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Chinese literary speech is something else. It makes use of a far larger variety of characters compared to everyday speech, which while not at all a bad thing does present a noticeable barrier to understanding for less fluent people. I'm fluent enough in everyday speech that I can engage in regular conversation but I am completely clueless the moment someone engages in literary speech or writing.
If you had Chinese literacy education (which is mandatory) through high school in mainland China, you would not have much problem in understanding those literary expressions.

If those people in Taiwan are really more Chinese than mainlanders as they claimed to be, they should not have problems in understanding the literary expressions.

Anyone else are not really the audience anyway. I mean this People's daily article isn't aiming at foreigners.
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Lieutenant General
Of course Minxin Pei hates Gordon Chang. One is an actual anti Chinese racist, the other is a hero of socialist labor with Chinese characteristics, vanguard of the people, redder than red. As for which one is which...
Thing is Minxin Pei was moderate before. When Gordan Chang showed up you didn't see Minxin Pei much because guess who was hogging the spotlight? Then when he showed up again it was all negative on China in his dull way of talking.


Registered Member
That sounds pretty interesting, can you give me some links on how China retaliated against France and Netherlands?
In case Netherlands, on the surface the diplomatic relation was downgraded to charge d'affair for three years until the Dutch government made official promise in never doing it again. That was in the 1980s when China was desperate in accessing to the west.


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Sunak signs off on tax rises across the board to help plug £50bn hole​

Rishi Sunak is set to sign off on raising taxes across the board as the new British prime minister looks to plug a £50bn hole in public finances.

Treasury insiders said that Sunak and chancellor Jeremy Hunt had agreed on Monday that while “those with the broadest shoulders should be asked to bear the greatest burden”, everybody’s taxes would go up.

A Treasury official said after the bilateral meeting: “It is going to be rough. The truth is that everybody will need to contribute more in tax if we are to maintain public services.

“After borrowing hundreds of billions of pounds through Covid-19 and implementing massive energy bills support, we won’t be able to fill the fiscal black hole through spending cuts alone.”

A big “stealth” tax rise could be achieved by extending a four-year freeze on personal tax allowances and thresholds announced by Sunak when he was chancellor in Boris Johnson’s government in 2021.

With high inflation, the “fiscal drag” effect means millions of people will be pulled into the tax system for the first time or into higher tax bands each year. Extending the freeze would raise about £5bn a year by 2027-28.

Tax increase on everyone including the poor. They should consider calling it the Ukrainian Fee. I wonder if they would have preferred Liz Truss rich tax cuts instead.


Reddit has been telling me for years that the Vietnamese communist will help the US fight the Chinese communist (so that the US libs can defeat the Viet communist easier afterwards).

The white-haired Trong must be an old China hand. They even hugged each other.

Link to the Bloomberg article:
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Both EU and the U.S. are on the verge of recession. What the U.S. wants to do is to force EU to commit economical suicide with itself.


Here we go again. China better be pumping out those icbm...

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That report were written by political hacks and it's so full of BS, even an editor of the Foreign Policy can't stand its stench.

The opinions from some real virologists:

Notice that even NYT and CNN have to admit that the Wuhan market is the likely origin.
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Here are the studies the NYT and CNN articles based on:
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Registered Member
That report were written by political hacks and it's so full of BS, even an editor of the Foreign Policy can't stand its stench.

The opinions from some real virologists:

Notice that even NYT and CNN have to admit that the Wuhan market is the likely origin.
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Here are the studies the NYT and CNN articles based on:
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Covid investigation has been politicized too much in US. Both sides are trying to paint China bad, either China lab leak evil or China animal eater evil.

Personally, I think the China lab leak evil narrative is more advantageous to China since it is known US funded gain of function research in WIV. There is an opportunity for the western masses to turn against the establishment if they dig deeper in the US biowarfare research. This is a lot better than generic bitching about how China is dirty and eats weird animals.

If China can't convince people that Covid didn't originate from China (which most likely didn't due to covid positive samples in 2019 March Spain), might as well go with the narrative that Covid is from a lab leak.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Covid investigation has been politicized too much in US. Both sides are trying to paint China bad, either China lab leak evil or China animal eater evil.

Personally, I think the China lab leak evil narrative is more advantageous to China since it is known US funded gain of function research in WIV. There is an opportunity for the western masses to turn against the establishment if they dig deeper in the US biowarfare research. This is a lot better than generic bitching about how China is dirty and eats weird animals.

If China can't convince people that Covid didn't originate from China (which most likely didn't due to covid positive samples in 2019 March Spain), might as well go with the narrative that Covid is from a lab leak.
No. That's unfair to the researchers at WIV. You do not sacrifice your own people to hopefully gain brownie points with the west. What is the point of developing to be equal to the west if you're going to throw your own people under the bus the first time you get questioned?