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Hopefully not. Keep the Shanghai guys as far away as possible, they are incompetent. Talk about failing upwards

Doubtful about him becoming the Premier though. Wouldnt he have to first become a Vice Premier?
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Lmao dumb article is dumb. "struggled to access food and medical care" that's why average Chinese (not even shanghai, but including the poorest ethnic minority areas) have higher life expectancy than Americans and better access to food than EU citizens right?

I guess according to these standards, Americans just by existing are struggling with access to food and medical care, no need for lockdown.

Truth is, it was at most a minor inconvenience that get blown out of proportion by entitled people who think they can have their cake and eat it too. They wouldn't last 5 minutes with their behavior in a western country, let alone a 3rd world country. In such places, the government tells you: "you will lose loved ones and like it, protests will be met with tear gas and guns." Coddled shanghai people don't understand what life is like outside the most civilized parts of East Asia.


Registered Member
The funniest part of Jean Chrétien was when it cut the purchase of MBT in 1994 because with the pullout of Canadian forces from Europe, the only ground forces they could face was the US and number we would have would clearly not stop them, not worth spending on these, lol !
What MBT purchase in 1994?


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The United Arab Emirates on Monday accused the European Union’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell of making “racist” remarks last week and summoned the boss of the EU delegation to the UAE.

The UAE foreign ministry condemned Borrell’s controversial remarks, in which he compared Europe to a garden and the rest of the world to a jungle, saying they were “inappropriate and discriminatory” and “contribute to a worsening climate of intolerance and discrimination worldwide.”

It asked for a written explanation of Borrell’s comments and summoned Emil Paulsen, acting head of mission at the EU delegation to the UAE.

In a controversial speech addressing future diplomats at the opening of the European Diplomatic Academy in Bruges last week, Borrell said: “Yes, Europe is a garden, we have built a garden. Everything works,” citing the Continent’s political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion.

He then continued: “Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden,” arguing that instead of building a wall, diplomats have to “go to the jungle.”



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The article reeks of copium. There is compelling reasons for the heads of Europe's largest economies to visit China: because their own economies are in the toilet and they need their biggest trading partners more than ever. BTW, engaging in diplomacy is playing with fire? What kind of logical is this?

War is coming china should be well prepared .
I think the hawks in Biden's regime is really worried now that China has officially announced the end of the "minimal deterrence" policy. Also, policy makers in Biden's regime is well aware of the impending weakness of the petrodollar, after Xi's visit to the Saudi Arabia in December.


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She proudly works in silence and the CPC wishes her the best of luck, staying as PM as long as possible...

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Truss refuses to resign​

The UK PM apologized for triggering market chaos, but insisted on leading the Tories into the next election

British Prime Minister Liz Truss said on Monday she has no intention to step down, despite calls from fellow Conservative MPs. Her statement comes as she fights for political survival over her controversial economic policies, which have unleashed market turmoil.
Speaking to the BBC, the embattled PM stated that she is “sticking around because I was elected to deliver for this country and that is what I am determined to do.”

She went on to say that she would lead the Conservative Party into the next election, adding that she “is not focused on internal debates” among the Tories. “We are facing very tough times. We simply cannot afford to spend our time talking about the Conservative Party, rather than what we need to deliver. That is my message to my colleagues.”

Truss apologized, however, for the mistakes she has made during her first month as prime minister, taking responsibility for her ill-fated economic plan, which triggered market chaos. She explained that she “wanted to act to help people with their energy bills, to deal with the issue of high taxes,” while admitting that her government “went too far and too fast” with its policies.

The prime minister said that in order to remedy the situation, she appointed a new chancellor with a new strategy “to restore economic stability.”

The comments come after several Conservative MPs urged Truss to step down, citing her inability to handle the economic crisis. While Truss inherited double-digit inflation and an economy on the brink of recession, she initially supported the controversial ‘mini budget’ which aimed to ramp up borrowing and keep the corporation tax at 19% instead of increasing it to 25%.

The plan backfired, with markets plunging into turmoil and the British pound crashing to a record low against the US dollar. Subsequently, Truss scrapped the budget and fired the chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, replacing him with the former head of the Foreign Office, Jeremy Hunt.

A recent poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows that if a general election were held today, the Tories would lose more than 300 seats in the House of Commons, and the Labour Party would gain a majority in Parliament.

Truss 223.jpg


Registered Member
What MBT purchase in 1994?
No purchase, the MBT meant to replace the aging Leopard C1, was scrapped in 1993 budget of the new Chrétien government and bought LAV III instead. The government during his time reduced the number of Canadian mbt by almost half, from 114 vehicles to 66 by the year 2000. Making modernisation for the remaining with new turret of Leopard 1A5.
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Same tactics as they used in HK. Hang obscenely offensive banners, intentionally confrontational to create a scene, incite & escalate aggravations till it all kicks off. Edit video clips in their favor, then play the victim to elicit sympathy.

Video from a different angle shows what really happened inside the consulate ground. The guy in the red jacket on the ground is a consulate worker. He was being stomped on and kicked by one of the roaches and the other consulate workers were trying to pull the roach off of him.
