Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Well, we already all knew that they were doing this. Nice to officially know it. Looking at you Wikipedia and your monthly/bi-weekly meetings with DHS, CISA, and FBI. I always knew you were full of shit.
None of this is a surprise, as conspiracy theories become more and more popular in western countries, the establishment needs to resort to more underhand methods to undermine and silence political activists. Given most are spread online outlets like wikipedia are being heavily censored to mirror the regime's propaganda.

The popularity of conspiracy theories themselves is an interesting topic in itself. The reason they have increased in popularity over the past 10 years, and especially in the last 3 years is because of increased distrust in central government. We saw a similar thing in the USSR before its collapse, people started believing in conspiracy theories rather than state propaganda.

Non Anglophone European societies (Germany, France, the Slavic countries) never evolved a concept of free speech, so for them these crackdowns are normal. The UK and especially the USA had strong belief in freedom of speech and it is having an impact on politics there.

Rather than being a problem, conspiracy theories are a symptom of a problem. If you stop one through censoring sites like wikipedia, two or three more will pop up. The only way they can truly be silenced is for trust in central authorities to be restored.


Registered Member
No. That's unfair to the researchers at WIV. You do not sacrifice your own people to hopefully gain brownie points with the west. What is the point of developing to be equal to the west if you're going to throw your own people under the bus the first time you get questioned?
I didn't say the lab leak was from WIV, CGTN knows how to use the lab leak theory to shift the conversation and throw shade at Fort Detrick.

WIV is actually an excellent case to focus on, the logic goes since if the US is funding biolabs to research "bioweapons" in adversarial states, then what else could the US be funding behind everyone's back?
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Registered Member
I didn't say the lab leak was from WIV, CGTN knows how to use the lab leak theory to shift the conversation and throw shade at Fort Detrick.

WIV is actually an excellent case to focus on, the logic goes since if the US is funding biolabs to research "bioweapons" in adversarial states, then what else could the US be funding behind everyone's back?
I personally thought the idea that was COVID in a lab was nonsense, however Jeffrey Sachs recent revelations made me question that. I still think the jury is out compared to something like HIV (for which there is ample evidence it was a US engineered virus).

China has been content to remain on the defensive on American conspiracy theories on COVID so far, it and hasn't really pursued the Fort Detrick allegations. COVID hurt the west far more than China so even if it was an accidental/intentional US leak the Americans have already been punished by their own incompetence.

As I mentioned in my previous post China isn't the one with the credibility crisis right now, it's America:

If China does decide to go on the offensive we know the cold war has truly begun.


Registered Member
See what happened last time when Taiwan bought French mirages, La Fayette and Dutch subs, and today's China is many times more capable of hurting them. Taiwan certainly want weapons from any country, but most countries can not afford the consequences to sell.
What happened last time?