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I wish Chinese and East Asians in general have the same amount of political correctness protection as LGBT folks. Reality is that people can get away with joking about genociding all of China on public TV with no harm to career and East Asians are routinely beaten without said crimes reported as hate crimes.

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What would have happened if an Asian kid joked that the solution to inner city violence is to kill all black kids? Here is another fun one? What if some Hispanic kid joked that the solution to wealth inequality is to kill all the rich Jews living in Long Island and spread the wealth among the less privileged. Free speech am I right?

The West, especially the US practices selected racism.

Racism is forbidden against Jews, Blacks, Mexicans, and most recently, Ukrainians.
Racism is partially permitted against Japanese, Koreans, Indians, and Middle Eastern.
Racism is fully permitted, and encouraged against Chinese, Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, Venezuelans, etc.

When someone says: "I hate Jews!". He is instantly labeled an Anti-Semite. Gets cancelled. And potentially face charges for being a Holocaust denier.

But when someone says: "Nanjing Massacre was a CCP lie!", or "Let's kill everyone in China!". He gets a pass for 'freedom of speech'. He gets promoted on YouTube, Twitter, and can even get donations. He might get called out, but he won't get into any serious trouble.

I have a theory on how racism in the West works. If it's the Jews, they are next to God, and are infallible people. If its the Blacks, Mexicans, and other Brown people that they like. That's because these poeple have been 'civilized' by them before. Hence these people are now 'innocent'. If its the Chinese, Russians, or Iranians, then these people are devils, because they have refused to be 'civilized' by the West.

Western racism is best exemplified by how they view China and Africa. When the West colonized Africa, its just unpleasant history, but at least its them, the 'good guys' who did it. But when China came to do business in Africa, then the Chinese are irredeemable 'bad guys', so they need to be stopped from colonizing the Africans. The Africans for their part, are not allowed to choose for themselves, who to trust. The West still regards the Africans as naïve 'savages' that needed to be guided to stay away from the Chinese.

It took me years to realize this about the West. Despite all the political correctness, anti-racism campaigns, and their media, racism is very much alive and well in the Western mainstream. This year in particular is especially revealing. FIFA can launch the campaign: "No Room for Racism" in football. But that same FIFA can ban all Russians athletes from FIFA football competitions. There is no such thing Western justice, it never existed in the first place.
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Registered Member
Its pretty blatant that there are different levels of racism, with some forms encouraged while others are ruthlessly purged as soon as someone has those incorrect thoughts. That’s why ‘anti-semantism’ is used so often and a label so feared, it allows those in power to know who are doing the wrong kind of racism to weed them out.

Anti-Chinese racism is so deep rooted and entranced in American society and general pop culture that is essentially a core part of American identity.

So much so, the ‘correct’ way to address anti-Asian racism in American pop culture is for the target of the racism to say they are not Chinese. Because racism against Chinese isn’t wrong, it’s only wrong when it’s misdirected at the ‘good’ Asians.
Hence why there will be a day that will come when this anti Chinese racism is going to be the last mistake that the USA makes in regards to the future. I am pretty sure that the USA has become so used to this hatred that they cannot see anything that China has already accomplished despite every single handicap that the USA has thrown upon China. One day, I wonder if the USA will be prepared for a future where anti Americanism will be a thing throughout the world once this whole war in Ukraine settles and Europe freezes and starves in the winter and the rest of the global south gets a full view of how evil and how much of a failure the USA is on the world stage. And this hatred for the USA will be engraved upon the world until the ends of time and the media of the USA needs to be torn down in order to ensure that these yanks will never feel good about themselves again (is what they did to China so that need to pay the price sooner or later). I believe that in the future will mark the beginning of the end for the west, especially that USA that seems to believe that they can remain arrogant without consequence when the e consequences in reality are truly starting to mount and is poised to make its mark at Bidens mid terms. I refuse to believe that Biden or the USA is going to make it through this year unscathed and I don’t believe that USA is going to have a happy Christmas either for that matter
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Registered Member

War is coming china should be well prepared .
For some reason a eating a trillion dollars a year is not enough, they want cut the the few strings that keep that money eating monster in check. They don't want cut waste or use in better ways the money, no no no, they want less strings attached to the money.


AND THEN you have Ms Yellen begging to China to help them because the Federal debt is getting out of control.



Registered Member
KSA would have the same issue that Iran has. It is neither easy nor cheap to make a missile with range to hit the US from their part of the globe.
The point is not to directly hit US, but hitting any forward US bases and the hosting countries. US can not sustain a meaningful threat from its own territory, except some symbolic bombing. The real and devastate effect on these hosting countries will prevent these countries to allow US actions. When it is about their own lives and deaths, these countries would and could prevent US adventure.


Registered Member
Saudi forums are already discussing how KSA can covertly acquire nuclear capabilities rapidly (i.e. 1-2 years) to prevent itself from being threatened by US nuclear blackmail. Logical partner would be Pakistan in this respect, although Chinese assistance might be sought on less sensitive areas (i.e. delivery assets). Multiple nuclear shields from Iran, Russia, Pakistan, and KSA, would supplement China and help push out american interference in the Asian battlespace.
Considering the relationship between Pakistan and KSA, it won't surprise me that suddenly KSA got nukes. Pakistan also build ballistic missiles, so China don't even need to get involved directly.

China has sold DF-3 to KSA long ago for it to break tie with Taiwan, it won't be surprising that China sells (or already sold) or help KSA to build ballistic missiles in order to break KSA from US which is a much more valuable achievement than the tie of Taiwan.


Registered Member
Considering the relationship between Pakistan and KSA, it won't surprise me that suddenly KSA got nukes. Pakistan also build ballistic missiles, so China don't even need to get involved directly.

China has sold DF-3 to KSA long ago for it to break tie with Taiwan, it won't be surprising that China sells (or already sold) or help KSA to build ballistic missiles in order to break KSA from US which is a much more valuable achievement than the tie of Taiwan.
Pakistan could transfer nukes to Saudi for urgent use, but to deploy them long term they will need nuclear facilities to refurbish warheads. Anything of that sort would be hard to pass under the radar.

Saudi Arabia having nukes was a thing brought up by neocon think tanks a few years ago when the Saudis bought DF-21. Ballistic missiles work perfectly fine without nuclear warheads, as we saw in the Gulf war and now in the Ukraine.

To understand the Saudis you need to take into account they are a modern incarnation of a mediaeval absolute monarchy. They will make a deal with the devil to stay in power. Everything else, including Islam, wahabbism, arab nationalism comes second.


Junior Member
Registered Member
For some reason a eating a trillion dollars a year is not enough, they want cut the the few strings that keep that money eating monster in check. They don't want cut waste or use in better ways the money, no no no, they want less strings attached to the money.

View attachment 99686

AND THEN you have Ms Yellen begging to China to help them because the Federal debt is getting out of control.

View attachment 99687
Stuff they're asking for is for a major ground war like Ukraine, only en masse. Not stuff that's survivable if the enemy has air superiority but stuff that's useful in land on land, infantry vs infantry fight. I can't help but wonder if they think Taiwan will be like Ukraine and that they're preparing for Ukraine, but bigger when it comes to Taiwan.

In other words, they're not preparing for the war we here think the reunification war will look like. They're preparing for a full on, total war invasion or counter invasion. Peer on peer.

An interesting play given how bad inflation is hitting right now, but I suspect it'll pass anyways.