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Pelosi might spark new Taiwan Straits crisis ‘more serious than 1996’

Chinese experts said if the visit goes ahead, that would be "strategic level provocation," so the response would definitely be "not only military but also strategic," and the consequences would be hard for the US, which is in serious economic pressure, to bear. China needs to make its determination clear and show its strengths, and let the US side decide to avoid crisis and ensure a relatively stable situation, or make the turbulent world more chaotic.

The 82-year-old politician, who is third in the line of succession in the US leadership, would be the most senior US lawmaker to visit the island since one of her predecessors as Speaker, Republican Newt Gingrich, traveled to the island in 1997. But Chinese analysts stressed that Gingrich's case is very different from Pelosi's, because Republican Gingrich was in opposition during a Democratic administration and then president Bill Clinton's administration had showed sincerity and made efforts to fix ties with China in 1997. Today, Pelosi and President Joe Biden are both Democrats, and the China-US relations are very intense.
"This is a blatant double standard. If the US House Speaker, a political leader of the United States, deliberately visits Taiwan, it would be a malicious provocation against China's sovereignty and gross interference in China's internal affairs, and would send an extremely dangerous political signal to the outside world. If the US side insists on having its own way, China will surely make a firm response and all the consequences will be borne by the US side," Wang said.
China urges the US to not arrange US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to visit the Taiwan island and to stop creating tensions over the Taiwan Straits, or China will take forceful countermeasures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a routine press conference on Tuesday.

The article is even including what Hu Xijin is saying lmao.

Hu Xijin, a commentator for the Global Times, suggested the People's Liberation Army (PLA) should send military aircraft to accompany Pelosi's plane to enter the island of Taiwan and fly over the airport where Pelosi lands

China will sooner or later send military aircraft to fly across the island to really show China's sovereignty, which is much more meaningful than any foreign politicians and officials' visits to Taiwan, Hu said

"If the Taiwan military dares to open fire against PLA aircraft, then Taiwan military aircraft would be shot down and Taiwan military bases will be destroyed. So if the US and Taiwan authorities want all-out war, then the time for Taiwan liberation will come," he said.


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KF-21 took off for the first time. South Korea is now the 4th(?) nation to have a 5th generation fighter?
Can you put this in the South Korean Military thread? Doesn't count as breaking news. Weapons are externally loaded, so it's not a true 5th gen fighter.

In other words, not much different from Japan's X-2 Shinshin.

Korea and Japan 'ripped off' the design from the F22. 'Stolen tech'. No creativity!

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Can you put this in the South Korean Military thread? Doesn't count as breaking news. Weapons are externally loaded, so it's not a true 5th gen fighter.

In other words, not much different from Japan's X-2 Shinshin.

Korea and Japan 'ripped off' the design from the F22. 'Stolen tech'. No creativity!

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Is this thing full sized? Shin Shin was a small demonstrator so it had no room for internal bays but if this thing is full F-35 size and they still had not found room to put bays in it then it's in trouble. Is this also a small tech demonstrator or do they mean to produce it at that size with no bays?

Edit: On second thought, they could give it breasts LOL. Attach removable stealth conformal missile tanks/housing on the bottom of the fuselage.


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Corruption Democracy style. The news was published back in April of this year and I honestly wasn't aware of this until I came across the WSJ promo on reddit on a sport sub reddit

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Dozens of Federal Judges Had Financial Conflicts: What You Need to Know
A Wall Street Journal investigation finds more than 130 federal judges unlawfully ruled in cases involving companies in which they or their families held shares