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Why should China be blamed for the US and EU's created problems. If the US and EU were not so stubborn and stupid of putting sanctions on Russia blanketly, there wouldn't be a food crisis.
They are greedy mofos. They based their developement, energy policy etc on Russian resoursces, but never, NEVER treated Russia as a partener. They seek every chance to undermine and keep Russia under pressure and acting hostile. Same thing with China. I would say they deserve everything they get, if there weren't poor people dying in the battlefield or suffering by the shrinking economy


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If true, this has stalled pharmaceutical development for treating Alzheimer for about 15 years. if that's the case, the death penalty would be a suitable punishment for these "researchers"
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This is all one needs to know about the state of "modern" medicine

How Rockefeller founded modern medicine and killed natural cures​

People these days look at you like a weirdo if you talk about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practices. Much like anything else, there is a lot of politics and money behind our modern medical system.

It all starts with John D. Rockefeller (1839 – 1937) who was an oil magnate, a robber baron, America’s first billionaire, and a natural-born monopolist.

By the turn of the 20th century, he controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which was later on broken up to become Chevron, Exxon, Mobil etc.
At the same time, around 1900, scientists discovered “petrochemicals” and the ability to create all kinds of chemicals from oil. For example, the first plastic — called
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— was made from oil in 1907. Scientists were also discovering various vitamins and guessed that many pharmaceutical drugs could be made from oil.

This was a wonderful opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time!

The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits.

But there was one problem with Rockefeller’s plan for the medical industry: natural/herbal medicines were very popular in America at that time. Almost half the doctors and medical colleges in the U.S. were practicing holistic medicine, using knowledge from Europe and Native Americans.

Rockefeller, the monopolist, had to figure out a way to get rid of his biggest competition. So he used the classic strategy of “problem-reaction-solution.” That is, create a problem and scare people, and then offer a (pre-planned) solution. (Similar to terrorism scare, followed by the “Patriot Act”).

He went to his buddy Andrew Carnegie – another plutocrat who made his money from
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– who devised a scheme. From the prestigious Carnegie Foundation, they sent a man named Abraham Flexner to travel around the country and report on the status of medical colleges and hospitals around the country.

This led to the
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, which gave birth to the modern medicine as we know it.

Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed.

Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors were even jailed.

To help with the transition and to change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges and hospitals, and founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board” (GEB). This is the classic carrot and stick approach.

In a very short time, medical colleges were all streamlined and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine was all about using patented drugs.

Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical –but not identical — in the lab that could be patented.

A pill for an ill became the mantra for modern medicine.

And you thought Koch brothers were evil?

So, now we are, 100 years later, churning out doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practices. We have an entire society that is enslaved to corporations for its well-being.

America spends 15% of its GDP on healthcare, which should be really called “sick care.” It is focused not on cure, but only on symptoms, thus creating repeat customers. There is no cure for cancer, diabetes, autism, asthma, or even flu.

Why would there be real cures? This is a system founded by oligarchs and plutocrats, not by doctors.

As for cancer, oh yeah, the
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was founded by none other than Rockefeller in 1913.

In this month of breast cancer awareness, it is sad to see people being brainwashed about chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. That’s for another blog post … but here is a quote from John D. Rockefeller that summarizes his vision for America…


Registered Member
This podcaster is unbelievably ugly. He makes 席亚洲 Xi Yazhou of 亚洲特快 look like a dashing and handsome idol in comparison.

View attachment 93915
Shen Yi is just a professor who makes podcasts for this show, I don't think his real job depends on his looks. My only gripe with him is that he speaks too slow, I usually listen to his podcasts at faster speeds.


Registered Member
Another idiotic comment from her.
We don't care if the White House can or cannot control her. This is America's internal matter which is irrelevant for China.

It is time now to show fangs in order to demonstrate to the US, the world and to some US puppets (*cough* Japan, *cough* S.Korea) that we aren't joking about Taiwan.

Besides, even if you wanted some kind of understanding, consider:

#1 Biden has multiple times "misspoke" about defending Taiwan. Pelosi's proposed visit perfectly matches with Biden's stance towards Taiwan so far

#2 Even if there was an idiot/white-worshipper in the CPC to believe all this crap, thanks to Xi (with Comrade Trump's help) they have been removed and replaced, with hawks gradually getting more power and representation. (About time the doves were banished. All thanks to the Propaganda guys who were among the first to wake up to the danger of the West)

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Pelosi responded to Biden by saying that she is not advocating for Taiwanese independence, which is a red line for China. “I think that it’s important for us to show support for Taiwan,” she said at her weekly news conference Thursday, adding,
“None of us has ever said we’re for independence when it comes to Taiwan. That’s up to Taiwan to decide.
Cut the crap. Go take a plane and (try) to go to Taiwan tomorrow if you dare


Registered Member
Same Twitter account, just scrolled down a little.

What the fuk is that discount Chewbacca??!

New sport - twerking on top of police cars.
What dafuq is wrong with these people, is bad enough we have perverted old men with dementia leading the nation but now we have a real life Winnie the Pooh teaching children in cross dressing make up and random crap, ok now I think this nation needs to seriously get a reality check because if this is what a super power is suppose to be, then damn it all, I don’t want China to become that kind of super power, it will be like WWF in the Parliament House of Taiwan with pig guts and condoms being thrown everywhere by old men and hags on live tv. What the hell happened to dignity these days in the USA, they are just asking for an act of God to destroy this depraved bunch of child molesters I mean that thing is literally violating my visual integrity, can I sue Chebacca for this because I wish I could


Cut the crap. Go take a plane and (try) to go to Taiwan tomorrow if you dare
Of course the White House can coordinate with the congress. Glaser is just being disingenuous.

Even some Americans do not like such smearing of China and Huawei without the slightest evidence.

Critics see xenophobic overreach​

Despite its tough talk, the US government's refusal to provide evidence to back up its claims that Huawei tech poses a risk to US national security has led some critics to accuse it of xenophobic overreach. The lack of a smoking gun also raises questions of whether US officials can separate legitimate Chinese investment from espionage.
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So much for the "Uyghur law":
China's solar power equipment exports also surged over the period, with the total value more than doubling to 25.9 billion yuan ($3.83 billion), despite tariffs and trade sanctions from the United States, India and Europe.
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Registered Member
Also they really are far more competent then the western movie portrays them which is funny because it continues to show just how far the west has fallen from the collapse of the Soviet Union
the collapse of soviet by itself work of competence that quickly put people in power to take advantage of Arabic wealth.
if Soviet Union hadn't collapsed. it would still be supplying below market price resources to Europe and Europe would not only become more powerful but it would also have absorbed majority of Arabic wealth.
Francis fukayama type dont understand this logic.
after 1991 new model of engineering product development created by mixing tech and than recreating separate version on another supply chain.. this high quality engineering products enable Russia to sustain much longer presence in extreme hot and cold weathers of Arctic/ Middleast etc and prepare for prolong conflict.
i am sure Arabic word nimr meaning is easily recognizable with another vehicle name.
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Registered Member
Not to self-congratulate (I will...), but this Pelosi visit thing perfectly demonstrates that my positions are correct regarding:

#1 China urgently needs to dramatically raise its pathetically low level of current military spending.
Everyone can see how a war can easily be ignited in the current environment. After this Pelosi debacle, lets see who dares to come out of the woodwork now and say "no! Military spending is enough!!" "I believe in peace" "Omg! We are going to alarm our neighbours!!"

#2 The chances of war after 2024 are going to be >60%. Just note that all that is happening now, is with the Democrats in charge. Imagine what will happen with Republicans (who by the way, support Pelosi to visit Taiwan..) in 2024

So far my predictions are aligning as well as my prediction that a Ukrainian-Russian war would happen in (later narrowed down to early and then to February) 2022.
Basically, anyone who doesn't admit that there is a very real possibility of war in this decade is, no offence, deluded


Junior Member
Registered Member
Another idiotic comment from her.
We don't care if the White House can or cannot control her. This is America's internal matter which is irrelevant for China.

It is time now to show fangs in order to demonstrate to the US, the world and to some US puppets (*cough* Japan, *cough* S.Korea) that we aren't joking about Taiwan.

Besides, even if you wanted some kind of understanding, consider:

#1 Biden has multiple times "misspoke" about defending Taiwan. Pelosi's proposed visit perfectly matches with Biden's stance towards Taiwan so far

#2 Even if there was an idiot/white-worshipper in the CPC to believe all this crap, thanks to Xi (with Comrade Trump's help) they have been removed and replaced, with hawks gradually getting more power and representation. (About time the doves were banished. All thanks to the Propaganda guys who were among the first to wake up to the danger of the West)

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Cut the crap. Go take a plane and (try) to go to Taiwan tomorrow if you dare

What's up with the fake Chinese name? Is this some new trend?