fact that he was lying earlier, ie he really didn't receive any briefing and was talking shit to Xi. Surely the smart thing for him to do now is to lie low and wait for this to blow over in the media?

Him owning up today must have been forced by something, either the money class or some higher power.