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What a convenient time to release this hit-piece against Saudi Arabia by this Free Media TM outlet.

Totally not CIA-controlled
The frequency

The West, especially the US practices selected racism.

Racism is forbidden against Jews, Blacks, Mexicans, and most recently, Ukrainians.
Racism is partially permitted against Japanese, Koreans, Indians, and Middle Eastern.
Racism is fully permitted, and encouraged against Chinese, Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, Venezuelans, etc.

When someone says: "I hate Jews!". He is instantly labeled an Anti-Semite. Gets cancelled. And potentially face charges for being a Holocaust denier.

But when someone says: "Nanjing Massacre was a CCP lie!", or "Let's kill everyone in China!". He gets a pass for 'freedom of speech'. He gets promoted on YouTube, Twitter, and can even get donations. He might get called out, but he won't get into any serious trouble.

I have a theory on how racism in the West works. If it's the Jews, they are next to God, and are infallible people. If its the Blacks, Mexicans, and other Brown people that they like. That's because these poeple have been 'civilized' by them before. Hence these people are now 'innocent'. If its the Chinese, Russians, or Iranians, then these people are devils, because they have refused to be 'civilized' by the West.

Western racism is best exemplified by how they view China and Africa. When the West colonized Africa, its just unpleasant history, but at least its them, the 'good guys' who did it. But when China came to do business in Africa, then the Chinese are irredeemable 'bad guys', so they need to be stopped from colonizing the Africans. The Africans for their part, are not allowed to choose for themselves, who to trust. The West still regards the Africans as naïve 'savages' that needed to be guided to stay away from the Chinese.

It took me years to realize this about the West. Despite all the political correctness, anti-racism campaigns, and their media, racism is very much alive and well in the Western mainstream. This year in particular is especially revealing. FIFA can launch the campaign: "No Room for Racism" in football. But that same FIFA can ban all Russians athletes from FIFA football competitions. There is no such thing Western justice, it never existed in the first place.
The view of Americans of foreign countries is diametrically opposed to how well they are doing economically, US perception of Japan went from extreme distrust bordering on open hostility, and then immediately went to extremely positive levels after the Japanese economy went bust.

It's all projections, Westerners and the Japanese (who imitated the west in all ways) knew what they themselves did when they grew more powerful than others, steal, rape, kill and loot until there isn't a single state on earth untainted by them. Therefore, they will others would do the same should they grow more powerful.

They want to stay other countries to stay an exotic, underdeveloped or stagnant vacation spots where the locals fawn over you, but never as equals.


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France warns European Union countries that it will close borders:
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France (1 November 2022 – 30 April 2023)
New terrorist threats, organized crime and activity of organized groups of smugglers, risk of arrival of persons who could pose a threat among the flow of refugees, irregular migration, secondary movements, the situation at the external border (Ukraine war); all internal borders as well as sea and air borders


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“We know what President Biden thinks about President Putin: he thinks he’s a killer, he thinks he’s a war criminal,” said William Taylor, former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine. “You don’t usually meet with killers and war criminals.”

While Biden plans to avoid Putin, talks have quietly begun between senior aides in Washington and Beijing for the G-20 to host the first in-person summit between the president and China’s Xi Jinping, officials said. Normally, the initial encounter between the leaders of the world’s two main superpowers would be a headlining event — but Putin stands poised to steal the international spotlight.

But it is also not clear what sort of response Putin will get from Xi, who in February pledged support for Russia but has since signaled his disapproval for the state of the war and Moscow’s nuclear threats over it.

U.S. and Chinese officials, meanwhile, have been quietly working to set up a meeting between Xi and Biden, though it has not yet been announced and officials concede that it could still collapse.

Biden has long defined the 21st century as a rivalry between the U.S. and China and his agenda for a meeting with Xi would likely be lengthy, including economic warnings to Beijing as well as a broadside to not try to seize Taiwan. He also could use the meeting to push Xi to further isolate Putin, officials said.

“Deliver the message to Xi: ‘You are judged by the people with whom you keep company,’” Stavridis said. “Xi might be the one man who can push Putin to stop.”