Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Sensei Biden has mastered the Art of War. He is so befuddled even he doesn't know what his next move will be, let alone his adversaries. His strikes will be deadly, especially to himself..
"He's like a loose cannon, and one that's also extremely powerful but extremely inaccurate"

"...but isn't that a bad thing?"

"No - it's what makes him so dangerous"


Registered Member
"He's like a loose cannon, and one that's also extremely powerful but extremely inaccurate"

"...but isn't that a bad thing?"

"No - it's what makes him so dangerous"
"well looking back, we should have known Biden would hit us first, given his extreme inaccuracy"

some 20th century European man tells his grand children when talking about his youth in the roaring 20s


Registered Member
Sadly U is nowhere near the letter N on the Keyboard, would result in unique "accidents".

I’m looking forward to his follow up tweet:
“A colleague of mine forwarded some truly heartbreaking Uigger folk music to me on Apple Music. Ballads about Uiggers in detention (lockdown/ghettoes), Uiggers being mistreated by police (random stop and searches) and even up to killings by police. Surprisingly many of these songs are in what seems to be in English. You can listen to them yourself under the genre “Rap”. I believe this is the Uiggers’ name for their music in their dialect. Thanks Tim Cook for letting the world hear about these injustices!”


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I don't think that America is really interested in diplomacy anymore tbh. They are guided by ideological narrative which has led them to making assumptions about their power and primacy that is simply not there anymore.

Just look and read at their ambassador in China tweeting offensive a baseless accusation on alleged genocide as if it were facts, worst, the person couldn't even bother to spell check the very ethnic group they're so concerned about, not to mention the province in which they alleged the genocide has been taking place.

Islamaphobic Westerners only express faux outrage over Muslims in China and not the +600K innocent Muslims killed in US invasions of Iraq and Afghanisatn.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Your commentary on recent political developments in Pakistan would be very welcome.
@Mohsin77 , what is your assessment of the situation ? Will that pave the way for IK's return ?

Well, the Army's top leadership tried the old "revolving door" tactic again, but it failed miserably this time.

In the past, whenever a civilian PM started to become too confident, they'd replace him with a rival. Historically, this was easy because the civilian PM would usually be corrupt and/or an idiot (#Nawaz, #Zardari etc.). But this time, the target was neither corrupt nor a complete idiot. Unlike his rivals, IK has actual credentials to lead and the people are willing to follow him. This includes the Army's own rank and file, which supported Imran Khan, and this caused a major crises within the Army.

PTI's marketing also spun this whole thing as a "US conspiracy" which helped their narrative immensely (even though it wasn't exactly accurate lolz), and it completely unbalanced the Army and opposition's strategy.

So, the whole plot backfired, and this was immediately apparent, starting from that night in April, when IK got sacked and millions of Pakistanis spontaneously rushed to the streets. That has never happened before. It changed the entire game overnight. Since that night, the COAS and his political minions have been isolated. This caused a complete clusterf*ck at the top. It was an institutional nightmare that just ended up costing billions and did untold damage to public confidence.

However, I'm kinda disappointed by Imran Khan as well, since he didn't decide to decisively defeat the status-quo, using a civil disobedience movement. Which means, that idiots like COAS Bajwa are going to remain in power (for now) behind the scenes, and they're not going to be held accountable for all the damage they caused.

Nevertheless... I guess it's incremental progress. A rude-awakening is sometimes needed to rid one of their delusions. Now, everyone in Pakistan knows how idiotic the Army generals are. (Even I was surprised... I mean, I knew they were dumb, but I had no idea they were THIS dumb lolz.)

Overall this isn't "revolution", but evolution.... Which is a good thing. But we still have a long way to go... and I mean generations.

How will this PTI win impact Pakistan-China relationship for the short term ?

Contrary to popular opinion, this whole drama didn't have much to do with geopolitics. It was a domestic power struggle, pure and simple, despite the propaganda/marketing. This is now obvious if you look at the fact that nothing has changed geopolitically even under the PMLN govt.