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Garbage in , garbage out. 2 diffrent groups of people creating diffrent level of content. They fail to mention the authoritarian chinese censorship which they complain about 99% at other time is maybe why there is not complete garbage showing up for long on Douyin or east asian culture is not as thrashy. There are "thirst" videos :p on Chinese social media (Lady cooking dinner) but its just not as raunchy as on western sites (Lady in small bikini bouncing around).

Maybe they are mad because Tiktok is finally showing really US society, not the hollywood propaganda lol
"Don't take responsibility for your own actions it's obviously the minorities that's responsible for our degeneracy even though we have no proof to back it up"


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Garbage in , garbage out. 2 diffrent groups of people creating diffrent level of content. They fail to mention the authoritarian chinese censorship which they complain about 99% at other time is maybe why there is not complete garbage showing up for long on Douyin or east asian culture is not as thrashy. There are "thirst" videos :p on Chinese social media (Lady cooking dinner) but its just not as raunchy as on western sites (Lady in small bikini bouncing around).

Maybe they are mad because Tiktok is finally showing really US society, not the hollywood propaganda lol

The funny thing is that this isn’t true. There is plenty of risqué content on Douyin as well. As I’ve explained before the algorithm is based on viewer history. When you just register a Douyin account (which the Fox people did in China) it is not got immediately push bobs and vagene at you, of course it is gonna show mainstream stuff like science, patriotic stuff, etc.

This begs the question of what Tucker Carlson has been surfing on Tiktok for the past several months.


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That sounds a lot like my post:
I disagree. Your proposal lies on the assumption of the US being this hyper aggressive, “zero-f**ks” given country. Here is the thing though: it isn’t. The US throughout its history is not a risk taker. The Vietnam War, the lack of severe economic punishments of the Chinese (aka the exclusion of the Chinese from SWIFT and a full ban of all Chinese goods) for not sanctioning Russia, the later stages in the Korean War, World War 2, and World War 1 have all shown that the US will never pay a high cost or take dangerous risks to achieve their political objectives.

The present China is different from the 1996 one. China has shown to be able to weather any economic hurdles and that the US is reliant on China for economic livelihood (supply chain issues, tourism, and the unwillingness of the US to sanction China). If China doesn’t do anything, the US would perceive this as a sign of weakness and push harder to delegitimize the CPC at the lowest cost. The reason why the US still sells weapons to Taiwan, sends politicians over to Taiwan, managed to get Lithuania on board to support Taiwan, get the EU to be more aggressive towards China, and etc is due to China not doing anything. If anything, the Chinese should be extremely aggressive towards the US economically and militarily in regards to Pelosi’s visit. They need to show to the world that China will talk the talk, walk the walk. This in reality would give China more time since it would temporarily stop the US from performing salami slicing actions towards China.
It looks like I finally made the Wumao club. Where are my 5 cents and 社会保障卡?


Registered Member
Not a breaking news and neither is funny stuff, so I'll just post it here.

Just doing some stroll in Quora, then I came across this.

Your typical "I hate See-See-Pee but love Chinese people" in a nutshell.
View attachment 93882

Same energy.
View attachment 93883
Needless to say, his account got "h0l0caust-ed" by Quora not 20 minutes after.

If you find anyone who is just as delusional and still insists of licking the boots, kindly slap this right on his or her faces.
Silly fool, if the USA is unlucky, that very fate could end up befalling the USA if the USA cannot change this entitlement mindset they have been literally hammered in from birth. I find it pretty funny that the USA has the gall to think that they are a race of choose ones that God will bend over back wards to let them do what every they want and that they cannot do anything wrong. If they read the Bible even remotely closer, they will easily realise that God doesn’t really let anyone get away with anything and isn’t adverse to wiping out those who get a little too ahead of themselves. I wonder if they could see the fate of the Jews during the time of Babylon and the Roman era and understand that the very same pitfalls that led to them suffer those fates is directly shown right now. I guess the USA for all of their so called education really has gotten dumber as a whole and have very little clue as to what they truly stand to lose should the stars align and align they eventually will.
About the population explosion though, I reckon it will sort itself out sooner or later, if the nation is managed well, it can adapt but if they continue to have stop practices linked with piss drinking and shit bathing along with the continuation of crazy practices unhindered, sooner or later, the herd will be culled eventually. It’s just that one cannot really understand crazy when it is clear to a normal mind can easily see what is and what isn’t wrong


Registered Member
This podcaster is unbelievably ugly. He makes 席亚洲 Xi Yazhou of 亚洲特快 look like a dashing and handsome idol in comparison.

View attachment 93915
WTF at least he's not a Hanjian. Look at that Chinese "journalist" based in Japan shedding tears, weeping for Abe as if she'd lost her long lost lover, being useless and becoming a weapon for the unrepentant Japanese.