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I have to say, today was a good day. By chance I discovered a South Korean news website with comments enabled.

I thought that I knew which country was the most deluded, but after reading quite a lot of commentary today I can confidently say that S.Koreans are about >5x times more deluded than the Jai Hind crowd.

Their most liked comments are still imprinted in my mind with gems like these:

"China is our subordinate country. If it gets any stronger it might break free!"
"If there is a US-China war, we should move in to occupy N. Korea"
"CATL is only a small company"
"China no culture, they steal all the history from us"
"Chinese batteries for EVs are only good for causing fire haha"
"Throw out Chinese and Korean-Chinese from our country"
LOL. These are probably the same idiots who call the PLZ-05 the 'dancing howitzer' when comparing it with their K9. Or the Chinese J-20 is 'garbage' made in China. My guess is that these are losers who are spending too much time in cybercafes.

I'm quite sure that these SK Jai Hinds are not the majority of South Koreans. But their voices are still quite loud and influential. Thanks to the mainstream media, these idiots get their voices highlighted to the point of influencing SK media and politics. They are especially influential on the young and ignorant.

All the controversies like Kimchi, Hanbok, or Chinese K-pop idols are definitely hyped up by the mainstream media. South Korean media is 100% fully onboard with this. The ancient Chinese have been portrayed in K-dramas as bullies, cheats, and losers. While the modern Chinese were portrayed as gangsters, criminals, and prostitutes. So no way this is an anti-communist thing. Its pure Sinophobic racism. And wholly unjustified.

SK owes a lot of it's current prosperity in cutting edge electronics to the USA. The US suppressed the Japanese semiconductor industry, and transferred technology to SK to make them a semiconductor powerhouse. Much of SK's cutting edge technology is heavily dependent on US technology. 7nm technology, and OLEDs, all have their origins in the US. Now that China is rapidly catching up with the US, SK is gonna loose it's only technological advantage over China.

Korean entertainment, their proudest soft power export is heavily reliant on the US.
K-pop is heavily influenced and promoted by the US entertainment industry. The musical styles, dance routine, and writing are heavily influenced by American input. Don't forget about the power of American marketing. PSY would not have gotten very far if it wasn't for American fanatic marketing of his 'Gangnam Style'. Modern K-pop collaborates with Western artists on a scale that J-pop or C-pop could ever dream off. Modern K-dramas and movies looks too eeriely inspired by Hollywood writing. So what is so superior about SK soft power? It's practically a Korean offshoot of American popculture.

To be fair, SK achievements in heavy engineering like construction, heavy manufacturing, and shipbuilding is very impressive. Still, I'm not gonna give them credit because of their politics. Besides, China have caught up and beaten SK in this sector hands down.

SK's days of Asian primacy are numbered. That American crutch that is holding them up is wasting away. Soon, they are gonna have to kowtow to China like in the old imperial days. No amount of South Korean Jai Hindism is gonna change that.
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Registered Member
I believe they were all former US officials. Those that were US officials weren't there for geopolitical messages and I'm sure they had to inform China before it..
Lindsay Graham and Bob Menendez just visited Taiwan in April, I don't know why China even tolerated that considering Menedez is the chair of the us sentate foreign relations committee.
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China must send a strong message to the world that this salami slicing will not be tolerated anymore.


Junior Member
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If that was the case, then, how come their last Josoen Dynasty was under the protection of the Ming and even stuck to the Mings even after they were replaced by the Qing (Jurchens/Manchurian) dynasty. Their emperors weren't allowed to be called as one, not to mention the color of their King's robe etc... as such since their is only one emperor and he sits firmly in China not Goryeo/Scilla/Joseon. What kind of history did those folks read and learned from? And If they had controlled China, where the f was their behind during the OPIUM war, the Sino-Japanese War, 8 alliance battle etc....some of these K-pop folks are beyond delusional lol
This is closely related to Japan's occupation of Korea.When the Qing Dynasty declined and the Japanese invaded in an all-round way, they "invented" a lot of history to try to prove how excellent they were in the past.For example, their favorite movie and TV series: Li Shimin was shot in the eye by a arrow.This story comes from a folk novel, but Koreans have been trying to take it as a historical fact.
In 1897, after the Japanese "helped" establish the "Korean Empire", the Korean emperor once made an ambitious plan to attack the Qing Dynasty and occupy Northeast China. This led to the South Korean invasion of the border in 1904.They tried to take advantage of the Qing Dynasty's fear of the Japanese to achieve this goal.
But the invasion plan lasted only four days and was defeated.A few years later, the "Korean Empire" no longer exists.

These radical Koreans obviously care about this "historical heritage". They not only inherit the territorial claims of the past, but also try to prove that South Korea has always been a great empire in the past.

I guess they have forgotten that just last year, one of their travel bloggers resorted to speak Mandarin and pretend to be a Chinese tourist in Laos in order to get better treatments from the local Laotian staff members of the China-built Boten–Vientiane railway. Similar reports also came from South Korean tourists fooling Pakistani locals to take advantage of their kindness.

It's not just the Chinese either - even the Japanese has lamanted about South Koreans tourists pretending as Japanese tourists when travelling overseas, back when Japan still has the largest economy in Asia.

The South Koreans do love to forgot a lot of (certain) things, apparently.
These people are the most extreme pragmatists, and they have no psychological burden for using shameless means.They are very clear about their "theft" behavior, but they don't care. In order to suppress their "enemies" in all fields, they can use any means.

You have to understand that they can regard bribing referees in the world cup as an achievement worthy of boasting.


Senior Member
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LOL. These are probably the same idiots who call the PLZ-05 the 'dancing howitzer' when comparing it with their K9. Or the Chinese J-20 is 'garbage' made in China. My guess is that these are losers who are spending too much time in cybercafes.

I'm quite sure that these SK Jai Hinds are not the majority of South Koreans. But their voices are still quite loud and influential. Thanks to the mainstream media, these idiots get their voices highlighted to the point of influencing SK media and politics. They are especially influential on the young and ignorant.

All the controversies like Kimchi, Hanbok, or Chinese K-pop idols are definitely hyped up by the mainstream media. South Korean media is 100% fully onboard with this. The ancient Chinese have been portrayed in K-dramas as bullies, cheats, and losers. While the modern Chinese were portrayed as gangsters, criminals, and prostitutes. So no way this is an anti-communist thing. Its pure Sinophobic racism. And wholly unjustified.

SK owes a lot of it's current prosperity in cutting edge electronics to the USA. The US suppressed the Japanese semiconductor industry, and transferred technology to SK to make them a semiconductor powerhouse. Much of SK's cutting edge technology is heavily dependent on US technology. 7nm technology, and OLEDs, all have their origins in the US. Now that China is rapidly catching up with the US, SK is gonna loose it's only technological advantage over China.

Korean entertainment, their proudest soft power export is heavily reliant on the US.
K-pop is heavily influenced and promoted by the US entertainment industry. The musical styles, dance routine, and writing are heavily influenced by American input. Don't forget about the power of American marketing. PSY would not have gotten very far if it wasn't for American fanatic marketing of his 'Gangnam Style'. Modern K-pop collaborates with Western artists on a scale that J-pop or C-pop could ever dream off. Modern K-dramas and movies looks too eeriely inspired by Hollywood writing. So what is so superior about SK soft power? It's practically a Korean offshoot of American popculture.

To be fair, SK achievements in heavy engineering like construction, heavy manufacturing, and shipbuilding is very impressive. Still, I'm not gonna give them credit because of their politics. Besides, China have caught up and beaten SK in this sector hands down.

SK's days of Asian primacy are numbered. That American crutch that is holding them up is wasting away. Soon, they are gonna have to kowtow to China like in the old imperial days. No amount of South Korean Jai Hindism is gonna change that.
South Koreans harbor a deep inferiority complex stemming from their rich history of being crushed by a larger power.

<1900: Chinese tributary state / Chinese province
1900 - 1945: Japanese colony
1945 - present: US military base

I wouldn't put too much weight on their comments. These are the ravings of a slave country and slave people, who are only performing their natural function in serving their current overlord's directives (US). As China displaces the US as hegemon, expect SK to return to its original and rightful position as model tributary state.


Registered Member
South Koreans harbor a deep inferiority complex stemming from their rich history of being crushed by a larger power.

<1900: Chinese tributary state / Chinese province
1900 - 1945: Japanese colony
1945 - present: US military base

I wouldn't put too much weight on their comments. These are the ravings of a slave country and slave people, who are only performing their natural function in serving their current overlord's directives (US). As China displaces the US as hegemon, expect SK to return to its original and rightful position as model tributary state.

Despite all their shitposting... they know they depend on China's market, and China's got them by their (small) balls...

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S.Korea attempts to assure China on supply chain amid US pressuring over exclusive ‘chip alliance’

By GT staff reporters Published: Jul 22, 2022 10:38 PM

chip Photo:VCG

chip Photo:VCG

South Korea faces a dilemma of whether to join the US-led semiconductor alliance "Chip 4" or not, as President Yoon Suk-yeol has called for "active diplomacy" with China to ensure there are no misunderstandings regarding its possible participation, the Yonhap News Agency reported.

Yoon's prudence on the topic indicated South Korea's careful calculations over gains, if any, against losses from possible participation, as South Korea's export-centered economy would be hit hard if it blindly joins the US' technology choking-off of China, South Korea's largest trading partner, observers said.

If South Korea blindly follows the US, its chip exports will suffer a huge blow, harming its $40- $50 billion chip trade per year with China, Han Xiaomin, general manager of Jiwei Insights in Beijing, told the Global Times on Friday.

South Korea's chip trade with other countries is about $150 billion per year, and chip trade with China accounts for around 30 percent.

Cooperation between China and South Korea in the field of chips is very close, and they are almost "inseparable," Ma Jihua, a veteran technology analyst, told the Global Times on Friday.

Ma said that South Korea is in the upstream in most fields, but now, some South Korean chip companies have a large number of manufacturers in China for production as well as research and development, and the chips used by some South Korean companies are also made in China.

SK Hynix announced in May plans to build a new wafer manufacturing base in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province, further expanding its business in China after acquiring US chip giant Intel's assets in the region.

The NAND flash memory chips made by Samsung Electronics' Xi'an factory account for more than 40 percent of its NAND flash memory output, while 45 percent of SK Hynix's total DRAM chip output is produced in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu Province, according to South Korean media outlets.

Samsung's first-quarter fiscal report for 2022 showed the company's net revenue in China amounted to 10.46 trillion won ($7.98 billion), 13 percent of the total.

"South Korea's and China's chip industries have become intertwined in the past 20 years, and it is almost impossible to separate the two bluntly," Ma said.

Workers make semiconductors at a company in Guiyang, Southwest China's Guizhou Province. Photo: cnsphoto

Workers make semiconductors at a company in Guiyang, Southwest China's Guizhou Province. Photo: cnsphoto

Who is behind?

In March, the US proposed the idea of "Chip 4" and sent invitations to Japan, South Korea and China's Taiwan island. But four months later, South Korea has not yet given a clear answer.

According to South Korean media, without negotiations and coordination in advance, the US unilaterally informed South Korea that it is scheduled to hold a meeting on the issue at the end of August.

Adding to the pressure, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen showed up in Seoul on Tuesday, claiming to end the US' "undue dependence" on rare earths, solar panels and other key goods from China, according to Reuters.

Upholding the idea of "America first," the US will definitely be the biggest beneficiary of such an alliance, while Japan and South Korea will be the victims, Ma said, citing precedents in history.

Japan's semiconductor industry saw rapid development both in terms of design and manufacturing two decades ago, becoming a "threat" to the US' chip sector. The US then imposed several rounds of extra tariffs on Japanese products, while giving South Korea preferences to develop its semiconductor industry.

"Oppressing one country while supporting another is a typical practice of the US," Ma said.

The biggest loss of Japan's chip industry was not earnings, but the opportunity to build a complete advanced industry chain, Ma said. "Japan has a number of high-tech products, but no complete industry chain due to the US' activities," he noted.

"Even if South Korea joins the US alliance, it will not be able to obtain any newer technology from the US, but will only be regarded as a tool to contain China," Ma said.

"The US will have a bite of the Chinese market, which once belonged to South Korea, if Seoul yields to Washington's pressuring," Wang Peng, a research fellow at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences said.

Photo taken on Nov. 8, 2021 shows the booth of Amore Pacific of South Korea at the 4th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in east China's Shanghai. Photo:Xinhua

Photo taken on Nov 8, 2021 shows the booth of Amore Pacific of South Korea at the 4th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in east China's Shanghai. Photo:Xinhua

Bigger picture

Experts said that soaring bilateral trade with China is another important reason for Yoon's hesitation, as South Korea attaches more importance to the Chinese market, which is geographically closer than the US.

China has been South Korea's largest trading partner for 18 consecutive years, and bilateral trade is roughly the same as that of South Korea with the US, Japan and the EU combined.

In 2021, bilateral trade exceeded $360 billion, more than 60 times the level recorded 30 years ago when the two established diplomatic ties.

China's Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday that China and South Korea have made substantial progress in second-phase China-South Korea Free Trade Agreement talks.

The two sides have held nine rounds of formal negotiations. They have carried out negotiations on high-level liberalization of trade in services and investment through a negative list model, and the negotiations made substantial progress.

Since the China-South Korea FTA was signed in 2015, the two sides have cut tariffs eight times, and China has eliminated tariffs on more than 40 percent of imported goods from South Korea.

China and South Korea have achieved a high degree of complementarity over the past 30 years, and their industry and supply chains are deeply intertwined, Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming said in a forum on Thursday, highlighting industrial cooperation.

Market watchers said the South Korean economy has been hit hard by the global supply chain crisis, and how to boost its economy is also an important agenda for the government. The government has introduced policies to stabilize the supply chain, which have achieved certain results. However, the global supply chain situation has not seen a fundamental improvement this year.

In addition, the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has put South Korean economy to another test. Also, a recent general strike in the South Korean freight sector has brought huge losses to the nation's industries and aggravated the supply chain crisis.

Although China's semiconductor industry lags behind the US in terms of patents and behind South Korea in manufacturing, it hopes to leapfrog its rivals by adopting revolutionary new chip design techniques.

Bloomberg reported on Friday that China's Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) has likely advanced its production technology by two generations, defying US sanctions intended to halt the rise of China's largest chipmaker.

The Shanghai-based manufacturer is shipping bitcoin-mining semiconductors produced using 7-nanometer (nm) technology, industry watcher TechInsights wrote in a blog post on Tuesday. That's well ahead of SMIC's established 14nm technology.

Exporting 7nm chips is a big advance for the country's chip industry, meaning that its chip manufacturing has broken the US blockade to some extent, Ma said. If the chips can be mass-produced, China will embark on a chip rise.


Registered Member
SK owes a lot of it's current prosperity in cutting edge electronics to the USA. The US suppressed the Japanese semiconductor industry, and transferred technology to SK to make them a semiconductor powerhouse. Much of SK's cutting edge technology is heavily dependent on US technology. 7nm technology, and OLEDs, all have their origins in the US. Now that China is rapidly catching up with the US, SK is gonna loose it's only technological advantage over China.
I doubt US transfer any cutting edge tech to anyone. US at most transfer under license work that is not much important. Korea cannot have ownership of US R&D. Japan collapsed by itself.
Korea had effective R&D relationship with Russia for couple of decades that accelerated Korea to pass Japan. they still deliver product despite sanction. Korea can adjust with sanctions over time but no Japan.
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when there was Russia Egypt energy form. They invited Korea but not Japan.
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Over 500 participants, among them representatives of Egyptian and international construction, mechanical engineering, engineering, and equipment companies from Egypt, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, and the UAE


Registered Member
I doubt US transfer any cutting edge tech to anyone. US at most transfer under license work that is not much important. Korea cannot have ownership of US R&D. Japan collapsed by itself.
Korea had effective R&D relationship with Russia for couple of decades that accelerated Korea to pass Japan. they still deliver product despite sanction. Korea can adjust with sanctions over time but no Japan.
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when there was Russia Egypt energy form. They invited Korea but not Japan.
I see. So South Korea's powerful semiconductor technology came from a JV with Russia? Where are Russia's world-beating semiconductors then? Where are the Russian 7nm-capable foundries? Where are the Russian equivalent of 14nm-7nm chips?

South Korea only has the manufacturing foundry to produce cutting edge semiconductor. But the design is owned by America. The architecture, and machines to produced these chips belong to the UK and Europe, which are enslaved by the US. Where is Russia in this picture? It is with the US blessing, that SK became a semiconductor powerhouse, not Russia.

Don't be so sure that South Korea will not join in on the sanctions on Russia. President Yoon has only just came to power. That guy is a closet fan of Abe, an certified running dog for America.