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News over here is saying it's needless posturing from Pelosi, and their interpretation of the message from the Pentagon is to not do it. They're also saying members from her own party is saying this is a needless distraction.

They're all saying too that it's ultimately her own decision and everyone is just making sure she has "all the info" before she makes a decision.

Also being reported:
Also that the US did not expect the reaction. That historically there have been politicians visiting Taiwan and China's never had anything like this reaction. This trip wasn't even planned yet and there's actually no announcement of the trip, so really China's escalating tensions for nothing.

My thoughts: could be that, in a little while, we'll see "surprise! Pelosi never wanted to visit Taiwan in the first place, and China was just yelling at ghosts."
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Biden offers prisoner swap to Russia – media​

The Biden administration has offered to trade Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout for basketball star Brittney Griner and convicted spy Paul Whelan, CNN reported on Wednesday. Moscow has not yet responded to the alleged offer.

Griner has been detained in Russia since February on drugs charges, while Whelan, a former US Marine, was convicted in 2020 of espionage and is currently serving a 16-year sentence in a Russian prison.

CNN’s sources claimed that the Biden administration has been working for several months to secure the two Americans’ release, and that Biden himself has backed the prisoner swap offer.

"We communicated a substantial offer that we believe could be successful based on a history of conversations with the Russians," an administration official told CNN, stating that the offer was made to Moscow in June. The official added that it is currently in “Russia’s court to be responsive” to the offer.


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In terms of a nuclear war or any war China stands to lose a lot
America is in decline. And it will only get worse with time. Europe is also the same.
China only gets better and better with every year. China in 2020 is a different country from China 2000. Their future is very bright.

Second is assuming war goes nuclear. China will have to nuke many enemies (America,Japan,Aus,Europe, allies in general etc etc) with just merely 300-700 nukes (estimate). While America doesn't have to worry about much. Russia massive stockpile will help and turn the tides but it is still a bigger loss for china.
Except that isn't true, China would need to nuke only the US and even 300 nukes is enough to completely collapse the US forever. Come on people, when I read those stories about how the US will attack China with nukes I keep thinking that I am on some kids forum, not on a serious defence portal. The US is led by opportunists whose primary goal is to stay in power, not some fanatical ideologues who are ready to die in nuclear fire. If the US did not fear nukes, their army would already be dispatched in Ukraine. You seriously believe the US will go into nuclear warfare mode over Taiwan or fucking PELOSI?

Conventional warfare: Europe won't join a hot war in Asia, Ukraine has demonstrated that they lack resolve to even fight in a war near their borders, where the outcome could ultimately decide their future. If the war starts with the US provocation, even their Korean & Jap vassals would be hesitant to join and provide support. People who are saying that the China is the only one to lose in that scenario are basically drunk on kool-aid. In a peaceful scenario the US will remain a superpower for a long time and will likely continue to exert massive influence over the global affairs. War in Asia would lead to massive supply chain disruptions and to inflation rates skyrocketing in the West, creating massive internal unrest as people will see collapsing QoL for a faraway war instigated by an unpopular president with Republicans latching on the opportunity to forever destroy Democrats as competitors. In that scenario, anything short of complete victory in a span of 1-2 months will see the US imploding or ending up extremely weakened with drastic shrinkage of its global influence.
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Also that the US did not expect the reaction. That historically there have been politicians visiting Taiwan and China's never had anything like this reaction.
Do they live in 2014 or something? Have they not been looking at what’s been happening in the region since 2016? Tensions have kept ratcheting up for the better part of the decade. No shit they’re going to react differently than they did years ago.


China would definitely shoot down any US plane that entered non-Taiwanese Chinese airspace. It did that in past. But one-China is a pretty weird framework with no counterparts in history. Thus this analogy doesn't really apply, especially when there are other options of escalations available. We will see what's going to happen together.

It would just create a martyr
CN do nothing every time US send arms to taiwan but we are supposed to believe they will really escalate because of Pelosi ? Biden should just stop Pelosi from going to taiwan but should announce a big military shipments to Taiwan just after talking with Xi: Get something real for giving up something symbolic. Unless CN can deter US from selling arms to Taiwan, all this fuss about Pelosi visit is rather amusing
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Junior Member
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Do they live in 2014 or something? Have they not been looking at what’s been happening in the region since 2016? Tensions have kept ratcheting up for the better part of the decade. No shit they’re going to react differently than they did years ago.
I mean.. yes? Have you met many Americans? They still think it's the 90s sometime. The Soviet Union collapsed and nothing else happened since, except for 9/11 and all the US wars.

They don't see the rest of the world changing.

Rettam Stacf

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It looks more and more Pelosi is going to make the trip. So China and US are on a collision course. This is how I see the whole thing ends.

China declares no fly zone over Taiwan. Two major military exercise are to be held. One in Taiwan Strait and crosses the center line. The second one in South China Sea just south of Taiwan.

Pelosi's plane will be "intercepted and escorted" but won't be fired at. If it turns back, China declare victory and recall her forces.

If Pelosi's plane successfully landed, and while the US and Taiwan celebrate their "victory", the two PLA task forces converge and take Penghu Islands. A draw for China and the US short term wise, but a big win for China in the long term.

A big loss for Taiwan no matter what.