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In addition, the article is written by the well known deep state mouthpiece:
Demetri Sevastopulo

So we know that this is coming directly from the top of the US establishment.
What is the point of warning only the Biden administration when the different branches can play good cop-bad cop game, China should openly warn the Senate and Congress together.


Registered Member
Except if you look in the comments rabid amerimutts are all going "we must go now, no other choice. Can't back down to CCP intimidation". It's out of their control lol.
I highly doubt many of them would even consider the possibility to volunteering into their militaries in case sh1t does hit the fan.

Keyboard warriors are keyboard warriors, after all.


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No wonder their similarity to another neighbour
The Japanese? They are indeed arrogant and ambitious, but they are not as crazy as the Koreans.
The Japanese give us Chinese the impression that they are good at disguising and confusing right and wrong.They have a perfect logic of deceiving themselves and others. Other countries's people that lack the exchange of history with the Japanese are easily deceived by their seemingly gentle appearance.

Once they start to talk about the Chinese people, these people will immediately put down their disguises and show their contempt, arrogance and heartlessness.
If yesterday's news about China warning that it will enforce a no-fly zone on Taiwan are real, then I would take that deal in a heartbeat.

Let Pelosi try to go there and then declare a no-fly zone in Taiwan.

-> Pelosi not landing in Taiwan
-> China publically humiliating and demolishing US' image as a Hegemon
-> Big strategic salami-slicing as imposing a no-fly some would now be a normalised activity
-> Making the US being shown to the world as a rogue state
-> Crushing Taiwan's (+ nearby US puppets) morale

Honestly, at this point I want Pelosi to just get on that plane ASAP and fly to Taiwan right now lol
As the offensive side,americans always have excuses to take the initiative to reduce the tension of things.You will find that Americans have done a good job in advance publicity:Biden and the Pentagon made a statement in advance to try to get away with the responsibility.

As a defender, if China takes a negative attitude in this matter, the leadership will be in a situation of being questioned.Trust in the regime is not unconditional. Compromise and retreat on this most critical issue will be another huge loss of political credit.

Except if you look in the comments rabid amerimutts are all going "we must go now, no other choice. Can't back down to CCP intimidation"

Too bad for the deep state/MIC, they don't seemed to have figured out that you don't get to pick and choose when a populace you've thoroughly brainwashed into being mindless foaming mutts goes into a frenzy. Even if you want to delay the war a few more years to keep guzzling dat 1 trillion/yr Pentagon budget.
The source of this courage is based on "the weapons made by the Chinese are as bad as Made In China".Sometimes it is not a bad thing to show their real strength. It is necessary to let these arrogant people know that they are not attacking another Iraq. Up to now, they still feel that as long as they provide some "American advanced weapons" to their allies, they can deal with us.


Registered Member
Why is Russia behind in UCAVs in 2022? Because of people like him thinking that Russia doesn't need to import or license drones from 'lesser' countries.
yup they are testing UCAVs that is heaviest in its class. you are under estimating the amount of manpower required to create Civil Aviation industry and thats Russia priority.
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Registered Member
What is the point of warning only the Biden administration when the different branches can play good cop-bad cop game, China should openly warn the Senate and Congress together
China doesn't need to play that game. Biden is the head of state of the US which means that per diplomatic practise, he represents his country. We don't care about their idiotic internal politics.

The head of state has been warned = the country he represents has been warned

What happens in their internal politics is their own stuff to sort it out, China doesn't care about them.
For all I care, the US can have a 1000 independent power centres, as long as the warning has been sent its up to them to manage it


Registered Member
The Japanese? They are indeed arrogant and ambitious, but they are not as crazy as the Koreans.
The Japanese give us Chinese the impression that they are good at disguising and confusing right and wrong.They have a perfect logic of deceiving themselves and others. Other countries's people that lack the exchange of history with the Japanese are easily deceived by their seemingly gentle appearance.

Once they start to talk about the Chinese people, these people will immediately put down their disguises and show their contempt, arrogance and heartlessness.

As the offensive side,americans always have excuses to take the initiative to reduce the tension of things.You will find that Americans have done a good job in advance publicity:Biden and the Pentagon made a statement in advance to try to get away with the responsibility.

As a defender, if China takes a negative attitude in this matter, the leadership will be in a situation of being questioned.Trust in the regime is not unconditional. Compromise and retreat on this most critical issue will be another huge loss of political credit.

The source of this courage is based on "the weapons made by the Chinese are as bad as Made In China".Sometimes it is not a bad thing to show their real strength. It is necessary to let these arrogant people know that they are not attacking another Iraq. Up to now, they still feel that as long as they provide some "American advanced weapons" to their allies, they can deal with us.
No, the Indians. From the need to prove themselves, to the made up history, to the 'pride' in their own over-emotional responses to everything, Koreans are truly the Indians of East Asia


Registered Member
Doesn't tiktok just push whatever content the viewer wants to watch?

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Garbage in , garbage out. 2 diffrent groups of people creating diffrent level of content. They fail to mention the authoritarian chinese censorship which they complain about 99% at other time is maybe why there is not complete garbage showing up for long on Douyin or east asian culture is not as thrashy. There are "thirst" videos :p on Chinese social media (Lady cooking dinner) but its just not as raunchy as on western sites (Lady in small bikini bouncing around).

Maybe they are mad because Tiktok is finally showing really US society, not the hollywood propaganda lol
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Apparantly, according to Shen Yi, the whole 'Pelosi visiting Taiwan' might be because Pelosi is in trouble (investigated for, well, being a stock insider, or well she gives info to her husband about stocks).

And so she might have had media release this story to try and make a scene/story and even possibly a crisis, so that the investigation can be stopped lol.

In general, it really seems like the 'saying' he says in the video (stock insider trading being rampant within US politicians and the likes, and it's A O-K as long as you don't get caught/investigated lol) is very true lol.

Edit: An ofc, Biden and co. doesn't actually want Pelosi to create any crisis (her visiting Taiwan), but the republicans are kind of 'cheering her on', and even if a crisis were to happen they can point their finger at Biden and the democrats lol (what's more, they are apparantly 'backing her up' in visiting Taiwan, while they have their Fox news constantly going on about Pelosi doing stock insider trading lmao).