Miscellaneous News


Senior Member
The tone between these two countries have changed since the outing of Scotch Morrison's confrontational government. But the underlying problems remained unchanged, Australia foreign policy and military are in contingent on US policies. With the progressing incompetency of the last few US presidents, Australia is caught in a predicament.
Speaking of Scomo, he has returned to making the headline news himself this week since getting the bootA03F048A-2B71-4714-A66E-6CD1304AC41F.jpeg7B61DCE2-E61C-45D7-A1EB-95A7602398B6.jpeg23AA3514-975F-43EC-AA70-3F605BB625E1.jpeg
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Senior Member
It's going to be rough in Europe for this remaining 2022. They are going through scorching hot summer with forest fires happening all over which require heavy usage of electricity. Their main source and supplier is now their biggest enemy, and according to Idiotin Stupidborg (NATO CHIEF) that shouldn't matter because they must not allow Russia to win because that means the end of Europe and democracy as they know it. Oh the horror. So European peons, saddle up, make sacrifices for your genius politicians who don't give a flying hoot about your lives. The abstract notion and ideals are at stake, your lives are immaterial.

I thought you were making an exaggeration but it does seem like at least half of Europe is burning



Registered Member
Is this thing full sized? Shin Shin was a small demonstrator so it had no room for internal bays but if this thing is full F-35 size and they still had not found room to put bays in it then it's in trouble. Is this also a small tech demonstrator or do they mean to produce it at that size with no bays?

It has 2 engines and in a geometry such that it won't be able to have internal bays without significant modifications.

The other thing is that this wasn't intended to be a 5th gen, the official Korean goals were to produce something to replace their F-4s and F-5s from the 1960s.


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Families despair as America's baby formula shortage again gets WORSE: Biden announces his 17th international delivery as out-of-stock numbers rise to highest level this year​

  • Biden administration announces 17th Operation Fly Formula Mission
  • But U.S. stores still struggling to stock baby formula
  • Formula availability dropped to its lowest level so far this year, with about 30% of products out of stock for the week ended July 3
  • By July 24, Operation Fly Formula will have transported more than 61 million 8-ounce bottle equivalents to the U.S., the administration noted
  • But that isn't close to being enough as U.S. consumers usually buy enough powdered formula to make about 65 million 8-ounce bottles a week
"Operation Fly Formula"...

You can't make this sh*t up. #NotTheOnion


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The British Indian guy looks to be in the lead lmao. Some of you guys may get your wish.

The fourth ballot saw Sunak secure 118 votes, one away from automatic inclusion on the final head-to-head contest for leadership of the Tory Party. Mordaunt picked up 92 votes, and Truss 86. With 59 votes, Badenoch scored lowest and was therefore dismissed from the contest